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This topic group meeting discusses the HCC Corporate Priorities, which include supporting economic well-being, maximizing independent living, and promoting safe neighborhoods. The discussion focuses on being a leading council, being strategic and local, high levels of personalization and localism, and confident citizens.
Joint Commissioning Partnership Board (JCPB) Topic Group Friday 11 December 2009 Meeting The HCC Corporate Priorities Graham Munn, Joint Commissioning Team
HCC Corporate Priorities • Support economic well being • Maximise independent living • Promote safe neighborhoods • Be a leading council And …….. • Being strategic and local • High levels of personalisation and localism • Confident citizens • Being a leading council (Leader’s speech to Leadership Forum: Robert Gordon, 27 November 2009)
1. Support economic well being • Vocational and Employment Strategies • Exemplar Employer • Co-ordinating HCC and Partner Agencies • Local Authority Performance measures • Social Enterprises
Support economic well being Vocational and Employment Strategies • For all care groups • Significance of employment to a person’s quality of life + unemployment can lead to deteriorating mental health = employment support an essential and integral part of the range of services available to people • Employment, educational, and volunteering opportunities = help individuals recover, promote independence and general well being and social inclusion = provides a range of material, psychological and social benefits = core elements of any support or treatment plan.
Support economic well being Vocational and Employment Strategies the key components • Support people to find and retain jobs • Support people into work after unemployment • Support employers to become ‘exemplar’ employers of people with mental health, learning disability, substance misuse challenges • The development of strategic partnerships • Learning Skills Council, Job Centre Plus, Adult Care Services and Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust. • The development of training, education, volunteering and economically productive social enterprises. • Commissioning and contracting - to promote employment opportunities for people with disability or social disadvantages
Support economic well being Exemplar Employer • Promoting HR and recruitment policies to ensure that they actively pursue the recruitment of people from all JCT care groups Examples: - • Learning Disability in-house services encouraging users to apply for posts • ACS and JCT carving / shaping two posts for people with learning disabilities: - 1) an ‘Expert by Experience’ 2) Person Centred Planning information post. • Corporate apprenticeship scheme -5 LD apprenticeships in 20010/11, programme of real work and training, including mentor and Job Coach • Hornbeams day services supporting users to train nursing students on UH courses • Encouraging commercial businesses to employ more people with disabilities as method of fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities
Support economic well being Co-ordinating HCC and Partner Agencies • Economic and skills development agenda - coordinated with the social inclusion agenda • Departments and sections within HCC to coordinate efforts to improve employment, training and education opportunities • To Work with the relevant theme groups within corporate Hertfordshire Forward agenda and Local Strategic partnership agenda’s • To focus on pathways to employment • Partnership work with Drug Treatment services and Job Centre Plus
Support economic well being Local Authority Performance measures • Local authorities and their partners to report annually on the numbers of people in contact with specialist mental health and learning disability services who are in paid employment and the expectation is that these figures will show a steady increase. • In Learning Disability and in Mental Health services, work is ongoing to improve the data gathering systems that feed into the relevant employment indicators
Support economic well being Local Authority Performance measures NationalIndicators : - ( accessing and retaining more people in education, training and employment) • NI 117: 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment and training • NI 144: The number of offenders under Probation supervision in employment at the end of their order of license • NI 149: The proportion of adults with a Learning Disability who are known to the local authority in Employment. • NI 150: The proportion of adults with mental health problems in contact with secondary services in employment • NI 152: Working age people on out of work benefits. • NI 163: Adults who are not qualified to Level 2 • (LAA 2)
Support economic well being Social Enterprises • The value of social enterprises as ‘businesses’ that provide: - • employment opportunities for vulnerable people • services and products for the local and wider Hertfordshire community • social capital • financially self-sustaining activity • community building • The JCT has supported Third Sector organizations explore and develop their interest in this mode of operation through organizing learning and training events • NI 7: Environment for a thriving third sector
Support economic well being Social Enterprises Examples of current initiatives • Work with one provider, plus small amount of PCT Investment Funding to create two small social enterprises - aim to employ at least 25% people with learning disabilities as part of their workforce • Encouraging ‘budying’ between existing and new providers to encourage a collaborative and resource sharing approach between them • JCT successful in receiving £50 k to commission a drama company that will employ people with learning disabilities to train other organizations and convey key messages linked to the social inclusion agenda
2. Maximise independent living • Mental Health Recovery approach – recovery based practices, peer support specialists, Early intervention and Crisis teams, Assertive Outreach teams • Implementation ofValuing People Now to promote independence of people with learning disabilities; three year strategy out for consultation between now and April 10 • Recovery and re-integration focus for drugs services • Vocational and Employment Strategies – incl. employment support services, benefits / money advice • Social Enterprises • IAPT services, primary care mental health services • Complex needs service
2. Maximise independent living contd. • Accommodation strategies (MH and LD) – range of accommodation types, accommodation support services • Fulfilling Lives DevelopmentProgramme in place, managing change to learning disability day services to ensure they promote and support employment and social inclusion • Promoting personalization, individual budgets, direct payments across care groups • NI 125: Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation/ intermediate care • NI 135: Carers receiving needs assessment or review and a specific carer’s service, or advice and information • Promoting the ‘voice’ of service users and carers, and families through support for organizations like Viewpoint, and Carers in Herts – that ensures they contribute to the commissioning process Need to ‘think’ all these in terms … Local ….. Community ……. Family ….. Individual
3. Promote safe neighborhoods 1) HertfordshireMentally Disordered Offender Strategy Group – priorities – Bradley Report, accommodation, Navigator, information sharing, MDO Panels 2) Expansion of MDO panel system – additional worker funded – third Panel ensuring whole county covered. 3) Navigator Project – proto-type, local, multi-agency collaborative approach to improving services to people with mental health and / or learning disability (and possibly other complex needs) coming into contact with the Criminal Justice System at the time of ‘custody’. A ‘local’ approach! 4) Complex needs service approach 5) Prison in-reach pilot – for women prisoners at Peterborough Prison
3. Promote safe neighborhoodscontd. 6)Learning disability day services developed as hate crime centres in several districts 7)New model of day services commissioned by JCT Fulfilling Lives Project has led to work with community police and security guards in shopping centres to ensure safer use of community facilities • Partnership work with the crime and drug strategy unit NI 16 – Serious Acquisitive Crime rate NI 17 – Perceptions of anti-social behaviour ( in Herts LAA (08 – 11)) • Drug/alcohol interventions are working towards safer neighbourhoods NI 40: Number of drug users recorded as being in effective treatment (in Herts LAA (08 – 11))
4. Be a leading council 1) Become an Exemplar employer • Combine a business and skills agenda with the social inclusion and recovery and independence agendas - Achieve a coordinated approach to employment, vocational and education support that of health and social care services • Be a local authority that has the ambition to (jointly with Health) address the mental health needs of people with complex needs including offenders 4) Be a local authority that has adopted and fully supports the social inclusion and mental health recovery approach to the development of mental health services and substance misuse services, and the promotion of independence of people with learning disabilities. • Support service users, families and carers to participate and contribute to the planning and commissioning processes – through Strategic Commissioning Groups, funding support for Viewpoint and Carers in Herts etc. • Supporting an approach which emphasises Local, Community, Family and Individual.
Meeting The HCC Corporate Priorities Thank you for your attention And the End …….