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AB 86: Adult Education Consortia Planning 2013-2015 11-8-13 Webinar Series http://ab86.cccco.edu. $25 Million Statewide for 2 Year Planning AB 86, Section 76, Article 3.
AB 86: Adult Education Consortia Planning 2013-201511-8-13Webinar Serieshttp://ab86.cccco.edu
$25 Million Statewide for 2 Year PlanningAB 86, Section 76, Article 3 • The CC Chancellor and CDE Superintendent will jointly provide 2-year planning and implementation grants to regional consortia of community college districts and school districts for the purpose of developing regional plans to better serve the educational needs of adults. • Consortium shall consist of: • School district – required. • Community college district – required. • Consortia may include other adult education providers. • Consortium determines fiscal agent. AB 86 Informational Webinar
Regional Consortia Grant Funds • The consortia will use funding to develop regional plans for adult education in: 1. Elementary and basic skills; classes required for HSD or equivalency certificate; 2. Classes for immigrants: ESL, citizenship, and workforce preparation; 3. Programs for adults with disabilities; 4. Short term CTE programs with high employment potential; and 5. Programs for apprentices. AB 86 Informational Webinar
Components of Regional Consortia Plans A Regional Consortia Plan must include: • Evaluation of existing AE programs. • Evaluation of AE needs. • Plans to integrate programs. • Plans to address the gaps. • Plans to accelerate a student’s progress. • Plans to collaborate on provision of professional development. • Plans to leverage existing regional structures. AB 86 Informational Webinar 4
Looking Forward • Reports to be submitted to the legislature by the CC Chancellor and CDE Superintendent: • March, 2014: • Status of developing regional consortia. • Status and allocation of grant awards. • March, 2015: • Status of plans developed by regional consortia. • Recommendations for additional improvements. • Intent of Legislature is to work toward: • Developing common policies on fees and funding structures. • Providing additional funding in 2015-16. AB 86 Informational Webinar 5
Current Work • Website –http://ab86.cccco.edu • Survey of Interest • Stakeholder Sounding Board • Expert Panel • State Reports • FAQs on website • RFA to be released in December (Not Competitive) • Weekly Webinar Series – Fridays at noon • Town Hall Meetings – October 28th, 29th, 30ieth, and 31st AB 86 Informational Webinar 6
Town Hall Meetings Southern California MeetingMonday, October 28, 2013Hacienda La Puente Adult Education 14101 E Nelson AveLa Puente, CA 91746 Central Valley MeetingTuesday, October 29, 2013 State Center CCD390 W. Fir Avenue Clovis, CA 93611 Bay Area MeetingWednesday, October 30, 2013Mc Clymonds Educational Complex2607 Myrtle StreetOakland, CA 94607 Northern California MeetingThursday, October 31, 2013Butte Community College3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville, CA 95965 AB 86 Informational Webinar
Questions for Town Hall Participants • How do you envision the makeup of your consortium in this area? • What are some of the specific challenges with collaborating for the development of a regional consortia? • This is a non competitive grant process. What are your suggestions on how these planning funds could be distributed? • AB86 provides an opportunity to re-envision, rethink, and reshape the service delivery model for adult education. How do you believe adult learners can be better served as a result of the development of local consortia? AB 86 Informational Webinar
What We Heard • “Consortia” can mean many different things. • People are meeting and planning. • Many partners will be involved. • Workforce and economy is important. • California is diverse – implications for planning. • Challenges – logistics, history, culture, misalignment of systems. • Data systems • Funding needs to be equitable. • Students will be better served. • Misinformation AB 86 Informational Webinar
Frequently Asked Questions How can someone apply to be a part of the Stakeholder Sounding Board? • Organizations whose members formally represent organizations relevant to the five identified areas of Adult Education addressed by AB86 are invited to select a representative to participate on the Stakeholder Sounding Board (SSB). The AB86 Cabinet and Work Group are committed to ensuring an inclusive and transparent process to listen to and inform the field throughout the development of the RFA. • Please submit a participation request formthrough the AB86 website in order to appoint a representative from your organization. • Members of the SSB may be contacted, as needed, to provide structured feedback to specific questions or portions of draft documents. • Please note: individuals not formally representing an organization are invited to provide feedback using the AB86 Inbox. AB 86 Informational Webinar
