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Semantic search has changed the way users look for information on a search engine. To more about the same and how it benefits the websites, click here : http://www.thearticlebuzz.com/how-can-semantic-search-for-seo-help-your-website
How Can Semantic Search For SEO Help Your Website? ‘Google is all about information. So the notion of using and presenting information in the right point at the right time to users is what, in essence, describes Google,’ Sunder Pichai. If you think SEO is all about the strategic placement of keywords in your content then it is time to gently remind you that times have changed. The change is about the way search engines look at ranking a content or answering a user’s query. The move has arisen in response to the way we use search engines to get our queries answered. If earlier, the search for information was guided more by using specific keywords, today, we seem to have gone beyond that. Now, we are more into semantic search wherein we put our search queries into a proper context. For example, instead of typing ‘hotels in Darjeeling’, we try to be more specific by typing ‘cheapest hotels in Darjeeling within Rs.1K’. Thus, you may notice that we are more into using long tail search queries with a hope to get precise information. Alternatively, our appetite to get more and precise information by typing a few words has grown as well.
The above mentioned trends have prompted search engines like Google to change the way they deliver information. In fact, they aim to become a provider of information based on ‘conversational search’ rather than ‘keyword search.’ Our changing search behaviour is shaped by the wide range of devices we use. So, while on the one hand, we use ‘texts’ to type our queries on PCs, laptops, mobiles or tablets, we use ‘voice’ to query on applications like Cortana, Siri, or Google Now as well. Thus, by taking note of our evolving search behaviour, Google and other search engines have updated their algorithm to make way for semantic search. What is semantic search? It is a search technique used by the search engine algorithm wherein the user’s intent and contextual meaning of the query is taken into account rather than the keywords. This search technique offers a more relevant information for the user and has come about after the arrival of Hummingbird, the 2013 update of Google’s algorithm. This update, as opposed to the earlier Panda or Penguin, totally changed the algorithm with an explicit aim to show results differently, that is, based on semantic search. With Hummingbird, Google has used ‘disambiguation’ to process words as concepts with various connotations rather than a single unit. To explain it further, let us type the word ‘Panda’ as the search query. Google interprets the word in many ways such as a bear found in China, a Google algorithm and an antivirus program. However, in doing so, Google ranks Panda the bear at the top of the SERP , for, according to Google, the animal existed before the other two and so, is considered more relevant to the user. Interestingly, the above interpretation is done at the behest of Hummingbird’s artificial intelligence (AI) component called RankBrain. Positive impact of Semantic SEO searches #1. Intuitive and easy search: In the fast paced lives of ours where the demand for precise information is increasing by the day, a semantic search produces instant and precise information with a minimum (and appropriate) use of words. This is in sharp contrast to the earlier times when you probably had to use many search variations to get the intended result. This saves time for sure and if time corresponds to money, then the latter as well. #2 Building links: The optimization of websites has received a shot in the arm with semantic search. The focus has shifted to creating quality content rather than a run of the mill job to get backlinks from other websites/blogs. With the advent of semantic search, the backlinks will only work in your favour if you have created a quality content that solves user queries to a great extent and offers value addition. As optimising your website for semantic search can be quite a complex job to sustain on a long term basis, engaging a professional SEO company would be a good idea.
#3 Creating content: Unlike in earlier times, creating a content around keywords will no longer be of help as far as getting a higher ranking on SERPs is concerned. The focus of content developers should be more on the relevance of the content to the title or subject. For example, when you are writing about a product or service of your brand it is better to compare the same with your competitors to help users gain a comprehensive view of the product and the market. Thus, semantic search for SEO helps content developers to get their work the top billing on SERPs provided they are of top notch quality. #4 Flexibility in writing: To further add to the earlier point, semantic search has given content developers a lot more flexibility. It is no longer about pushing exact match keywords in the content alone but using alternative words or synonyms as well. This makes the content appear organic, genuine, creative, unique and yes, useful to the user. This approach is a win-win situation for both content developers and users, for the former will have a better understanding of the users’ queries and create relevant content. The user, on the other hand, will enjoy a better browsing experience by getting the relevant content easily. Conclusion Semantic search is focused more on improving the user experience by creating quality content and other techniques. This calls for optimizing your website for semantic search in order to offer a better user experience and get better rankings on SERPs. If your website is not getting the adequate number of user traffic, it is time you optimized it from the top SEO agency. You can read the full content: http://www.thearticlebuzz.com/howcansemantic searchforseohelpyourwebsite/ WebGuru Infosystems Email ID: enquiry@webguruindia.com Phone No.: +913340200844 Mobile No.: +918420197208 Visit Us: https://www.webguruindia.com Stay Connected Via: https://www.facebook.com/webguruinfosystems https://www.linkedin.com/company/webguruinfosystemspvtltd https://twitter.com/webgurutweet http://pinterest.com/webguruindia https://instagram.com/webguruinfosystems