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Computer-Based Learning for Kids. The Problem. Price Middle School – Needs Improvement List State Officials are closely monitoring our progress Focus on SWD Population have are not meeting expectations in reading. We need to solve the problem : What we know. Price CRCTM Reading Results:
The Problem Price Middle School – Needs Improvement List State Officials are closely monitoring our progress Focus on SWD Population have are not meeting expectations in reading
We need to solve the problem :What we know Price CRCTM Reading Results: 2011 -50% below proficiency 2012 -55% below proficiency The traditional classroom is not working... What can we do? “Students with learning disabilities struggle with reading skills and since students learn new information in school by reading; these difficulties often increase the academic struggles students with learning disabilities face.” (Stetter & Hughes 2011)
We need something new: A Solution -What I propose • A computer based intervention approach to improving reading comprehension for target Tier II and Tier III students. • During Study Skills • During Connections • Collect Data
What we Know & What the research says • We know learning styles vary… • Computer based programs can accommodate different learning styles. • Visual Learners • Auditory learners • Passive learners (game-based online activities) “Auditory output is particularly important for individuals with lds and others with reading difficulties. Among the types of auditory information available in multimedia are music, sound, effects, and digitized speech.” (Lewis 1998)
Findings from computer-based reading studies • Two out of three students in each intervention group and all students in the Baseline Group showed improvementon the Gates-MacGinitie comprehension test. (Stetter & Hughes 2011) • Believe that the learning process can be enhanced through integrating multimedia as it provides users control over the delivery of information and supports interactivity. (Neo, Tan, 2012) • Major findings suggest that a computer-based program for teaching a collection of reading comprehension strategies (e-PELS) resulted in more improvement in reading comprehension performance than traditional instruction, and the effectiveness of e-PELS was particularly strong for lower-achieving students. (Ponce, Lopez, & Mayer 2012)
Computers can impact motivation for reluctant learners • Both intervention groups seemed to enjoy working on the computer to help them with their reading …and preferred it to teacher instruction. (Stetter & Hughes 2011) • In computer-based class rooms with integrated learning systems classrooms, students are motivated to learn. They enjoy working on computers, and they like the animated characters, voice capabilities, and full-color graphics. Because they can progress at their own pace, and because they receive immediate feedback, students remain engaged. (Dusen & Worthen 1995)
Other Benefits: Individualize & Differentiated Learning • Learning theory suggests that an individualized program that caters to specific learning needs will lead to greater student gains, while also decreasing the gap between low-and high ability students. (Dusen & Worthen 1995 ) ILS Data Tracking • Assessment files that contain individualized reports, including specific learning objectives covered, time required on task, customizable reports.
Read 180 Quick overview • Mixed-method approach to literacy instruction among struggling readers in the upper elementary and middle grades. Combination of… • Teacher-directed instruction • Computer-based reading lessons • Independent reading • Targets upper elementary through high school students who score below proficiency on state performance assessments “Implementation of the READ 180 Enterprise intervention in an afterschool setting had a positive impact on reading comprehension and vocabulary scores on the SAT 10.” (Capotosto, Hartry, & Fitzgerald 2011)
Desert Sands Unified School District,La Quinta, California Read 180 Study Results Graph represents Average CST ELA Scores for READ 180 and non-READ 180 Comparison Students From Spring 2006 to Spring 2007
I ask for permission to move forward • A computer based intervention approach to improving reading comprehension for our Tier II and Tier III students. • During Study Skills • During Connections • Collect Data
References • Stetter, M., & Hughes, M. (2011). Computer Assisted Instruction to Promote Comprehension in Students with Learning Disabilities. International Journal Of Special Education, 26(1), 88-100. • Van Dusen, L. M., & Worthen, B. R. (1995). Can Integrated Instructional Technology Transform the Classroom?. Educational Leadership, 53(2), 28-33. • Neo, M., Neo, K., & Tan, H. (2012). Applying Authentic Learning Strategies in a Multimedia and Web Learning Environment (MWLE): Malaysian Students' Perspective. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology - TOJET, 11 • Kim, J. S., Capotosto, L., Hartry, A., & Fitzgerald, R. (2011). Can a Mixed-Method Literacy Intervention Improve the Reading Achievement of Low-Performing Elementary School Students in an After-School Program? Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial of READ 180 Enterprise. Educational Evaluation And Policy Analysis, 33(2), 183-201 • Ponce, H. R., Lopez, M. J., & Mayer, R. E. (2012). Instructional Effectiveness of a Computer-Supported Program for Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies. Computers & Education, 59(4), 1170-1183 • Lewis, R. B. (1998). Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities: Today's Realities and Tomorrow's Promises. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 31(1), 16-26,54. • http://read180.scholastic.com/reading-intervention-program/research