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  1. How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan Launch Funnel for High Ticket Sales & Lead Generation   http://digitalinfluence.com.au/the-launch-funnel-high-ticket-sales-funnel-3/ Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoUelCNJFJc&t=5s See more High Ticket Sales Funnels http://howtogetclientsonline.com/      

  2. Dallas  McMillan:   High  Ticket  Sales  Funnels  #3,  the  Launch  Funnel.  Hi,  I'm  Dallas  McMillan.  This  is  part   of  my  high  ticket  sales  training  for  coaches,  consultants  and  professional  firms.  I   run  a  digital  marketing  agency  called  Influential  where  we  help  professional   services  firms  to  attract  high  value  clients  using  online  marketing  and  sales  funnels.   This  material  comes  from  my  book  on  high  ticket  sales  funnels  for  coaches  and   consultants.  You  can  download  a  free  copy  by  clicking  on  it  below  or  by  googling   high  ticket  sales.     In  the  book,  I  cover  the  three  top  performing  high  ticket  sales  funnels.  They  are  the   client  funnel,  the  webinar  funnel  and  the  launch  funnel.  Each  of  these  funnels  has   the  potential  to  dramatically  grow  the  sales  revenue  and  profits  in  your  business.  In   a  sales  funnel,  we  take  people  through  a  series  of  steps  to  increasingly  qualify  them   to  work  with  us.  From  our  perspective,  we  see  the  customer  as  being  a  suspect,   someone  we  could  work  with,  a  prospect,  then  a  lead,  then  an  opportunity  whose   ready  to  buy  and  then  finally  a  customer  whose  bought,  driving  revenue  into  our   business.     From  the  client's  perspective,  they  need  to  learn  to  know,  like  and  trust  us  before   they're  willing  to  try  and  buy  our  services  so  they're  going  through  their  own   process  as  well  and  the  sales  funnel  needs  to  be  built  to  support  their  buying   process.  Let's  go  into  detail  on  the  launch  funnel.  Now  this  is  the  more  complex  of   the  three.  In  the  launch  funnel,  we  start  off  just  like  the  others  by  running  some   sort  of  add  or  promotion  to  get  our  message  in  front  of  a  lot  of  people  and  get   them  to  come  to  a  landing  page.     Generally  we'll  offer  some  sort  of  lead  magnet  like  a  free  eBook  or  report  or  a  cheat   sheet  that  they  can  download  that's  going  to  get  them  quick  results.  That  makes  it   much  more  likely  for  them  to  click  on  than  if  we  make  a  more  complex  offer.  They   see  the  ad,  they  click  on  the  ad  and  then  go  through  to  a  landing  page  where  they   enter  their  name  and  email  address  to  download  the  gift  that  we've  promised   them.  After  they  download  the  gift,  we  take  them  to  a  video  series  and  we  say,   "Thanks  for  downloading  the  gift.  Let  me  tell  you  more  about  how  to  implement   this  in  your  business."     We  add  more  value  in  the  form  of  video  training  as  well  as  giving  them  the   opportunity  to  download  the  gift.  Then  they  can't  necessarily  watch  the  whole   videos  training  in  one  hit,  they  need  to  come  back  the  next  day.  This  starts  setting   up  an  expectation  of  an  ongoing  relationship.  Relationships  or  interactions  have  a   time.  If  they're  expecting  to  get  an  email  from  you,  then  you  send  the  email,  that   helps  reinforce  more  trust  as  to  your  liability  and  credibility.     By  the  end  of  the  video  series,  they're  hungry  for  the  offer.  You  might  be  sending   out  an  email  with  the  next  video  every  couple  of  days.  By  the  end,  the  ones  who   are  still  engaged  are  really  interested  and  they're  willing  to  buy  straight  online  or  to   go  to  a  strategy  call  and  purchase  there.  We  take  them  through  the  series  of  videos   before  making  an  offer  for  a  product  that  we  either  sell  online  or  via  a  strategy  call.   Now  the  benefits  of  the  launch  funnel  is  that  it  builds  a  trusting  relationship  with             The Launch Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnels #3 Page 2 of 3

  3. relatively  cold  traffic  because  you  have  these  multiple  opportunities  to  speak  to   them.     It  also  builds  desire  and  value  through  education  and  helps  you  develop  an   authority,  in  demand  status  because  they're  having  to  wait  to  work  with  you.  The   limitations  of  the  launch  funnel  is  that  it's  more  complex  to  design,  build  and   execute  than  the  other  funnels.  You  need  very  strong  sales  copy  and  videos  to   make  a  really  positive  impact  because  you  need  to  maintain  their  attention  over   multiple  days.  With  really  high  ticket  products,  you'll  still  need  to  close  people  on   the  phone.  It  doesn't  necessarily  avoid  having  to  close  people  one  to  one.     To  get  more  information  on  these  three  sales  funnels,  download  my  book  High   Ticket  Sales  Funnels  for  Coaches  and  Consultants.  Just  click  on  the  link  below  or   Google  it  online.  If  you're  ready  to  implement  high  ticket  sales  in  your  business,  you   can  book  a  free  strategy  call  with  me.  You'll  need  to  reply  and  if  I  see  you  as  a  good   match,  then  we  can  have  a  talk  about  how  this  could  work  in  your  business.  To   book,  go  to  influential.com.au/high-­‐ticket-­‐sales.  Great  talking  to  you,  look  forward   to  seeing  you  on  a  strategy  call  or  in  future  videos.  Thanks.  I'm  Dallas  from   Influential.  I'll  see  you  next  time.             The Launch Funnel - High Ticket Sales Funnels #3 Page 3 of 3

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