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Netgear Wifi Range Extender Setup with IP Address | is an actual website which is provided by Netegar company to setup your new wifi extender. Basically this website is only used for android devices. To understand the process of setup you just need to follow all steps given in this pdf file. We hope you will successfully set up your extender after seeing these pdf instructions.

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Netgear Wifi Range Extender Setup with IP Address |

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NETGEAR RANGE EXTENDER SETUP USING isalocal websitethatis providedbyNetgear, whichhelpspeopleto setuptheirnew Netgearwifirange extenderdeviceusing theandroiddevice.

  2. FOLLOW STEPS TO SETUP WIFI EXTENDER FirstofallunboxyourNetgearwifi rangeextenderandAttachthe antennatoyournetgearrange extenderandplugintotheelectric Socket. Openyourfavoritewebbrowser. EntertheURL92.168.1.250and createyournetgearaccount Youcansetitupasarange extender, andsecond, youcansetit upasanaccesspointbutWeare goingtosetitupasarange extenderdevice. youwillgetalistofalltheavailable networks. Choosethenetworkthat youwishtoextend

  3. Setthenewextendername. Note:- Therearethreeoptionsto choosethenewpassword, thefirstis thatyoucansetthepasswordto noneandtheotherisyoucanuse thesamepasswordasthatofthe router, atlastisyoucanchoosea completelynewpasswordforyour netgear_ExtNetwork. Onceyouchoosethepassword, click continue. Nowyourextenderhas beensuccessfullysetup. Movetherangeextendertothe preferredlocation. www.wifi-extsetup.com

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