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Understand the relationship between side length and area of perfect squares. Learn how to estimate square roots of non-perfect squares and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. Practice calculating areas and side lengths.
For each shaded square: What is its area? Write this area as a product. How can you use a square root to relate the side length and area?
For the area of each square in the table… • Write the area as a product. • Write the side length as a square root.
Squaring vs. Square Rooting • Squaring and square rooting are opposite, or inverse operations. • Eg. • When you take the square root of some fractions you will get a terminating decimal. • Eg. • These are all called RATIONAL numbers.
When you take the square root of other fractions you will get a repeating decimal. • Eg. • These are all called RATIONAL numbers
Introduction... • Many fractions and decimals are not perfect squares. • A fraction or decimal that is not a perfect square is called a non-perfect square. • The square roots of these numbers do not work out evenly! • How can we estimate a square root of a decimal that is a non-perfect square?
Here are 2 strategies... Ask yourself: “Which 2 perfect squares are closest to 7.5?” 7.5 2.5 2 3 7.5 is closer to 9 than to 4, so is closer to 3 than to 2. What would be a good approximation?
Strategy #2... • Use a calculator! • But, of course, you must be able to do both!
Example #1 • Determine an approximate value of each square root. We call these 2 numbers ‘benchmarks’. close to 9 close to 4 What does this mean?
Example #2 • Determine an approximate value of each square root. Your benchmarks! 0.30 0.36 0.20 0.25 0.40 Of course, you can always use a calculator to CHECK your answer!
What’s the number? • Identify a decimal that has a square root between 10 and 11. If these are the square roots, where do we start? 121 110 100 120 or 10 11
Mr. Pythagoras Recall: a2 + b2 = c2 • Junior High Math Applet Remember, we can only use Pythagorean Theorem on RIGHT angle triangles!
Practicing the Pythagorean Theorem First, ESTIMATE each missing side and then CHECK using your calculator. 7 cm x 13 cm 5 cm 8 cm x
Applying the Pythagorean Theorem 1.5 cm 2.2 cm 6.5 cm The sloping face of this ramp needs to be covered with Astroturf. • Estimate the length of the ramp to the nearest 10th of a metre • Use a calculator to check your answer. • Calculate the area of Astroturf needed.
Let’s quickly review what we’ve learned today... • Explain the term non-perfect square. • Name 3 perfect squares and 3 non-perfect squares between the numbers 0 and 10. • Why might the square root shown on a calculator be an approximation?
Assignment Time! • Complete the following questions in your notebook. • Be prepared to discuss your answers in class. • Show all of your work!