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Status of Observations at Chilbolton (CFARR) October 2004

Status of Observations at Chilbolton (CFARR) October 2004. Millimetre cloud radars at CFARR. 94 GHz radar in cradle and 35 GHz radar on mount. Status of millimetre wave cloud radars: 94 GHz Galileo radar has been experiencing loss of transmitter power and

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Status of Observations at Chilbolton (CFARR) October 2004

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Status of Observations at Chilbolton (CFARR) October 2004

  2. Millimetre cloud radars at CFARR 94 GHz radar in cradle and 35 GHz radar on mount

  3. Status of millimetre wave cloud radars: • 94 GHz Galileo radar has been experiencing loss of transmitter power and • apart from a few days of operation it has been switched-off since 9th April 2004. • Recent malfunction of the receiver is currently under investigation. • 35 GHz Copernicus radar has been operating since early May 2004. The • radar has two modes of operation: transmitting (1) coded and (2) uncoded pulses. By adopting the pulse compression mode it is possible to improve sensitivity by ~10dB. The radar measures: Full Doppler spectrum, the spectral moments and the polarimetric parameters

  4. Specification of 35 GHz Copernicus radar: • Transmitter is based on a programmable waveform generator driving a • high-power pulsed amplifier tube (EIKA). • The receiver is a dual channel, double-conversion superheterodyne with • separate IF chains for simultaneous co-polar and cross-polar measurements. • Dual-polarisation antenna (2.4 m) includes a fast transmit polarisation switch. • Tx power 1.5 kW peak pulse • Range resolution 75 metres • Beamwidth 0.23 degrees • PRF 5000 Hz • Unambiguous velocity ~5.3 m/s • Minimum range in pulse compression mode ~500 metres

  5. 35 GHz Copernicus radar data Uncoded pulse Coded pulse [Pulse Compression Gain ~10dB] velocity away from radar radar reflectivity

  6. 35 GHz Copernicus radar data Uncoded pulse Coded pulse [Pulse Compression Gain ~10dB] velocity away from radar radar reflectivity

  7. UV Raman Lidar IR Lidar CT75K Ceilometer collects backscatter Lidars Radiosonde comparisons with integrated water vapour profile performed during July 2004

  8. Pyrgeometer & Pyranometer Broadband Radiometers Radiometers Microwave radiometers Retrieving LWP and IWV From 22.2 and 28.8 GHz [37.5 GHz under investigation for instability]

  9. FMCW - low power radar Additional measurements: One month of data. Comparison of performance between pulsed radar and low power FMCW unit (100mw Tx power) Two examples:

  10. Non-Precipitating Cloud

  11. Precipitating Cloud

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