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Learn how to efficiently work with ArcGIS attribute tables for data editing tasks, including adding fields, data types, and multiple record editing.
GeographicInformationSystems UsingESRI ArcGIS 9.3 Workingwith theAttributeTable
To start editing (i.e. modifying), first ofallyouhavetoactivate the Editor toolbar EDITING
To start editing, first ofallyouhavetoactivate the Editor toolbar EDITING
Start Editing EDITING
Editoractivated EDITING
Editing asinglevalue/label Type or copy/paste EDITING: AttributeTable
Options: addfield Youcannot addfields whenyou are in the editing environment! ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Options: addfield Name (not duplicate) ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Options: addfield Type Short integer ± 32’768 Long integer ± 2’147’483’648 Float ca. ± 2^38 Doubleca. ± 2^308 Textalphanumeric Date mm/dd/yyyyhh:mm:ss ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Options: addfield Length(only text:numberof alphanumeric characters) ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Options: addfield Precision(numberofdigits) Scale(numberofdigitsafter the decimalpoint) (Onlynumbers) ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Data Types • Text (alphanumeric) • Number • Nominal (e.g. a postal code) • Ordinal (e.g. orderofalluvalterrace) • Cardinal • Withconventional zero (e.g. temperature) • Withreal zero (e.g. precipitation)
Text and nominal and ordinalnumbers can onlybesortedNo statisticevaluation (suchascentralvalues or dispersionparameters) isallowed, exceptfor the evaluationof the modalclass
Cardinal numberswithreal zero can besubmittedto full statisticanalysesCardinal numberswithconventional zero don’t allowratios(e.g. 20°C isnot the doubleof 10°C)
Selection Click on the squareto the leftof the record ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Zoom toSelection Double click on the squareto the leftof the record ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Zoom toSelection Thenminimize or resize the attributetable ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple Selection Press the “CTRL” or “Shift” keyswhileselecting ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Show method Selected ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple field editing Editing onefield forall the selectedrecords ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple field editing Editing onefield forall the selectedrecords Fieldcalculator ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple field editing Editing onefield forall the selectedrecords Fieldcalculator ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple field editing Editing onefield forall the selectedrecords FieldcalculatorSimplytype in the newvalue/label Text must beplaced betweenquatationmarks ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple field editing Editing onefield forall the selectedrecords FieldcalculatorRun the calculator ATTRIBUTE TABLE
Multiple field editing Editing onefield forall the selectedrecords FieldcalculatorResult ATTRIBUTE TABLE