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Business Brochure Design - A Comprehensive Guide

A stunning business brochure is a combination of catchy graphics and compelling copy. In the blog, we will cover both the aspects and offer some useful tips to help you make the most of your brochure. Dive in @ https://webguruinfosystem.weebly.com/blog/business-brochure-design-a-comprehensive-guide

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Business Brochure Design - A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Business Brochure Design - A Comprehensive Guide Almost every business has a brochure (those who don’t should create one right away!). But how many of them grab people’s attention or get them to respond? A poorly designed brochure only frustrates people and evokes a negative impression about your business. Here are some effective tips to create a stunning business brochure. Such a brochure is a combination of catchy graphics and compelling copy. Today, we will cover both the aspects and offer some useful tips to improve them. HOW TO CREATE A BROCHURE THAT STANDS OUT

  2. #Outline Your Objective The first step is to identify the purpose of your brochure. Don’t create a brochure just because others are doing it. The objective of your brochure will be reflected in the entire design so this is a crucial part. Here are a few thoughts to ponder before designing a brochure: Who is your target audience? A brochure designed for a career counselling centre guiding the students will be very much different from that of a care home. What is the problem your product or service can resolve? Analyzing the pain points of your target audience is crucial for this part. How is your company different from others in the market? This is your brand USP. So pay minute attention to this. What are the achievements and Quality Standards of your company? Feature these on your brochure to earn trust. #Select the Right Design The design of your brochure will instruct the way you can organize the content. Therefore, before penning down the content or selecting the graphic, determine the design of the brochure. There are different types of brochures. Here are a few to get started: Half-Fold - Here, the folding creates two panels on either side, like a book. It has a relatively big front page. Tri-Fold - Also known as a letter fold, it has three panels on either side. The slightly shorter panel tucks into the fold of the other two panels. Open Gate Fold - It has one larger panel obscured by two comparatively shorter panels. These two act as a double-door opening. Z Fold - It is similar to the Letter Fold but instead of a single panel tucked inside, here, three panels are evenly folded in opposite directions. Accordion Fold - It is similar to the Z fold but it has four panels instead of three. There are many other types of brochures. Every brochure design company has expertise in various types of brochure designing. You can consult with the professionals to see what types of brochures they have to offer. #Start with the Headline The headline is one of the first elements to grab people’s attention. So ensure that it is catchy and evokes curiosity to dive deeper into the brochure content.

  3. Here are a few catchy headlines that will compel the visitors to check out the rest of the brochure: “Get the Job You Deserve” - consulting company “2-Week Tours in France - See a world that is both Old and New!” - travel agency “Find Commercial Spaces That Will Help Your Business Grow!” - real estate group You can also use power words like easy, quick, free, exclusive, etc. #Align Image with Brand Identity A brochure is an extension of your brand identity design. Therefore, it should reflect the aesthetics that you want to build around your brand. If you have a website, you can take an idea from the website design. For instance, Apple maintains a sleek minimalistic approach across their designs and marketing materials and their brochure is no exception. From colour scheme to design - everything should be according to your brand image. For instance, green is perfect for the brochure of an eco-friendly product company while yellow and black can suit that of a machine tool supplier. #Use Short Sentences A brochure is not a website. It has limited space and you should be as concise as possible. Use short sentence and paragraphs so that people can glance through them. Instead of putting a couple of paragraphs in a row, you can create a few subheads and provide the most relevant information. The use of bullets also breaks the monotony. Make sure to use easy language instead of technical jargons especially if you are operating in the B2C industry. While B2B business brochures can be a tad bit technical, B2C ones need to be written in a simple language. #Use High-Resolution Images A brochure with blurry, low resolution and jagged images has no place in today’s competitive market. Remember, image quality is crucial to grab people’s attention. Also, arrange the images in a visually appealing manner. You can add a personal touch by using your own headshot instead of a stock photo. The experts of brochure design services recommend maintaining adequate white space so that people can properly glance through the images and the texts. Too many loud colours or a busy design may be difficult for them to comprehend.

  4. #Include Something Exclusive to Enhance Your Brochure’s Usability A brochure talks about your business. Sure, but it should do more than that. Depending on the type of your business, you may include a map of a place marked with tourist attractions, state- level scholarships available for the students, a height & weight chart, and so on. This will increase your brochure’s usability and encourage people to preserve it. #Include Call-to-Actions The objective of a brochure is not only to inform but to persuade people to take an action. And it’s your responsibility to lead them to take the action. Here are a few examples of the actions you want people to take: Visit your store for an upcoming sale Enter a competition for a chance to win Call to book a free consultation Visit your site to sign up for a programme or make a purchase Scan QR code to download your app Your brochure can also contain an incentive (say, a promo code for a discount offer) to increase the response rate. #Use High-Quality Material A brochure creates your business impression. A flimsy and cheap quality brochure instantly turns away people and the brochure finds a place in the garbage bin. No matter how well the design and the copy is, you cannot compel people to check it out if the brochure is made of poor quality material. Therefore, use high-quality material that lifts the standard of your business. The texture and feel should offer a high-end impression to the people. Wrapping Up An effective brochure design is based on the AIDA model - Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Your brochure needs to grab people’s attention, generate interest to read further, evoke a desire to obtain the product or service, and take a specific action. While designing a brochure, make sure to create an eBrochure as well. These days, many business communications are conducted over digital media. If you have an eBrochure, you can share it online without any hassle.

  5. Following the above-mentioned steps will help you design a brochure that meets all of these criteria. Implement them and let us know how it turned out! Resource: https://webguruinfosystem.weebly.com/blog/business-brochure-design-a- comprehensive-guide …………………………………………………………………………………………… WebGuru Infosystems Y8, Block-EP, Sector V, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091, India Website: https://www.webguru-india.com/ Email: enquiry@webguru-india.com Phone: +91-8420197208 Follow us on:

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