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History of social entrepreneurship

The project “ Innovative Support to employment of Rural marginalized groups – SyneRgi ” is supported by Visegrad Internationa Fund. Training of trainers “ Social entrepreneurship as model for marginalized groups ’ employment ”. History of social entrepreneurship.

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History of social entrepreneurship

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Theproject “InnovativeSupport to employment of Rural marginalizedgroups – SyneRgi” issupportedbyVisegradInternationaFund Training of trainers “Social entrepreneurship as modelformarginalizedgroups’ employment” History of socialentrepreneurship Magdaléna Čurillová, Spišský Hrhov and thesocialenterpriseHhrovské služby, s.r.o., 29-30 May 2019

  2. Therootsofsocialeconomy and socialentrepreneurshipastheformofsocialthinkinggoesback to theancientpast.

  3. Thedevelopmentofsocialentrepreneurship in Eurepeancountrieswaspromptedinthe 1970s and 1980s mainly by risingunemployment, publicfinancedeficits and risingsocialexclusion risk.

  4. In Slovakia No rulesforentrepreunership Nobodyknewwhatissocialentrepreunership Didn´texist a „realentrepreunership“

  5. Longago and today

  6. Keychanges in recentyears Supportfrom EU Government LAW (validfrom 1.5.2018)

  7. Labouroffice • Educationalinstitutions Municipality of Spišský Hrhov

  8. ExampleHistoricdevelopment in Spišský Hrhov

  9. Keysteps Decreasingbarrier Increasingcohesivness/socialcohesion Stimulation

  10. Training center for social entrepreneurship

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