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Logcat , Crashes, and other stuff…

Logcat , Crashes, and other stuff…. Or why attachments and more info is desired…. Summary. Why are we writing bugs? Attachments ADB Uses ADB Logcat Crashes OOM. Why are we writing bugs?. Take a step back and ask yourself : Why are we writing bugs? Who are our audience? Other QA Dev

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Logcat , Crashes, and other stuff…

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Logcat, Crashes, and other stuff… Or why attachments and more info is desired…

  2. Summary • Why are we writing bugs? • Attachments • ADB Uses • ADB Logcat • Crashes • OOM

  3. Why are we writing bugs? • Take a step back and ask yourself : Why are we writing bugs? • Who are our audience? • Other QA • Dev • Rel Management • PMs

  4. Attachments • Screenshots • Video • Logs • Make sure that it’s relevant! • Sample web page • URLs • Etc…

  5. ADB Uses • ADB devices – sees devices • ADB push <computer file> <mobile dest>– push files onto the device • ADB pull <mobile file> <computer dest>– pulls files from the device • ADB shell – shells into the device • ADB reboot – reboots the device • ADB logcat – provides logs

  6. ADB Logcat • What are we looking for? • Any errors, warnings that doesn’t look right • Any time a bug occurs and you can see something happening in the logcat while you run into the bug • Startup issues • When to run it? • I run it all the time; sometimes I connect the device and test while looking at the logcat

  7. Email • https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gaia/Email/RequiredBugInfo • https://wiki.mozilla.org/Gaia/Email/SecretDebugMode • Email is one of the different applications where you may get more information by changing the preferences and doing extra things.

  8. Examples • https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=898066 • https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=895726

  9. Crashes • 3 types of crashes: • Tab crash • App crash • System crash • App & System crash should have a crash report UI/banner • adb shell ls -l /data/b2g/mozilla/Crash\ Reports/submitted/

  10. Examples • https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=851626 • Test Cases Example Demonstration

  11. OOM:Out of Memory • https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/Debugging_OOMs • https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/Debugging_OOMs#Step_1:_Verify_that_it.27s_actually_an_OOM • adb shell dmesg

  12. Examples • Demonstration

  13. Don’t Forget! • https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/QA/Tips_And_Tricks

  14. Summary • Why are we writing bugs? • Attachments • ADB Uses • ADB Logcat • Crashes • OOM

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