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Having a great looking lawn in winter is often thought of as an impossibility for many people, yet as we drive around town we can’t help but notice that for many other lawn owners, the concept is merely a myth. The proof is seen in lush green carpets of lawn at a time when many other lawns are in a state of decline, lacking in color, bare patches and thinning out of the thatch layer.<br><br>
Beautiful Winter Lawns Having a great looking lawn in winter is often thought of as an impossibility for many people, yet as we drive around town we can’t help but notice that for many other lawn owners, the concept is merely a myth. The proof is seen in lush green carpets of lawn at a time when many other lawns are in a state of decline, lacking in color, bare patches and thinning out of the thatch layer. So what’s the secret of Lawn Care Seymour, what are these miraculous gardeners doing in winter that we are not, that can produce results of such diversity? Why Winter Is A Problem For Lawns For most lawn owners in USA, we grow Warm Season Grasses for use as our lawns, which means in warmer weather, the grasses thrive, and as the weather cools, they go into a state of very slowed growth or in some cases, a state of semi-hibernation. According to the Lawn Care Alcoa Without the rapid and regular growth associated with warmer weather, grasses will lose their dark green color, and will become slower to re-grow and repair damage. As the position of the sun changes in the sky and increases shade, and when combined with lower daylight hours and a reduction in direct sunlight and lower soil temperatures, lawns will generally be at their most vulnerable and unable to repair or maintain good health as well as they can in warmer times.
The Secret To A Beautiful Lawn In Winter A beautiful lawn in Winter is created in Autumn, PRIOR to the onset of Winter. That’s the secret! And it’s very simple. Once Winter arrives, there is very little if anything much at all that can be done to bring a lawn to good health, or to maintain it there if the grass wasn’t already in maximum health prior to Winter arriving. Knoxville Lawn Service can give you a amazing lawn care services and make your lawn and garden very beautiful. The Steps To Increasing Lawn Health In Autumn Realize and be aware of the importance of the lead-up to Winter as being the only time to create a beautiful Winter lawn and act accordingly. Increase Mowing Heights As daylight hours decrease so does the ability of lawns to photosynthesis, by increasing mowing heights and leaving more green leaf we increase the food supply to the grass. This step is essential, and taking the mower up a notch or two should suffice.
Decrease Watering as Air and Soil Temperatures Decrease Over watering at this time of year can increase the possibility of turf diseases or rotting of the thatch layer. Treat Winter grass If we had Winter grass last year, we’ll have it again this year too, and its continuing existence can choke the root system of our lawn throughout the year. Winter grass must be treated when it’s young, and the very best time to treat it is pre-emergent. That means knowing that Winter grass will soon emerge and killing it before it is even seen. Winter grass can be treated pre- emergent from May. Fertilize Correctly This means having a plan for fertilizing at the right times with the right fertilizers. Put down a high quality Lawn Care Knoxville TN Winter Fertilizer in May prior to Winter arriving. The next application of Winter fertilizer should be in July, 8 weeks later. Apply to manufacturers recommendations. Winter fertilizers contain higher levels of Iron which is essential for good lawn health through Winter. Kill Winter Weeds Generally broad leaf weeds will become more prominent in Winter as conditions for their survival improve, and as the ability for the lawn to fight against them decreases, best to treat them as early as possible before they spread. Pruning Overgrown trees and bushes may increase their shade levels in Winter, and by the time we notice that our lawn has started dying in affected areas, it can be too late to repair the damage. So it’s best to plan ahead and prune trees and other bushes in Autumn.