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Kevin Connolly Slides. Measuring Range of Backwards going Cosmics ; . BACKWARDS GOING COSMIC STOPS In the P0D. The TPC1 measures the m momentum entering the P0D.
Kevin Connolly Slides Measuring Range of Backwards going Cosmics; BACKWARDS GOING COSMIC STOPS In the P0D. The TPC1 measures the m momentum entering the P0D. We can compare the g/cm2 of the stopping m in data & MC particle gun. If the e-loss & materials are correct, we should get the same range at same P!! PTPC1
Kevin Connolly Slides Data w/water Data w/o water RANGE in g/cm2 in P0D versus the TPC1 momentum RANGE TPC1 momentum Comparison of Range of Stopping muons in data w/ Water and w/o Water SHOWs good agreement RANGE TPC1 momentum
Kevin Connolly Slides COMPARISON BETWEEN DATA AND MC For the same TPC momentum, the data range is SHORTER than the Monte Carlo particle gun. It is unknown why this is happening. The materials list in the MC is slightly off (wrong Brass thickness) but not this much. Perhaps we have some pions in the backwards cosmics (cosmic rays tables have 1-2%)?? Still checking!