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Sell My House to Pay Off Debts - PDF

For getting my equity at closing I just need one buyer. It would be great if I get a cash buyer that will help me quickly closing also. But this plan to sell my house for paying off my debts has time constraints and this is the reason I need an easy and quick home deal immediately. My goal is to find a cash buyer without listing with a real estate agent.

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Sell My House to Pay Off Debts - PDF

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  1. Sell My House to Pay Off Debts If you want to sell your house fast for cash, then contact the team of We Pay Fast via phone(1–800–937–2932) or email(info@wepayfast.com). www.wepayfast.com

  2. It seems like I must sell my house to pay off my debts. There is no mortgage against it because I inherited it. At this point, there is one thing that is turning out to be a blessing for me is that I own my house for free and clear. Though there is another option of bankruptcy, that will harm my credit in the longer run. If I will pay off my debts it will make me clean and then I can start again financially. Sell Your House Fast For Cash What can I do to sell my house? For getting my equity at closing I just need one buyer. It would be great if I get a cash buyer that will help me quickly close also. But this plan to sell my house for paying off my debts has time constraints and this is the reason I need an easy and quick home deal immediately. My goal is to find a cash buyer without listing with a real estate agent. There will be no need to apply for a mortgage loan if there is a cash buyer and this is the most time-consuming part of any traditional home sale deal. The approval of any mortgage loan can take up to six weeks or more from the application time. When the buyer already has cash for closing the sale deal, then the home sale takes much less time. C a l l u s t o d a y ! L e o K i n g s t o n : ( 4 0 5 ) 4 1 7 - 5 5 0 0 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 3 7 - 2 9 3 2 Sell your house to We Pay Fast We Pay Fast is a cash buyer that buys all types of properties such as duplexes, apartments, and single-family homes. They are the team of real estate investors that pay in cash and close fast. So to sell my house for cash I will contact We Pay Fast. I will call them to talk to their investor and if we both agree on the phone, then they will send my documents via email for signing. I will also know how much money I am going to get at closing which can be expected within a week or ten days from signing. All these seem like a dream come true for me. i n f o @ w e p a y f a s t . c o m w w w . w e p a y f a s t . c o m

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