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The Halt Service

The Halt Service partners with healthcare, education, and voluntary sectors to provide tailored support and assessments for children and young people displaying Harmful Sexual Behavior. Monthly info sessions are offered to professionals for further insights. Benefiting from a Forensic Psychologist, the service utilizes consultations and training to assess risks and needs effectively. Working Together Consultations offer a space to reflect, analyze impacts, and manage risks in a child-centered approach.

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The Halt Service

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Halt Service Stewart Evers (Social Worker) Shona Robertson (Social Worker)

  2. The Halt Service • We work with children and Young People aged 5-18 years old who have displayed Harmful Sexual Behaviour. • Part of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership • Monthly Information Sessions for professionals for those of you that would like further information. 0141 276 1440

  3. What Can Help?A Social Work Perspective • Knowing what the additional needs a child has are: • Level of understanding • Communication style • Preferred support regarding affect regulation • Joint Work with Health, Education, Parents/Carers & Voluntary sector to gain info • The impact of this joining up is that we are able to offer a bespoke assessment to that child/young person: • Communication • Resources tailored to that child • Support

  4. What works well? • The Halt Service has a Forensic Psychologist based with the service • We don’t need to go out with the service for initial screenings or advice (we get information quicker) • He can link us with other people/other resources both regarding individual young people and more generally • Training from others e.g. S.A.L.T • Consultations with others e.g. CAMHS

  5. Working Together Consultations that we provide: • Formulations formed by information from others but also from the children/young people themselves • These will differ depending on the stage of the assessment/intervention with the child/young person.

  6. Working Together Consultations allow for Thinking Space: • A space to reflect • Potential pathways • Intent v’s impact • Risk Management considerations • A space to try to see the world through the child’s lens: about him/her self, the world, adults and sex. • Helping Team Approach to our work with children and young people. • Halt offering an Initial View of both potential future risk and needs in relation to H.S.B

  7. Working Together: a Helping Team Approach

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