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Physics-160 SECTION 001

Dive into the fundamental laws and theories governing our universe with hands-on activities and guided discussions in this physics course. Explore topics such as electricity, motion, light, waves, temperature, magnetism, and celestial bodies like the Sun and Moon. Understand the importance of scientific literacy for future teaching endeavors and engage in lab experiments to apply theoretical knowledge. Stay organized with course materials and participate actively to enhance learning outcomes. Visit the MacAdam Student Observatory for an enriching experience. Embrace challenges and seek help whenever needed to excel in understanding physics concepts effectively.

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Physics-160 SECTION 001

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  1. Physics-160 SECTION 001 Physics and Astronomy for Elementary School Teachers 3 credit hours MWF 9am - 10:50am Dr. Robert Fersch (instructor) Prof. Joseph Straley (developer of curriculum; observer) Brian Ray (lab/teaching assistant)

  2. What exactly is physics? Physics consists of “laws” and “theories” that describe and predict the behavior of the universe around us COURSE DESCRIPTION: What is this course? This course is a survey of the concepts of physics through hands-on activities and guided group discussion

  3. TOPICS: ELECTRICITY How does electricity travel? Series and Parallel Circuits Voltage, Current and Power

  4. TOPICS: MOTION (MECHANICS) Velocity and acceleration Weight and mass Force, work, energy, power Friction Gravity Potential and kinetic energy

  5. TOPICS: LIGHT AND WAVES Wavelength and frequency Reflection and refraction Shadows Image formation Lenses and mirrors

  6. TOPICS: TEMPERATURE (THERMAL ENERGY) Heat and temperature How does heat travel? Heat as a form of energy

  7. MAGNETISM TOPICS: Magnetic fields Magnetic forces Relationship between electricity and magnetism

  8. TOPICS: THE SUN AND MOON *(throughout semester) Causes of seasons Phases of the moon Rotation Gravity and Orbits Your group will be assigned segments of 2-3 days to observe the moon, record data and report back to the class Visit to MacAdam Student Observatory ?? (may be required)

  9. WHY IS THIS CLASS IMPORTANT? One day (soon!) you will be in a classroom teaching physical science - you need the knowledge! You need ideas and activities to make physics interesting to future students (you might inspire a future scientist or engineer or electrician or architect or astronomer or ....) SCIENTIFIC LITERACY - elementary & middle school teachers need to be well-rounded (your students’ future interests are not known yet!)

  10. LABORATORY: - Lab groups of 4 (where possible); shifted after each exam - CHECKS (✓) required occasionally - Last (yellow) lab page handed in (1 per group) - SAFETY IS ESSENTIAL (please read) ATTENDANCE: - Attendance is mandatory (your group depends on you!) - ALL missed class sessions MUST be made up - READ ATTENDANCE POLICY IN SYLLABUS

  11. GRADING: COURSE EVALUATION: mandatory, worth 1 lab discussion grade (see syllabus) 10% : CLOSED BOOK quizzes each Wed. 30% : Lab discussion questions, homework, moon observations, etc. 40% : OPEN BOOK tests (4 total) 20% : OPEN BOOK final exam COURSE MATERIAL: - 3-ring Notebook - Simple calculator - Your ENTHUSIASTIC MIND!

  12. OTHER CONCERNS & DETAILS: - Disability Resource Center available - Academic Integrity (be aware of your rights and responsibilities) - TENTATIVE schedule is on the last page of syllabus; this is subject to change class presentation materials will be available at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~fersch/

  13. NEVER BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP! Concepts of Physics can be VERY difficult - be PATIENT Never say “I’m too dumb to do this”, even in jest Don’t rush through lab exercises; use the full class period! Answer all lab questions in complete sentences, show your work, and express your answers clearly.

  14. TODAY’S OUTCOMES: - Review Syllabus and Course Objectives ✓ - Observation of the Sun and drawing of a sun diagram(SUN AND MOON) - Familiarity with elements of basic circuits and understanding of what is needed to make an electric current (ELECTRICITY)

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