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MyJobSpace- Steps to search jobs on it

MyJobSpace is a free job portal that provides jobs in different cities of New Zealand. if you are a job seeker and looking for any job in any category and in any city of New Zealand, then you can register on it.

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MyJobSpace- Steps to search jobs on it

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Presentation Transcript

  1. STEPSFOR SEARCHING JOBSON "MYJOBSPACE" REGISTERATION REGISTERON "MYJOBSPACE" MyJobSpaceprovidesafreeoptionforregistrationforjob seekers. Soregisteronitandsearchforyourjobs accordingtoyourneeds. PROVIDEDETAILS FILLYOURDETAILSON "MYJOBSPACE" Thejobseekerscaneasilyfillintheirdetailsof Qualifications, skillsandexperience. Ithelpsforthejob seekersinsearchingfortheirjobsaccordingtotheir choice. APPLYJOBS APPLYFORJOBSLISTEDONMYJOBSPACE Aftercompletingthesedetailsthejobseekerscaneasily applyfortheirjobslistedon "MyJobSpace". Thesejobsare accordingtoyourdetailsofqualificationskillsand experience. CONTACTTOTHE EMPLOYERS OPPORTUNITYTOCONTACTDIRECTLY FOREMPOLOYERS TheJobSeekerscaneasilycontacttotheemployersby gettingtheirdetailsofthejobdescription. thesedetailsare availableinthecategoryofthejoblisting. ADDRESS: LEVEL 6, 10 SCOTIAPLACE, AUCKLAND 1010, NEWZEALAND. FORMOREINFORMATIONANDSEARCHINGJOBSCLICKAT WWW.MYJOBSPACE.CO.NZ

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