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INTERMEDIATE 2 Theory Revision. Declaring Variables PseudoCode Graphical Notation Test Data: NORMAL, EXTREME, EXCEPTIONAL Features of a User Guide Features of a Technical Guide. Analysis.
INTERMEDIATE 2Theory Revision Declaring Variables PseudoCode Graphical Notation Test Data: NORMAL, EXTREME, EXCEPTIONAL Features of a User Guide Features of a Technical Guide
Analysis • The Analysis is a specific breakdown of the problem at hand – what is actually required by the client. I.e. in simple terms, what is our program required to do. • This is broken down into the following sections:
Breakdown of Analysis • Input • Process • Output
Scenario: • A client comes up to you (the analysis team) and tells you that they need a program that will calculate the ages of all their employees as to determine if they are entitled to a free health check or not. • (Free health checks offered to employees over 55.)
Breakdown • Input: Employee Name and age • Process: calculation performed : current year – user age input • Output: clear message displaying employee name, current age and whether entitled to a free health check or not.
Declaring Variables • Variables: Places in the computers memory used to store values of data as the program is run 3 main types: INTEGERS, SINGLE, STRING
Declaring Variables – Slide 2 • Integers: Whole numbers like 1,2 and 3 • Strings: Text or groups of characters like names ‘fred’ or addresses ‘15 Taylor Street’. • Singles/ Reals: Numbers with a decimal point in them
Pseudocode • Pseudocode: A numbered list of instructions written in normal human language e.g. English. • EXAMPLE: Boiling a Kettle • Get a mug out of the cupboard • Put a teabag in it • Boil Kettle • Pour boiling water from kettle in to mug • Stir
Graphical Notation • Also known as a STRUCTURE DIAGRAM Structure Diagram: Describes the overall structure of the proposed program graphically from left to right without describing how the problem is solved.
Test Data • 3 main types include: • NORMAL • EXTREME * EXCEPTIONAL
NORMAL test data • This is data that is worked out by running the program in the environment in which it was originally created for. • Example: If you had written a program to deal with numbers between 1 and 10 then these are the numbers you would enter during ‘Normal’ testing.
EXTREME test data • This is data taken whilst running the program at the ‘Extreme’ ranges of what is considered Normal! • Examples of this can include: • Zero ‘0’ • Or very large numbers
EXCEPTIONAL test data • This kind of testing involves types of data in which the program has not been designed to cope with: • EXAMPLES include: • Entering a STRING instead of an INTEGER • Entering an INTEGER instead of a STRING • ETC
USER GUIDE • User guide: Describes how to use the program, frequently incorporating a tutorial in electronic form.
TECHNICAL GUIDE • Technical Guide: - gives details of the system requirements to run the software, i.e. type of processor and memory requirements and how to install the software.