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Civil Discussions on Contemporary Issues

A platform promoting respectful dialogue, intergenerational learning, and community engagement through civil discussions on contemporary issues. Delve into deliberative democracy and embrace diverse viewpoints in a constructive setting. Join us for productive discussions!

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Civil Discussions on Contemporary Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Civil Discussions on Contemporary Issues

  2. Your Presenters Rev. R Gregg Kaufman Instructor/Volunteer University of North Florida Jeanette Toohey Director University of North Florida Julie Mitchell Executive Director University of Dayton

  3. OLLIs By The Numbers (2016-2017)

  4. Civil Discussions onContemporary Issues • Productively embracing diverse perspectives • Through the National Issues Forums Institute (NIFI) • Platform for Respectful Dialogue • Resource for Civil Discussion • Promotes • Intergenerational Learning • Community Engagement

  5. Today’s Mini-Forum

  6. Ground Rules • Focus on the options. • All options should be considered fairly • No one or two individuals should dominate. • Maintain an open and respectful atmosphere. • Disagree out of curiosity, not animosity. • Everyone is encouraged to participate. • Listen to understand each other.

  7. Timeline for today’s session • Mini-forum (45 minutes) Personal stake (4 minutes) Option 1 (12 minutes) Option 2 (12 minutes) Option 3 (12 minutes) Reflection (5 minutes) OLLI Deliberative Democracy Programs University of Dayton University of North Florida

  8. Deliberate

  9. Reflection, Reactions, Comments?

  10. What do we mean by deliberation? Why is it important? • Not a debate or simply a discussion • Considers advantages AND trade-offs for each option • Asks people to recognize that every action will have a down side, forces people to consider which of the trade-offs they are willing to accept • Explores what people hold valuable (“what SHOULD we do about this?” not just “what is the solution to this problem?”)

  11. A CONVENERSomeone who brings people together to talk Who are the key players? A MODERATORResponsible for getting people to weigh choices and listen to each other PARTICIPANTSThe real drivers of deliberative forums A RECORDERRecords key themes , concerns, andquestions

  12. University of Dayton

  13. University of North Florida

  14. The Deliberative Democracy Journey in Jacksonville, FL St John’s Cathedral Civil Discourse Series 2015 1st OLLI DD Course 2015 Health Care, End of Life, Political Fix, etc. OLLI Moderator Training Course UNF Hicks Honors College 2016 2017 NIFI National Issue Safety & Justice: How Should Communities Reduce Violence? Annual Immigration forums OLLI, UNF, Faith Communities, Florida Honors College Annual Conference, & Community Forums 14 forums, 200+ participants How Should We Convey the History of Jacksonville? Monuments, Parks & People 16 forums, 200+ participants 2018 NIFI National Issue Coming to America 5 forums, 80 people National Recognition – NIFI, NCDD, Kettering Foundation, National OLLI

  15. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice”

  16. What will it take to expand the Deliberative Democracy modelthroughout the OLLI network?

  17. Deliberative Democracy Resources www.kettering.org

  18. Thank You!Jeanette TooheyDirectorUniversity of North FloridaRev. R Gregg KaufmanInstructor/Volunteer University of North Florida Julie MitchellExecutive DirectorUniversity of Dayton

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