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Membrane Separations in Environmental Engineering: Advances and Applications

Explore the growing use of membrane technology in environmental engineering, highlighted by a new microfiltration plant in South Carolina. Detailed insights on hollow fiber membranes, SEM images, and innovative solutions like super-fine powdered activated carbon integration.

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Membrane Separations in Environmental Engineering: Advances and Applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. David A. Ladner Membrane Separations in Environmental Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences Department of Materials Science and Engineering

  2. A new microfiltration plant in South Carolina is an example of the increasing number of membrane installations.

  3. An example of hollow fibers.

  4. Another example of hollow fibers.

  5. SEM images show how adsorbent and membrane morphologies compare. Ellerie, et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 261 (2013) 91– 98

  6. Super-fine powdered activated carbon on a 0.1 micron pore size microfiltration membrane.

  7. Cross-section of 0.1 micron pore size membrane.

  8. Dow-Filmtec SW30HR Reverse Osmosis membrane, active layer Source: Ladner PhD work

  9. Acknowledgements • All the students in my research group, who make this job so rewarding. National Science Foundation Grant No. CBET-1236070 Grant No. EEC-1061524 Research Group Website: http://davidladner.org

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