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Presented by Florida State University Wednesday, May 4 th , 2011

Microsoft SharePoint Open House. Presented by Florida State University Wednesday, May 4 th , 2011. College of Music . Todays Overview News and Announcements Calendars Calendar Outlook Integration. Calendar Usages. Online Calendars for employees and eventually students

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Presented by Florida State University Wednesday, May 4 th , 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Microsoft SharePoint Open House Presented by Florida State UniversityWednesday, May 4th, 2011

  2. College of Music • Todays Overview • News and Announcements • Calendars • Calendar Outlook Integration

  3. Calendar Usages Online Calendars for employees and eventually students To track Room Schedules To track Resources Notifications via Subscription (known as Alerts is SharePoint)

  4. Announcements Usages To post announcements about important policy changes. To post reminders about important deadlines. To announce new resources. To target news to specific user groups.

  5. Terminology Sites and Sub-sites SharePoint List Item Announcements

  6. Where do announcements and events come from? • On-line editing • Outlook Integration • Workflows and Business Rules • Online Forms (InfoPath)

  7. Creating Events with SharePoint

  8. On Page Editing

  9. Outlook Integration

  10. InfoPath Forms

  11. Making EventsWorkflows and Business Rules SharePoint 2007

  12. SharePoint 2010

  13. Why use SharePoint? • Complements FSU’s current direction for email, calendaring, and collaboration. • Live@edu • Exchange 2010 • Workflows – Automated event creation • Rich API for custom development • Strong searching, tagging and filtering.

  14. College of Music Case Study

  15. Calendars and Event Management Performance Hall Calendars • Overview 500 public concerts per year. • 9 different hall calendars • Majority of concerts by individual student request • Public Facing -https://calendar.music.fsu.edu

  16. Calendars and Event Management Room Calendars • 19 room calendars • Shows classroom and rehearsal scheduling • Handles faculty and staff requests • Future handling of student requests

  17. Calendars Overview Create a new calendar Setting permissions Adding custom fields

  18. Announcements Overview Create a new Announcement Set the permissions. Add a custom field

  19. Homework Determine what rooms and resources you need to track Identify target audience. Identify content creators Identify content approvers Model you decision making process. Determine site structure and permissions. Talk with ITS about getting a SP site for your unit. Set it up, test, get feedback and deploy.

  20. Q&A and Contact Info • Michael Strickland, College of Music IT Manager • Michael.Strickland@fsu.edu • 850-644-5788

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