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EDUCATION STATISTICS. 6-7 December 2012 Belgrade. EDUCATION STATISTICS. Purpose To compile and evaluate the formal and non-formal education statistics, and to calculate the educational indicators
EDUCATION STATISTICS 6-7 December 2012 Belgrade
EDUCATION STATISTICS Purpose • To compile and evaluate the formal and non-formal education statistics, and to calculate the educational indicators • To make researches for collecting data as the basis of prudential policies in the field of education • To ensure the production of education statistics at the international standards by monitoring international methodology and developments about education statistics • To ensure the coordinationbetween institutions and to perform needed works on this matter to overcome the deficiencies within the scope of harmonisation to European Union
CURRENT STUDIES • Formal Education Statistics (MoNE - Ministry of National Education) • Higher Education Statistics (ÖSYM - Assessment Selection and Placement Centre) • Non-Formal Education Statistics (Administrative Records) • Non-Formal Education Activities Survey (TurkStat) • Continuing Vocational Training Survey In Enterprises (TurkStat) • Adult Education Survey (TurkStat) • Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Statistical capacity of Ministry of National Education
DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS Lifelong Learning All learning activity undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences, within a personal, civic, social and or employment related perspective are in the scope of lifelong learning. Formal Education Formal education is the regular education conducted within a school for individuals in a certain age group and at the same level, under programs developed in accordance with the purpose. Formal education includes pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education institutions. Non-Formal Education Non-formal education covers all education activities besides or out of formal education. The special purpose of non-formal education is to gain knowledge and skills of citizens in formal education system at all or have not entered in any stage, or out of this system. Informal Learning Is defined as intentional with learning aim but it is less organized and less structured and self-directed learning activities.
FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS (MoNE) • Published by TurkStat between the years 1923- 2006. • Transferred to MoNE with the Official Statistics Programme (RİP) 2007-2011 period. • Published by MoNE in cooperation with TurkStat within the scope of Official Statistics Programme (RİP) since the 2005-2006 educational year. • The publication belonging to 2005-2006 educational year prepared in cooperation with TurkStat and MoNE.
FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS (MoNE) Coverage • Formal education includes information such as number of students, teachers, graduates and schooling ratio related to pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education institutions Data Source • Administrative Records of MoNE Data Presentation • Published as printed publication, CD and on website by MoNE PublicationFrequency • Published annually by MoNE according to TurkStat Publication Board decision.
FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS (MoNE) Data Collection Method • In order for formal education statistics to be collected and published, Ministry of National Education launched the project named “MEBBİS” in the educational year 2002/’03. School directors send their recorded data covering level of education to the computer centre of Ministry of National Education via internet. • Data on formal education statistics are collected by MoNE from provincial-district national education directorates and schools/institutions depend on the Ministry of National Education in the scope of (MEBBİS) by using the e-School Management Information System and MEİS Module electronically. • Data input on student and building belonging to all public and private, independent kindergartens, nursery classes within primary education, primary education schools and secondary education schools are done by e-School module. • Data input on education opportunities of all institutions (library/material, library usage, informatics/computer, informatics/internet, BT classes) and personnel information are done by MEİS module.
FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS (MoNE) Data Collection Method • Data are taken from the school records at the beginning of the educational year and the end of the previous educational year. • Data inputs for each educational year are completed from the first week of October to the end of November. • During the process of data entry, related general directorates and directors of provincial-district national education directorates are able to monitor and control data input at school and institutions affiliated to them by MEİS query engine. • After completing the MEİS module data entry procedures, the information entered respectively approved by school director, district national education director and provincial director of national education at the 3-stage.
FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS (MoNE) Gross Schooling Ratio It is obtained by dividing the total number of students in a specific level of education by the population in the theoretical age group. Net Schooling Ratio It is obtained by dividing the number of students of a theoretical age group enrolled in a specific level of education by the population in that age group. The theoretical age groups at primary education, at secondary education and at higher education are accepted respectively as 6-13; 14-17 and 18-22 on the basis of the completed age of students Student GenderRatio It indicates the relative greatness of female gross schooling ratio as compared to male gross schooling ratio in a specific educational year and level of education. It is obtained by dividing the female gross schooling ratio by the male gross schooling ratio multiplied 100.
FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS (MoNE) Publication • Calculation and use of Schooling Ratios, is possible just after the announcement of the results of the Address-Based Population Register System (ADNKS) to the public. • Schooling Ratios, every year calculated according to the number of students that are sent by MoNE officially after the announcement of the results of the ADNKS and using the age population by TurkStat and sent to MoNE with official letter. • Formal Education Statistics Publication, after the update of Schooling Ratios, are sent to TurkStat and reviewed by Education statistics Team with the related unit of Publication And Data Dissemination Department and then published by MoNE with the decision of TurkStat Publication Board. • Formal Education Statistics Published by Statistical Regions (SR) 3 level and by level of education.
