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SGF/IRMA Conference South America 2013 Atibaia , Brazil. Legal and industrial requirements for fruit juice products exported to Russia. Luidmila Khomich March 26, 2013. Total production of juice products in Russia in recent years - about 3 billion liters per year. Russian juice market.
SGF/IRMA Conference South America 2013 Atibaia, Brazil Legal and industrial requirements for fruit juice products exported to Russia LuidmilaKhomich March 26, 2013
Total production of juice products in Russia in recent years - about 3 billion liters per year Russian juice market
98% of juice products being circulated are produced at Russian territory. Imported finished juice products at Russian market consist not more than 2%. National juice producers lead on the Russian market. The share of imported concentrated juice used as a raw material is high and is about 80%. The most of fruits which determine varied assortment of tastes can not be grown in Russia. Concentrated orange, grapefruit, pineapple and other tropical fruit juices make about 70% of total concentrated juice Import. Russian juice market
Juice industry in Russia has a high potential for development WHO recommendations Russian juice market Developed countries 2012 Russia 2000 Russia Potential for growth is strongly related with the level of income of the population
The main document that sets requirements on juice products in Russia is: Federal Law №178-FZ «Technical Regulations on Fruit and Vegetable Juice Products» of 27 October 2008 Specific requirements on juice products are also determined in: «Common Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements on Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (Control)»of 28 May 2010 The legislation of the Russian Federation as a whole is harmonized with international requirements for juice products. Legal requirements on juice products
On July 1, 2013 should come into force: Technical Regulations of the Customs Union «Technical Regulations Fruit and Vegetable Juice Products» (ТR CU 023/2011) Technical Regulations of the Customs Union «On Food Products Labeling» (TR CU 022/2011) Technical Regulations of the Customs Union «On Food Safety» (TR CU 021/2011) The Customs Union members are Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Republic of Kazakhstan. Requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union should apply at the territory of these three countries. Legal requirements on juice products
Requirements on juice products in Russia can be divided into three groups: • Quality requirements • Safety requirements • Labeling requirements Legal requirements on juice products basic others hygienic microbiological finished goods packaging concentrated juice packaging
Fruit juice products in Russia is divided into: Directly expressed juices Reconstituted juices Diffused juicesConcentrated juicesNectars Juice-containing drinks(juice content not less than 10%, for lemon or lime drinks not less than 5%) Mors(berry drinks with juice content no less than 15%) Quality requirements
All fruit juice products should be produced from juice obtained from the edible parts of the fruit by proper physical means and nutritional value, physic-chemical and organoleptic properties of the fruit should be preserved . Concentrated natural flavouring fruit substances, fruit pulp and citrus cells can be added into the juice. Water added should meet the requirements to portable water. Preservation may be done only with the use of physical methods, with the exception of radurization. Quality requirements (basic)
Note: For a number of fruit in Russia is legally established a minimum content of soluble solids in directly expressed juice. For example direct apple and orange juice can not contain less than 10 Bx, grapefruit juice – not less than 9,5 Bx, pear juice – not less than 11 Bx, grape juice – not less 13,5 Bx etc. Definition of concentrated juice in Russia differs from the one in Codex Stan 247-2005. According to Russian law content of solids in concentrated juice is increased in two times in comparison with directly expressed juice. For example, concentrated apple juice in Russia can be called juice with 20Bx (if single strength juice has 10 Bх) and above. According to Codex Stan 247-2005, concentrated apple juice can have min 16,8 Bх. Quality requirements (basic)
The requirements on the content of soluble solids in reconstituted juice are broadly in line with international requirements. For some fruits there are difference: Quality requirements (basic) *for Cranberry VaccinumMacrocarponAtion - 7,5 Bx
Quality requirements (basic) *for Cranberry VaccinumMacrocarponAtion - 30%
According to Russian legislation juices or nectars may contain the following ingredients: Sugar or sugars and their solutions (in juice not more than 1.5% by weight of the finished product) Honey (in juice no more than 5% by weight of the finished product) Salt, spices, herbal extracts (only in nectars and tomato juice) Nutrients - vitamins, minerals, etc. (only approved for use in the food industry) Quality requirements (others)
And also food additives: Quality requirements (others) *mins«Add as much of this additive as needed to achieve the desired result, but no more»
In juice-containing drinks and mors are also allowed : as acidifiers: sodium and potassium tartrates (quantum satis) sodium, potassium and calcium citrates (quantum satis) as stabilizers and thickening agents gums, starches, Carboxymethyl cellulose (quantum satis) Sucrose acetate isobutyrate(up to 0.3 g/l) glycerol esters and wood resins (up to 0,1 g/l) In juice-containing drinks are also allowed various flavoursand colorants approved for use in the food industry. Quality requirements (others)
