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Order Management Software: Win ERP provides end to end cloud-based Purchase Management software, manage all your Purchase information from one central location with our Order Management System.PurchaseOrder software helps retailers to raise & track purchasing orders easily using purchase invoices, reorder points, etc
3/5/2020 Online Order Management System| sales Order Management Software | Purchasing Order Software (purchase- (Lead- (sales- (account- (inventory- (cloud- (warehouse- (?xed- mamagement- Purchase/ Procurement management- Pre sales through CRM management- Sales ?nance- Account/ Finance management- Inventory hrm- HR and Payroll management- Warehouse asset- Fixed Assets software.html) system.html) software.html) management.html) software.html) payroll- system.html) management- software.html) software.html) WIN ERP PURCHASE AND PAYABLE SOFTWARE WIN ERP Purchase and Payable Module helps you to manage purchases and accounts payable. The purchase & procurement Software is fully integrated with the General Ledger application area. Hence, whenever a transaction is posted such as an invoice, the program automatically posts all necessary transactions to all relevant accounts, like, the purchases account, the payables account, and the applicable discount and other accounts. Effective management of payables can create direct impact on manufacturing, operations, and pro?tability. With different ERP controls such as scheduled payments, manufacturers can take advantage of supplier discounts. This act signi?cantly lowers the purchasing costs. Features of WIN ERP Purchase and Payable Software: Vendor Management winerp.co/purchase-mamagement-software.html 1/3
3/5/2020 Online Order Management System| sales Order Management Software | Purchasing Order Software Managing and maintaining vendor information is an integral part of every company. It helps to manage basic information of a vendor such as name, address, and contact details etc. It can also de?ne vendor-wise pricing and discounts, invoicing, payment terms, currency used can also be recorded for each vendor. Order Management Order management supports purchasers and purchase staff to e?ciently manage purchases and payables. This tab provides clarity on partial order receipt and separates receivables, invoices and combines invoices. Other features include making quotations or collection of information about items details like, item names and item numbers from vendors and stores. Blanket purchase orders, return orders and credit memos can also be managed in this tab. Combined shipment and Combined receipts To invoice more than one receipt at a time, user can use combined receipts feature. Discount Management: Line wise discount: to provide item wise discount during sales and settle in the bill itself to promote particulate items or group of items. Bill wise discount: to maximize the bill value gives additional discounts other than line discount. Volume based discount: to facilitate step by step increase of discount % according to the speci?c ranges of bill value. Period wise discount: to implement discount availability to a particular period. Cash discount: cash discount allowed to customer at the time of bill payment for early settlement of bills. Head Of?ce Jayam Nilayam, Hyderabad , Telangana , India. Call Us Mobile: +91-9440806867 Phone: +91- 040-4002 7768 Email info@winerp.co winerp.co/purchase-mamagement-software.html 2/3
3/5/2020 Online Order Management System| sales Order Management Software | Purchasing Order Software WINERP is a Jayam Solutions (http://www.jayamsolutions.com) product. Jayam Solutions is a leading Software Solutions and Service provider in the Global market providing Business solutions and High-End Technology. Our rich experience of 17 years into product development and maintenance has helped us devise scalable solutions for the smallest of businesses to the largest ones. Mon/Friday 10.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 18.00 IMPORTANT LINKS Features (Lead-management-system.html) About Us (about.html) Partners (partners.html) Contact (contact.html) Careers (career.html) Pricing (pricing.html) Site Map Blog (https://winerp.blogspot.com/) Terms & Condition (terms-and-conditions.html) (images/win-erp- brochure.pdf) SUBSCRIBE WITH US Subscribe with our newsletters and receive news about our discounts. Your Email Here STAY CONNECTED (https://www.linkedin.com/company/winerp/) (https://twitter.com/jayamwinerp) (https://plus.google.com/u/4/114520203777763596134) © 2018 WINERP. All Rights Reserved. winerp.co/purchase-mamagement-software.html 3/3