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SSLab (Smart Space Lab.) Project - Project Overview and “ Box-in-the-Box ” -

SSLab (Smart Space Lab.) Project - Project Overview and “ Box-in-the-Box ” -. http://www.smart-space.org/ http://www.ht.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ Tadashi Okoshi Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University. Presentation Contents. 1.Project Background -Pervasion- 2. ” SmartSpace ”

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SSLab (Smart Space Lab.) Project - Project Overview and “ Box-in-the-Box ” -

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SSLab (Smart Space Lab.) Project- Project Overview and “Box-in-the-Box”- http://www.smart-space.org/ http://www.ht.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ Tadashi Okoshi Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University

  2. Presentation Contents • 1.Project Background -Pervasion- • 2.”SmartSpace” • 3.Project Motivation • 4.”SSLab” Project • Goal • Tasks • 5. A: Physical Infrastructure Support • 6. B: Distributed Network Support • (7. C: Middleware and Application Support) • 8. Project Schedule • 9. Finally…

  3. Sensor Sensor Sensor 1.Project Background • Pervasion of Computation Network

  4. Sensor 2.“Smart Space” • Ratio of Computational Intelligence i i i 100 : 0 100 : 100 ? i i 100 : 10000?

  5. What is ? i “Pro-active” SmartSpace VNA Era i Users’Context Intelligent detection of users mission!?!? Users’Preference Intelligent sensing of users’ preferencesbased on integrate sensor frameworkand future “Intelligence” ApplicationDesign Automatic application compositionbased on users’ mission ApplicationRun-time Adaptation Run-time dynamic service allocation & Run-time Adaptive Behavior Service Service Plug&Play (e.g., Jini, UPnP) NetworkLayer (L3) Plug&Play t

  6. Current Fundamental Research Issues • To support users work… • How to achieve the flexible collaborative behavior among the services on the numerous devices? • How to reduce users’ complexity on configuring the collaboration?

  7. 3.Project Motivation(1) • Research topics on Mobile Network, Middleware, and Application Support • VNA (Virtual Networked Appliances) • WN (Wearable Network) • Integrated Sensor Information Framework • Networks (Sensor, Ad-hoc, Wireless, Heterogeneous)

  8. Motivation • Testbed in which we can demonstrate and evaluate both the individual architecture and the collaboration of them. • Research Spiral • Evaluation • Discovery of new technical issues • Invention of new systems solving these issues • Design it, Implement it, and Use it. SmartSpace SNAP(n) n++;

  9. 4.“SSLab” Project • Goal • SmartSpace SNAP(2000fall) • Start research spiral for the future • What we do • Construction of infrastructure • Extensibility • Modularity and reconfigurability • Integrative configuration of current systems

  10. Project Tasks • A: Physical Structure Support • Room-type Structure: “Box-in-the-Box” • B: Network Support • Network Planes (LAN, Sensor, A/V, Lighting…) • Support for Heterogeneous Ad-hoc Network • C: Middleware and Application Support • Distributed Service Architectures • Wearable Network (WN) • Virtual Networked Appliances (VNA) • Integrated Environmental Information Framework

  11. Sensor Sensor Project Tasks App App App VNA WN Int.Sense Middleware and Application Network “Box-in-the-Box” Physical Structure

  12. 5.Physical Structure Support • Requirement • Physical Space (e.g., Room) into which diverse devices can be embedded • Extensibility for future systems • Modularity and reconfigurability for dynamic requirement changes • “Sophisticated Appearance”

  13. “Box-in-the-Box” Design • Room-type structure built inside a room → “Box-in-the-Box” • Key Design Concepts • “Double Wall/Ceiling/Floor”can have devices and sensors embedded inside the room. • “Modular Wall/Ceiling/Floor Panel”enable reconfiguration of W/C/F according to the changes of physical requirement

  14. “Box-in-the-Box” Design • Key Concepts (Cont’d) • “Mobile Wall”enables room reconfiguration. • “Universal Device Attachment”deals with device extension in the future.

