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O tters

O tters. By: Carissa. I. Introduction Otters are great swimmers. Their webbed feet help them swim. They can go 5.5 miles and stay under water for 6 minutes!. Habitat Otters are mostly found i n rivers, streams, and t hough not often, lakes. They are found on every

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O tters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Otters By: Carissa

  2. I Introduction Otters are great swimmers. Their webbed feet help them swim. They can go 5.5 miles and stay under water for 6 minutes!

  3. Habitat Otters are mostly found in rivers, streams, and though not often, lakes. They are found on every Continent except Antarctica and Austrailia. They’re mostly found in South America.

  4. Physical Description Otters have a brown sort of fur. They are water mammals. They are warm blooded. They can weigh 10 to 30 pounds and 3 to 4 ½ feet long.

  5. Diet Oh no! Where’d all my food go!?1 The otter is a carnivore. They eat on their backs floating on the water. They eat fish and crabs! Some sea food!

  6. Behavioral Characteristics Otters like to play and have fun. They also like swimming a lot.

  7. Interesting Facts A otter’s family could Be known as: romp, bevy, lodge, family raft, or holt. They Live with 2-20 but usally 3-8 otters.

  8. Babies Otters can have 1 to 5 babies at a time. Baby otters are also known as cubs or pups.

  9. Summary In all, otters are loveable and cute creatures. They are my second favorite animal.

  10. Sources World Book Kids, River Otter Facts, and Otter.

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