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CM101 Mission as Transformation

CM101 Mission as Transformation. Introduction. What is mission?. Mission = A Sending Out for a Purpose In Christian sense:

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CM101 Mission as Transformation

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  1. CM101 Mission as Transformation

  2. Introduction

  3. What is mission? • Mission = A Sending Out for a Purpose • In Christian sense: “Everything that the Gospel of God’s love sends to the world. It embraces the pursuit of justice and peace and the care of creation, as well as the sharing of faith.” Donald Elliott

  4. Mission begins with God • The sending of the spirit to create • The sending of the son to reveal & save • The sending of the spirit to inspire, empower • It is an “outpouring of love” Missio Dei = The Mission of God

  5. The Church & Mission • Mission is not the Church going out and saving people • The mission of God came first, and the Church was created as a response to that. • So the Church is a product of mission, rather than the other way round.

  6. The Church & Mission • “Since God’s concern is for the entire world, this should also be the scope of the missio Dei. It affects all people in all aspects of their existence. Mission is God’s turning to the world in respect of creation, care, redemption and consummation ... It takes place in ordinary human history, not exclusively in and through the church ... The MissioDei is God’s activity, which embraces both the church and the world, and in which the church may be privileged to participate.” (Bosch 1991, p. 391)

  7. Without a proper understanding of the Mission of God mission can become: • A way of preserving our church • A way of getting others to accept what we believe and affirm our worldview • A path to “shoulds”, human works and guilt, thereby draining our spiritual energy.

  8. The Church & Mission ‘The Church exists by mission just as fire exists by burning’. - Emil Brunner

  9. Mission and human life • The term "generativity" was coined by the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson in 1950 to denote "a concern for establishing and guiding the next generation.” • Expressed in families, apprenticeships and internships, discipling

  10. Generativity How is generativity expressed in your life?

  11. The challenge of generativity: • Passing on the faith yet being aware that the next generation will alter it and make it their own. • How do families do this well? Poorly? • Eg family businesses, farms • For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. Matthew 16.25

  12. The mission of the church then is to live the mission of God as a community

  13. Human mission and church mission • What are some of the missions in your life? • How do they relate to the mission of God? • How do they relate to the mission of your church

  14. The Method of Mission You want to be generative and missional but how should you proceed?

  15. Mission as Socialisation

  16. Mission as Socialisation • Socialisation is a continuing process whereby an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, values, beliefs, behaviours and social skills to of a family or community.

  17. Sources of Socialisation • Family (Primary) • School & College • Peer group • Work • Media • Church • Interest group

  18. Identification Successful socialization depends on the individual’s psychological identification with the group and, second, that identification matters in large part because we care about what our peers think of us. Social group members are able to influence one another’s values in large part because of the power of emotions of self assessment (pride, embarrassment, and shame). People feel pride when they are approved of by their peers, and embarrassment or shame when they are derogated by peers.

  19. Mission and Socialisation “the only ones who joined were those whose interpersonal attachments to members overbalanced their attachments to non-members. In effect, conversion is not about seeking or embracing an ideology; it is about bringing one's religious behavior into alignment with that of one's friends and family members …. attachments lie at the heart of conversion and therefore that conversion tends to proceed along social networks formed by interpersonal attachments” `Stark, The rise of Christianity

  20. Mission as socialisation • Important to Jesus • The twelve • The seventy two • The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out;  Joanna the wife of Cuza, the manager of Herod's household; Susanna; and many others. Luke 8:1-3 (NIV) • Household churches • Then Paul left the synagogue and went next door to the house of Titius Justus, a worshiper of God.  Crispus, the synagogue ruler, and his entire household believed in the Lord. Acts 18:7-8 (NIV)

  21. Mission as Socialisation • Socialisation matters because • I want to know how important you are to me • It protects us from falling for any old belief system • It strengthens communities. • It demonstrates the gospel: “By this shall all know that you are my disciples: that you have love one for another”

  22. Implications for Attractional model • An attractional model of mission holds that the more attractive our worship, singing, preaching, welcome the more our church will grow. It is based on giving people a “taste of heaven” in worship. • However, attractional mission still assumes that people want to go to church or are part of Christendom. It does not necessarily provide the depth of relationship necessary to change a person’s life of faith.

  23. Implication for Service model • The service model of mission seeks to undertake service of the community as an extension of the mission of God. • While service is part of God’s mission by its nature this model can suffer from a lack of sustainability if recipients are not made part of the giving community and socialised into a missional ethos themselves.

  24. The centrality of socialisation in mission means: Community is central to mission

  25. From To

  26. Mission – shaping your church

  27. What currently shapes your church? • Worship?

  28. What currently shapes your church? • Survival?

  29. What currently shapes your church? • Fellowship? • Pastoral care?

  30. Share • What currently shapes your church?

  31. Worship-Fellowship- TeachingShaped churches thrive best in a Christian culture • In America's growing churches 90% is transfer and progeny growth (is that true of the growing churches you know?) • Reshuffling the saints • What might be the case for starting with some transfer growth?

  32. Gather for worship disperse for mission • Why doesn’t this work? • Modelling Christianity • The power of community

  33. Why mission-shape your church? • A missional God • Generativity • Christ’s commission • Resurrection power

  34. Why mission-shape your church?

  35. Why mission-shape your church? • Mission usually leads to • Learning • Community • Worship • Developing a praxis model of learning

  36. Dr. Craig Altrock’s has written a book called The Shaping of God’s People:    • His book is the result of his dissertation research and the result of quantitative research. A group of approximately 800 short-term mission workers who had participated in a foreign short-term mission with Let’s Start Talking, including people whose experience was up to twenty years prior to the study, were asked to report in a variety of ways on how their short-term mission experience affected them.  The briefest of summaries is as follows: • 77.5% reported that they read Scripture more often and more missionally than they did before their short-term mission trip. • 86.1% reported that they pray differently–more intentionally and specifically after their short-term mission. • 72.6% reported that they are more generous, that they give more to support the missions of their churches after their short-term mission project. • 72.6% reported that they are more involved in their church, especially outreach activities, after their short-term mission project. • The conclusion is clear. Mission shaping our church leads to people wanting to learn more about their faith and to higher level of satisfaction! Missional leads to learning

  37. Why mission-shape • Running to stand still • So much of our time and energy is spent in maintaining what we have that we have little time for outreach. Mission-shaping our church lets us do the pastoral care and teaching as we do the mission

  38. Mission shaping current ministries

  39. Task • Thinking about a service ministry or an attractional ministry of your church work out a strategy to make it missional using socialisation.

  40. Creating new missional activities

  41. Four things needed for successful mission • An engaged fringe • A core founding Christian community • Missional strategy • Missional leadership

  42. The engaged fringe

  43. Levels of engagement • Levels of engagement between the church groups and the fringe will depend on: • Peer influence • Identification • Support • Leadership

  44. Your core community and critical mass One of the factors in long term viability for a new missional project is the number of people in your core community that you start with. Eg. In planting a new worship service

  45. Your core community and critical mass Other factors affecting long term viability • Levels of commitment of your core community. • Will the target group identify with and form community with the core group? • Will the target group form community amongst themselves? • Stickability

  46. Start with your peer group • Because of the nature of socialisation most people will attract others to church within a 10 year age range. • Jesus’ mission strategy •  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (NRSV)

  47. Missional strategy No Yes

  48. Case study: Young families ministry • Examples • Messy church • Playgroup • Families together • Mainly music • Exalt • RAW • Missional Community – Family Tree (Plenty life)

  49. Workshop a mission Have a go at planning a missional activity in your parish

  50. Missional Praxis

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