  15. Ancient Handwritten Figs. (1)(Approx. A.D.2000.1.31) ←“Double W/C/F”

  16. Ancient Handwritten Figs. (2)(Approx. A.D.2000.1.31) ←“Mobile Wall”

  17. Ancient Handwritten Figs. (3)(Approx. A.D.2000.1.31) ←“Universal Device Attachment”

  18. Implementation • Inside Tokuda Laboratory room in Keio University SFC Campus “Digital Lab. Building” • Outer: 7.3m x 6.6m AreaInner: 5.4m x 5.4m Area • Constructed with modular frames mainly used for pavilions at exhibitions • Collaboration • Designed by Prof. Ikeda (@Keio) and his design studio (http://www.ik-ds.com) • Constructed by SHUKO Corp. (http://www.shukoh.co.jp)

  19. Keio-SFC DigitalMedia Lab. Building

  20. Room inside Room (CG)

  21. Inner View (CG)

  22. 2.4m 5.4m 5.4m Inner View (Real) (manually Stitched)

  23. 35cm Inner Ceiling Level Free AccessFloor Panels 45cm Double Wall/Floor/Ceiling

  24. Devices Sensors Inside Openable Walls

  25. Back of Walls (i.e. Outer View of BinB) (1)

  26. Back of Walls (i.e. Outer View of BinB) (2)

  27. 90cm 60cm Modular Wall Panels • Panel • 90cm width • 60cm height • Types • Whiteboard • Wood • Glass • Openable • Recofigurable

  28. MMF: Mobile Modern FUSUMA(襖) • FUSUMA:Traditional Mobile Wall in Japanese-style House(even in Castle) • Enables the room reconfiguration • Surface • Wood • Whiteboard

  29. Movie of Construction (HIGHLIGHT !) • July 25 – Aug. 2 (2000)

  30. 6. B: Distributed Network Support • “Region” Approach • 5 Separated Areas in SSLab • Units for distributed management • Suitable for “Mobile” demonstration • Devices • PCs, Java-FCs (Region Servers) • Sensors (Location, Illuminometer, Thermometer, Motion Processor…) • A/V equipment (DV, D-VHS, DVD, PDP…) • SoftBoard • Lighting Equipment

  31. 6. B: Distributed Network Support • Networks • LAN Plane (100Base-TX & IEEE802.11) (Backbone) • Sensor Plane (RS-232C) • A/V equipment Plane (IEEE1394, RS-232C) • Lighting Equipment Plane (RS-232C)

  32. Controller Lighting Plane Light PDP&TouchPanel A/Vs Audio/Visual Plane Camera Speaker LCD&Touch Panel Mike Sensor Plane LocationSensor Motion Processor thermometer Illuminometer PC(L) LAN Switch PC3 FC3 Backbone(LAN) PC4 PC5 WaveLANBase Station FC4 FC5 PC2 PC1 FC2 Region Servers(PC & FC) FC1 3 4 “Regions” In SSLab 5 2 1

  33. XPlane X X X X Lights Sensor A/V PC Region n+1 Extensibility Support … LightingPlane Lights Lights Lights … SensorPlane Sensor Sensor Sensor … A/VPlane A/V A/V A/V … LAN (Backbone) PC PC PC … Region 1 Region 2 Region n

  34. Demonstration @ ORF(Open Research Forum) Exhibition 8. Project Schedule t 2000.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Initial Design (A) Phy. Str. Support Design Construction (B) Network Support Design Configure (C) Middleware & App. Support Design & Implementation Configure

  35. Credit • Tokuda-san, Tobe-san, Nishio-san Supervising • Iwaiwa (D1) Leader in Japan(!) • Slash (D1) Box-in-the-Box, A/V • Jin (D1) Network • Ngt (D1) PowerLines, NGT-list • Mak (M2) <->SFC • Fujimura (M2) PowerLines • Sugino (M2) Network • Furusaka (M2) Furniture(!), Projector • Akihiko (M1) Location Sensor, Servers • Tailor (M1) Sensors, Servers • Nick (M1) Lighting • Yurayura (M1) A/V, Projector, SoftBoard • Yukihiko, Kenta (B4) Servers • Haru (B4) Projector, Furniture • Soko (B4) Naming, Air Conditioner • And many thanks to B folks! Niya, Dan, ……

  36. The end of presentation

  37. Embedded Computation in Smart Space Users’ Computation App ApplicationSupport App App App App …… MiddlewareSupport AdaptiveMiddleware AdaptiveMiddleware AdaptiveMiddleware NetworkSupport SoftwarePlatform SoftwarePlatform SoftwarePlatform Net(c) Net(a) Net(b) Diverse devices Wired / Wireless Network with Heterogeneity and Dynamism PhysicalStructureSupport “Box-in-the-Box”

  38. Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Intelligence around users Intelligence in “Space” Seamless Integration Common Infrastructure Network HouseholdAppliances PCs Sensors AVs Embedded Devices and Sensors User’s Mobile Devices sense manipulate Sense Behave “Smart Space”

  39. Major Characteristics (Requirements) • Distribution for scalability • Dynamic System Reconfigurability • Adaptability • Personalization

  40. 7. C: Middleware and Application Support

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