Safety requirements (hygienic) *Maximum levels for concentrated juice is recalculated according to the degree of concentration
Norms for content of Mycotoxinpatulin are determined for apple, tomato and sea buckthorn juice products. Maximum permissible level is 0,05mg/kg. In baby food maximum level is 0,02 mg/kg. Nitrate content in juice products intended for children should not exceed 50 mg/kg. Only in production from bananas and strawberries - 200 mg/kg. Content of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is set for babyfood not more than 20 mg/l. In juice products for adult content HMF is not standardized. Safety requirements (hygienic)
Note: There are no special requirements for concentrated juices used as raw material for the manufacture of bay food. The main thing is that the finished product meets the safety requirements. It is obligatory for juice imported into Russia as raw materials to have information about pesticides used while growing the respective plants. In Common Sanitary Requirements can be found norms for about 500 different pesticides, including those used while growing of plants. Safety requirements (hygienic)
Mold, yeast and lactic acid organisms are not permitted in finished goods. In products for baby food is also not allowed the presence of mesophilic clostridia, thermophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria For concentrated juices there are the following microbiological requirements: Safety requirements (microbiological) n.r. – not regulated n.a. – not allowed
Labeling of consumer packagemust contain the following information: • 1. Product name • In the name should be included: • the type of juice products (juice, nectar or others) • the name of all the fruit used in the manufacture of the product • the words «with sugar»(for juice, with added sugar) • the words «with sweetener»(for nectars and juice drinks, with added sweetener) • In the name of or next to it also should be included: • - the words «directly expressed»(for directly expressed juice) • the word «reconstituted» or «from concentrated juice»(for reconstituted juice) • he word "enriched" (for enriched products) • the words "for babies" (if designed for baby food) • the word “with honey" (if honey is added) Labeling requirements forfinished goods
Labeling of consumer packagemust contain the following information: 2. Production date and expiry date 3. Storage conditions 4. Information on the composition of the product (can be omitted for juice made without using of other ingredients or food additives) 5. Nutritional value6. Name and address of the manufacturer7. Name and address of the importer8. The amount of product in a package9. Recommendations or restrictions on usage (if there any) Labeling requirements forfinished goods
Labeling of consumer packagemust contain the following information: • 10. Additional information • «carbonated»(if the mass fraction of carbon dioxide added to the juice product is not less than 0.2%) • information about added spices (if the product is made with the addition of spices or extracts) • information on the minimum juice content and (or) puree (for nectars, fruit drinks, juice drinks) • information on the age group of children, for which the product is intended (if product is for baby food) • 11. Information on conformity to Russian law Labeling requirements forfinished goods
Labeling of consumer packagemay contain the following information: • the words «with the pulp»(if the content of pulp in the product is not less than 8% or if it contains cells of citrus fruit) • - the word «clarified»(when the sediment mass fraction does not exceed 0.3 %) • The use of ascorbic acid as an antioxidant is not the basis for the labeling «with Vitamin C» Labeling requirements forfinished goods
Labeling of transport packages must contain the following information: 1. Product name 2. Lot number and production date * 3. Expiry date 4. Storage and transportation conditions 5. Quantity of products 6. Information about the manufacturer (name and address) * *Can be replaced by identification code as defined in the accompanying documents For products delivered in bulk tankers, tanks, etc., this information should be indicated in the accompanying documents Labeling requirements for concentrated juice (raw)
Selection of raw materials: • - meet the requirements of Russian legislation • meet the parameters set by the manufacturer of finished product • Specification is compulsory and impotent part of supply contract (may be more or less detailed). Requirements for: • authenticity • - analytical parameters (Bx, Titratable acidity, Ratio etc.) • - organoleptical parameters • safety (hygiene and microbiological) - may be stricter than the legal requirements • - additional requirements. Industrial requirements for concentrated juices
For exported juice products to Russia it is necessary to confirm its compliance with the Russian legislation. Such evidence may be received in the form of mandatory certification or acceptance and registration of the declaration of conformity. Document on conformity is issued by authorized body on the basis of the results of laboratory tests. Products should be investigated in accredited testing laboratories for compliance with the requirements of the legislation. The rules and methods (tests) and measurements, including the rules of sampling are listed in the national standards of Russia. Export of juice products to Russia
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