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This is a slide show presentation by a student studying forensics.

This is a slide show presentation by a student studying forensics. The topic is about serial killers. It is very Interesting and all of the information is true. I have heavily edited and deleted the graphic and disturbing photos and information. However, parents may want to preview this first.

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This is a slide show presentation by a student studying forensics.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. This is a slide show presentation by a student studying forensics. The topic is about serial killers. It is very Interesting and all of the information is true. I have heavily edited and deleted the graphic and disturbing photos and information. However, parents may want to preview this first. Mrs. Bowman

  2. What trait do these men share?

  3. They are all Serial Killers Presentation by Shannon Griffin

  4. What Exactly is a Serial Killer? A serial killer is not the same as a mass murderer

  5. These are the differences between a mass murderer and a serial killer. Mass Murderer: Multiple Victims Victims wrong place / time Usually single crime scene Single Episode No specific methodology involved Serial Killer: Multiple Victims Victims carefully selected Several crime scenes Several episodes Very specific methodology

  6. Victim List of Subject # 1

  7. Victim List of Subject # 1 1) Anna Slesers (55) Died 14th June 1962 2) Mary Mullen (85) Died 28th June 1962 3) Nina Nichols (68) Died 30th June 1962 4) Helen Blake (65) Died 30th June 1962 5) Ida Irga (75) Died 19th August 1962 6) Jane Sullivan (67) Died 20th August 1962 7) Sophie Clark (20) Died 5th December 1962 8) Patricia Bissette (23) Died 31st December 1962 9) Mary Brown (69) Died 9th March 1963 10) Beverley Samans (23) Died 6th May 1963 11) Evelyn Corbin (58) Died 8th September 1963 12) Joann Graff (23) Died 23rd November 1963 13) Mary Sullivan (19) Died 4th January 1964

  8. Modus Operandi of Subject # 1 • Victims all female • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in their own apartments • No forced entry • Victims all raped • Bodies left in obscene positions • Strangled, usually with their own silk stockings • Tied stockings in a bow under their chin • He terrorized Boston for 18 months

  9. Personality # 1, Albert De Salvo Born in 1931, Died at 42 in 1973 Av height, Lg build Married with 2 children Various employment: Army, rubber factory, shipyard, construction Described as: loving husband, devoted father, mild mannered, decent, neat and well liked by most

  10. Personality # 2, The Boston Strangler The Measurer, The Green Man Various minor crimes Abusive father 13 victims as the Boston strangler Rumored 300+ victims as The Measurer and The Green Man Paranoid schizophrenic Cold blooded killer, remorseless

  11. Outcome While in custody for rape and breaking and entering, he confessed to also being the Boston strangler, and murdering 13 women. His wife took his two children to her homeland of Germany at the urging of his lawyer. He was never tried as the Boston strangler, but was given sentences for his rape and burglary charges that would ensure he spent the rest of his life in custody. Six years into those sentences he was stabbed while in the infirmary and found dead the next morning.

  12. Victim List of Subject # 2

  13. Victim List of Subject # 2 1) Steven Hicks June, 1978 2) Steven Tuomi Sept, 1987 3) James Doxtator January, 1988 4) Richard Guerrero March, 1988 5) Anthony Sears March, 1989 6) Edward Smith     June, 1990 7) Raymond Smith July, 1990 8) Ricky Lee Beeks   July, 1990   9) Ernest Miller    Sept., 1990 10) David Thomas   Sept., 1990 11) Curtis Straughter  Feb., 1991 12) Errol Lindsey   April, 1991 13) Anthony Hughes  May 24, 1991 14) Konerak Sinthasomphone  May 27, 1991 15) Matt Turner  June 30, 1991 16) Jeremiah Weinberger  July 5, 1991 17) Oliver Lacey  July 12, 1991 18) Joseph Bradehoft  July 19, 1991

  14. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home

  15. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home • All were homosexual

  16. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home • All were homosexual • Victims all raped

  17. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home • All were homosexual • Victims all raped • Victims were lured to his home for intimate contact

  18. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home • All were homosexual • Victims all raped • Victims were lured to his home for intimate contact • Once there victims were drugged and tortured

  19. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home • All were homosexual • Victims all raped • Victims were lured to his home for intimate contact • Once there victims were drugged and tortured • Bodies were dismembered

