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The Natural Approach

The Natural Approach. Introduction. ** The term NA was developed by Tracy Terrl and Stephen Krashen in 1977 ** NA is a method of foreign Lg. teaching which aims to apply the principles of natural lg acquisition into classroom

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The Natural Approach

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Natural Approach Introduction

  2. **The term NA was developed by Tracy Terrl and Stephen Krashen in 1977 **NA is a method of foreign Lg. teaching which aims to apply the principles of natural lg acquisition into classroom **NA means in which lg. is acquired unconsciously by the children through fluent communicative interactions with the parents in childhood and later with teacher

  3. Second Language Acquisition Theory (SLAT) *SLAT discusses how and by what processes individuals acquire a second lg *There are 5 hypothesis : 1-The acquisition learning (the acquired system & the learned system ) 2-The monitor hypothesis 3-The natural order 4-The input hypothesis 5-The effective filter (motivation – self-confidence & anxiety)

  4. The Purpose **NA is designed to develop basic communication skills [oral &written] **It focus on speaking & listening more than reading& writing skills

  5. Features of NA **NA focus on presenting comprehensible input and meaningful in the target lg. **Learners at first only listen and they are not required to say anything until they feel ready to speak without worrying **Classroom activities focus on developing communication skills **Learner’s first lg. is not used in the classroom

  6. The stages in NA 1-Pre-production(developing listening skills) 2-Early production (Ss struggle with the lg.) 3-Extending production (Ss involve themselves in role play & games and promoting fluency through a variety of more challenging activities

  7. Teacher & Learner Roles Teacher Roles **The teacher is the primary source of comprehensible input in the target lg. **The teacher must create a comfortable classroom to make Ss learn effectively.

  8. Learner Roles **Take an active role in ensuring comprehensible input. **Decide when to start producing speech & when upgrade it .

  9. Advantages of NA *An effective way in creating learners to be competent in using the target lg communicatively.

  10. Disadvantages • Time-wasting • Not all teachers are proficient enough in the foreign lg.

  11. NA & TPR NA shares TPR in : • The importance of comprehensible input . • Promoting positive effect in the learning process . ( Fun , Memorable )

  12. NA & DM NA shares DM in : • The native language is not allowed . • Focus on communication skills .

  13. Thanks for your listening

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