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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Carolyn E. Matthews RN, BSN NGR 5715 Spring 2007. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Measure Serum Drug Levels Narrow Therapeutic Drug Windows Maximize Efficacy Minimize Toxicity. therapeutic. toxic. Theophylline Phenytoin Carbamazine Digoxin

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Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Carolyn E. Matthews RN, BSN NGR 5715 Spring 2007

  2. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring • Measure Serum Drug Levels • Narrow Therapeutic Drug Windows • Maximize Efficacy • Minimize Toxicity therapeutic toxic

  3. Theophylline Phenytoin Carbamazine Digoxin Aminoglycoside antibiotics Drugs with “Narrow Window” therapeutic toxic

  4. Sampling • Confirm toxicity – • Clinical signs of toxic levels • Adjust Dose Regimens Fatigue, Nausea…………………Psychosis, Death

  5. Steady State Concentrations • 4-5 Half-lives • Special considerations • Renal failure • Liver damage • Other medications • Food & alcohol • Loading doses • Age

  6. Peaks & Troughs • Serum levels within therapeutic range? • When to draw blood sample. www.i-base.org.uk/guides/side/levels.html

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