Would you please let me know what are the criteria and how I can serve as one of the expert panelists? • Expert Panelists will be invited to participate by members of the Work Group and Cabinet. • Expert Panelists will not be directly connected to or associated with either delivery system, school district or community college district, but rather have some deeper knowledge or important perspective to help in the development of the RFA . AB 86 Informational Webinar
What is the purpose of the Survey of Interest? If we didn’t submit a response, are we disqualified from submitting an application in response to the RFA? • The purpose of the SOI is two fold. • To provided information from the local educational agencies (K12 Districts/Adult Education and Community College Districts/Adult Education) that will help inform the development of the RFA. • To encourage the initiation of further development of local collaborative efforts with all potential partners. • A response to the SOI was NOT required to be eligible to submit an application in response to the RFA. AB 86 Informational Webinar
I heard last spring that the community college district will “contract” with adult schools with funding that flows through the regional consortia. Is this how funding will work? • As stated in AB86, either an adult school or community college may serve as a consortium’s fiscal agent, as determined by the applicant consortium. • The local consortia will determine how the funds for planning will flow to the partners in the local consortia. • At this point AB86 only addresses the planning process. AB 86 Informational Webinar
We have multiple school districts within my Community College District. Do we need to include all of them in my consortia? • AB86 requires at least one CC district and at least one K-12 school district. • However, the clear intent of the language is that consortia will collaborate in planning not only with all interested districts within the boundaries of the CC district but also with other partners including, but not limited to, other publicly-funded entities, correctional facilities, and community-based organizations. AB 86 Informational Webinar
If a community college had the only adult ed. program within the college's boundary would they still have to consort with a K-12 district even if that district does not have an adult ed. program? • The law states that there must be at least one community college district and at least one school district. • Note that the work of regional planning to meet the needs of adult learners is best informed by many partners, including those who might not provide the core coursework. Partner districts, whether or not they are the primary providers of adult education, provide expertise and perspective beyond course offerings. AB 86 Informational Webinar
I had understood that the original intent of the governor’s legislation was to have one system for adult education in California. Will the Community College and CDE Adult Education systems be merged? • The language of AB86 provides planning funds for adult education delivery through regional consortia. The intention of AB86 is that the two delivery systems remain as separate entities and through consortia, integrate programs, create linkages, and develop regional plans to better serve the educational needs of adults. AB 86 Informational Webinar
My understanding is that while consortia are rewarded, they are not required. Is that right? • AB86 is clear that consortia are required to qualify for the planning grants. A consortium must have at least one community college district and one K-12 district within the boundaries of the community college district. AB 86 Informational Webinar
As we prepare to work with other agencies in our consortium, like library literacy programs, will there be changes to their funding from the California State Library? • AB86 does not address funding for other agencies. There is no indication that these would change. AB 86 Informational Webinar
Will our federal WIA Title II funding be affected by the consortium? • No, WIA Title II funding is from a Federal grant and follows its own guidelines. It is outside the scope of AB 86 which is a State of California Assembly Bill. AB 86 Informational Webinar
How will the funding amounts be determined? • The formula has not yet been determined. During the Town Hall meetings the Work Group asked, “What are your suggestions on how these planning funds could be distributed?” If you have a suggestion, please submit it via the AB 86 website. • ab86@cccco.edu AB 86 Informational Webinar
How Do I Get Involved? • Weekly Webinar Series • Stakeholder Sounding Board • Sign up for More on AB 86 eNewsletter • Email feedback/questions – ab86@cccco.edu • Refer to the Website – http://ab86.cccco.edu AB 86 Informational Webinar 21
Questions, Ideas, and Comments • Click here to email us at ab86@cccco.edu • Click here to access the AB 86 website http://ab86.cccco.edu AB 86 Informational Webinar