Source: Formal Education Statistics, 2010-2011 Number of Students in Primary Education (Million)
Source: Formal Education Statistics, 2010-2011 Number of Students in Secondary Education (Million)
Source: Formal Education Statistics, 2010-2011 Number of Students in Higher Education (Million)
HIGHER EDUCATION STATISTICS (ÖSYM - Assessment Selection and Placement Centre) Responsible Organisation • Higher Education Statistics Publication, according to the protocol signed with the Council of Higher Education Directorate, published by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) since the academic year 1983 / '84. Coverage • Covers the information relative to universities affiliated to the Council of Higher Education and other educational institutions that are not affiliated to the Council of Higher Education. Data source • Administrative Records of universities
HIGHER EDUCATION STATISTICS (ÖSYM - Assessment Selection and Placement Centre) Data Collection Method • Data collected by Assessment Selection And Placement Centre (ÖSYM) with the “Academic Staff Data Collection System” and the “Number of Students Data Collection System” from universities electronically. Data Presentation • Published as printed publication and on website by Assessment Selection And Placement Centre Publication Frequency • Annual
HIGHER EDUCATION STATISTICS (ÖSYM - Assessment Selection and Placement Centre) • The Council of Higher Education (YÖK) Database was established in 2009 • TurkStat Information and Communication Technologies Department provided technical support in the establishment of this database • Database updated each year since 2009 • Transferred to The Council of Higher Education in 2010 • Data entry is done by universities • Covers the information on students and teaching staff, administrative personnel except academic personnel by university, faculty and department. Also covers the personal information of students (scholarship status, freezing enrolment, passing grade and repeat etc.).
HIGHER EDUCATION STATISTICS (ÖSYM) Source: http://www.osym.gov.tr/belge/1-13575/2011-2012-ogretim-yili-yuksekogretim-istatistikleri.html
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICS Non-Formal Education Statistics compiled by • Administrative Records & • Survey
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICSADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS Non-Formal Education Statistics • is produced by TurkStat since1923. Coverage Non-Formal Education Statistics covers the knowledge on • participants, • teachers and • courses given by Practical Trade Schools For Girls, Maturation Institutions, Adults Technical Training Centers, Public Training Centers, Vocational Training Centers, Vocational Courses Operate According to Law No: 3308, Koran Courses, Private Education Centers, Various Private Courses, Study Centers for Students, Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers, Motor Vehicle Drivers’ Course, Job Training Centers for Mentally Impaired, Job Training Centers for Autistics, Science and Art Centers for Children with Superior Intelligence and Special Ability and Tourism Training Centers.
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICSADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS Data source • Administrative Records of MoNE • Administrative Records of Religious Affairs Assembly Data Presentation • Published as printed publication, CD and on website by TurkStat Publication Frequency • Annual
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION STATISTICSADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS Data Collection Method • Data related to Non-Formal Education Statistics compiled by MoNE from non-formal education institutions and sent to TurkStat at magnetic media. • Data entry on participant and building of Public Training Centers made by HEM module at the web address http//hem.meb.gov.tr. Data entry of non-formal education institutions carrying out activities except Public Training Centers made by both e-non-formal module at the web address http//eyaygın.meb.gov.tr and MEİS module. • The forms filled by means of the mufti offices of Department of Religious Affairs collect information, which is related to Koran courses of Religious Affairs, and then soft copy of the data are sent to TurkStat.
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES SURVEY Purpose • With this research, to get information such as the number of participants, education and age status of participants, type and time of the activities provided within the scope of non-formal education activities by ministries and subsidiary institutions/organizations, universities, municipalities, confederations and trade unions is aimed. Coverage • Handicrafts, hand weaving, clothing, ceramic, drawing, fashion designing, hairdressing • Courses on agriculture and animal husbandry, • Courses such as metal working, moulding, furniture upholstery etc. • Seminars, workshops, in-service training and vocational training courses given by institutions/organizations are in this context • TurkStat has launched this survey to remove the lack of coverage first time in 2009.
NON-FORMAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES SURVEY Data source • Ministries & subsidiary institutions/ organizations • Universities • Municipalities • Confederations and trade unions • Foundations and associations Data Collection Method • Questionnaire and post method, web-based data entry system at Regional Offices Data Presentation • Published on TurkStat web site as Press Release Publication Frequency • Annual
CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING SURVEY IN ENTERPRISES Purpose • To determine detailed information on vocational training provided by enterprises to their persons employed, • to collect detailed information on cost, kind and coverage etc. of vocational training courses provided by enterprises, • To determine training policies and strategies of enterprises, • To identify the reasons for enterprises which doesn’t provide education • To collect information for initial vocational training. Coverage • CVTS data source is enterprises with 10 or more persons employed and 20 NACE Rev. 1.1 category.
CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING SURVEY IN ENTERPRISES Application Frequency (every 5 year) • Continuing Vocational Training performed • for the first time in Turkey in 2008 • within the scope of harmonisation to European Union • for the reference year 2007 • Field application of second CVTS is performed in 2011 and now analysis work is in progress Estimation Level • Turkey
CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING SURVEY IN ENTERPRISES • Data Collection Method • Data was collected by face to face interviews and paper surveys. • Data processing was performed by TurkStat Regional Offices with web based data entry system.
CONTINUING VOCATIONAL TRAINING SURVEY IN ENTERPRISES • Sample Size • 9 898 enterprises in 2007 • 14 929 enterprises in 2011 • Data Presentation • Press Release, printed publication, and CD
Girişimlerde mesleki eğitim sağlama durumu Continuing Vocational Training Status in Enterprises Source: TurkStatContinuing Vocational Training Survey, 2007
ADULT EDUCATION SURVEY Purpose • The purpose of survey is to determine the participation of individuals to learning activities both professional and individual level, scope of learning by means of kind of activity, time spent, provider, cost etc and attitudes towards learning. Coverage • All settlements within the Republic of Turkey boundaries are covered for the survey. • Institutional population (hostels, hospitals, prisons, nursing homes and military barracks) has been kept out of scope. • Additionally, settlements with a population of just below 100 have been kept outside the scope because of not being reached the number of enough households. • 18 years old and over were covered.
ADULT EDUCATION SURVEY Application Frequency (every 5 year) • Adult Education Survey is performed • for the first time in Turkey in • within the scope of harmonisation to European Union • taking the reference period as last 12 months • Field application of second AES is performed nowadays Estimation Level • Sample size of survey is calculated to do estimations on the base of total Turkey, urban and rural.
ADULT EDUCATION SURVEY Data Collection Method • Computer Assisted face-to-face interview method. Sample Size • Total sample size is 22 716 households. 18 years old and over 39 478 individuals were interviewed in 17 501 respond households. Proxy answers were not allowed. Data Presentation • Press Release, printed publication, andCD
Yetişkinlerin eğitime katılım durumu (18 yaş ve üzeri nüfus)Participation to education (18 years old and over) Source: TurkStatAdult Education Survey , 2007
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Statistical capacity of Ministry of National Education (MoNE) • Objectıves and Scope • Overall objective of the project of which this contract is a part: • To provide adequate data and analysis in the field of education, for the purposes of facilitating policy decisions towards implementation of the pre-accession strategy and the adoption of the Acquis. • Specific objective (purpose) of this contract • To upgrade the data collection system of the MoNE according to the EU standards in the area of education by developing a system which will enable all beneficiaries to get reliable, coherent data on finance, personnel, student enrolment graduations and drop outs, aligned with national and international definitions and which will be the main source in their decision making process.
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Statistical capacity of Ministry of National Education (MoNE) • Component 1: Assessment of needs and comparison 1. Data collection and dissemination system of MoNE is assessed and compared with best practices in EU countries 2. IT/ICT infrastructure and software portfolio of MoNE is assessed and compared with best practices in EU countries. 3. Training needs are identified. 4. EUROSTAT educational statistics methodology explained and promotedwithin MoNE
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Statistical capacity of Ministry of National Education (MoNE) • Component 2: Adaptation and upgrading 5. EUROSTAT educational statistics methodology adapted to MoNE specificities 6. Technical and managerial capacity of policy-makers, decision makers andtechnical staff are improved 7. MoNE Databases are upgraded to be aligned with EU standards 8. Reliable, coherent and analysable data which are compatible withEUROSTAT norms/standards are settled
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Statistical capacity of Ministry of National Education (MoNE) • Component 3: Public awareness 9. Awareness among policy-makers and experts of MoNE on the usage ofstatistical indicators in decision making process and expertise on the newstatistical system of MoNE are raised 10.New statistical system of MoNE aligned with EUROSTAT norms is in use
COOPERATION UOE Data Collection • UOE data sent to EUROSTAT by MoNE. • Questionnaires about higher education filled by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and transmitted to MoNE. • ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) map is being completed by TurkStat and delivered by MoNE.
COOPERATION Cooperation with other institutions, universities etc. • TurkStat comes together to share there opinions and cooperate with delegations from other related institutions, universities etc. twice a year as informed at the Official Statistics Programme (RİP). • Working groups are constituted on statistics (e.g. Education Statistics) • Relevant institutions and persons come together twice a year for each working group to cooperate on related statistics