  20. Modus Operandi of Subject # 2 • Victims all male • Age / race not consistent • Murdered in killers home • All were homosexual • Victims all raped • Victims were lured to his home for intimate contact • Once there victims were drugged and tortured • Bodies were dismembered • Some body parts were eaten by the killer

  21. Personality # 2, Milwaukee Monster Various arrests for assault Devoted parents, happy home life 18 victims confirmed, many more suspected Started unusual fascination with death as a small child Necrophiliac, cannibal, “experimental neurosurgeon” Cold blooded killer, remorseless

  22. Outcome One of his victims escaped and a neighbor called the police, who believed Dahmers’ story of the boy being his lover and released the boy to Dahmers’ custody and his death. A final victim was lucky enough to escape and this time the police took notice. He admitted to the murders and detailed his brutality. He plead guilty and insane but the jury found him guilty and sane, while he was in prison one inmate tried to slash Dahmers’ throat unsuccessfully, the next attack (with an iron bar) was successful in smashing Dahmers’ scull and killing him.

  23. Victim List of Subject # 3

  24. Victim List of Subject # 3 • 1) Lonnie Trumbull, 23/6/66 2) Donna Manson, 12/3/74 • 3) Susan Elaine Rancourt, 17/4/74 4) Kathy Parks, 6/5/74 • 5) Brenda Baker, 25/5/74 6) Brenda Ball, 1/6/74 • 7) Georgeann Hawkins, 11/ 6/74 8) Janice Ott, 14/7/74 • 9) Denise Naslund, 14/7/74 10) Jane Doe, 2/9/74 • 11) Nancy Wilcox, 2/10/74 12) Melissa Smith, 10/18/74 • 13) Laura Aimee, 31/10/74 14) Debbie Kent, 8/11/74 • 15) Caryn Campbell, 1/12/75 16) Julie Cunningham, 15/3/75 • 17) Denise Oliverson, 4/6/75 18) Melanie Cooley, 15/4/75 • 19) Lynette Culver, 5/6/75 20) Susan Curtis, 28/6/75 • 21) Shelley Robertson, 1/7/75 22) Nancy Baird, 4/ 7/75 • 23) Debbie Smith, ?/2/76 24) Lisa Levy, 15/1/78 • Margaret Bowman, 15/1/78 26) Kimberly Ann Leach, 9/2/78 • Several other victims survived, the actual number is unknown

  25. Modus Operandi of Subject # 3 • All victims were female • All victims were white and single • All victims were young (late teens) • All had long dark hair, parted in the middle and looked similar • Usually abducted and found some time later • All victims were seen talking to a man wearing a cast or sling shortly before their disappearance • Abducted in the evening • Severely beaten about the head • Dumped in woodland

  26. Personality # 1, Ted Bundy Born 1946, executed 1989, aged 43 Loving (church going) family Married (in jail) College graduate, law student, politically ambitious, rape counselor. Respected and admired by (most) who met him. Popular with women, generally considered to be a nice guy. Served on crime prevention committees Performed community service regularly

  27. Personality # 2, Lady Killer Chose victims who looked like his ex girlfriend. Crimes spanned four states Escaped from jail to resume his killing spree Protested his innocence until he was sentenced to death, when he showed remorse.

  28. Outcome Bundy managed to escape detection by pure fluke several times before finally being caught for attempted kidnapping. His previous flukes were due to his reputation as an upstanding citizen, and his charm. After he was imprisoned for kidnapping, while awaiting extradition to face other charges he escaped and went on a further killing spree. This time he was seen trying to abduct a school girl, a few days later he was arrested again and sentenced to death. Hours before his execution he gave an interview, where he accepted responsibility for his crimes and wished to inform the public of the encouragement he had from pornographic material, saying it was an addiction that he constantly needed harder and more until he finally acted his fantasies out.

  29. In Summary… This lecture has shown that no one is safe from serial killers, however, thankfully they are rare. They target either young or old, or both. They target men, women, boys and girls. They do not have any identifying features. They do not look like they are serial killers. Quite often they are respected members of the community. In the words of Ted Bundy: we are your husbands, your fathers, your sons, your mothers, your daughters. The truth is that we only know people as well as they want us to know them.

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