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World War II Battles

Explore the battles, conferences, and aftermath of World War II in Europe and the Pacific, including the controversial use of atomic bombs and human rights implications. Delve into key moments like D-Day, the Manhattan Project, V.E. Day, and V.J. Day, and consider ethical questions surrounding the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Learn about the Allied conferences at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam, and their impact on post-war Europe and Japan. Uncover the complexities of war and justice through the lens of history.

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World War II Battles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. US History World War II Battles

  2. Conclusion of World War II - Europe • Germany First • Battle of the Atlantic – 1942-1945 • War Conferences – Grand Alliance • D-Day – June 6, 1944 (2) (SUS Video) • Push to Germany – 1944/45 • V E Day – May 8, 1945

  3. Conclusion of World War II - Pacific • Japanese Expansion - 1942 • Coral Sea/Midway - 1942 • Island Hopping – 1942-1945 (4) • Invade Japan? • Manhattan Project • Atomic Bombs – 8/45 (5) • V J Day – August 14, 1945

  4. Argumentation – Atomic Bombs Should the United States have dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945? Write out a thesis and support it with two pieces of evidence (use at least one document).

  5. Human Rights & WW2 • Mass Bombing of Civilian Territory – Ethical? • Dresden (Germany) • Tokyo (Japan) • Holocaust • Should the US have done more? • Nuremberg Trials • Why was this a revolutionary idea? • UN Declaration of Human Rights • Eleanor Roosevelt

  6. German Expansion

  7. Battle of the Atlantic

  8. Invasion of North Africa

  9. War Conferences Teheran (11/43) • US and Britain would open up a 2nd front in Western Europe • USSR would help against Japan after Germany was defeated Yalta (2/45) *** • Occupation and division of Germany • Free elections in Eastern Europe • Creation of the UN Potsdam (7/45) • Unconditional surrender in Japan • War crimes trials for Nazi leadership

  10. War Conferences

  11. War Conferences

  12. D Day

  13. D Day

  14. Push To Germany

  15. European Air War

  16. European Air War - Dresden

  17. Victory in Europe Day -5/8/1945

  18. Japanese Expansion

  19. Battle of Midway

  20. Japanese Expansion

  21. Island Hopping

  22. Island Hopping – Iwo Jima

  23. Island Hopping - Okinawa

  24. Firebombing of Tokyo

  25. Hiroshima

  26. Hiroshima

  27. Nagasaki

  28. Nagasaki

  29. Victory Over Japan Day – 8/14/1945

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