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How Government can enable uptake of telehealth

How Government can enable uptake of telehealth. Dr Iain McNeil MBChB , MRCGP, FIMCRCS(Ed), AFCEM Medical Director, Pfizer Health Solutions. Telehealth is not new. BUT. sssssssssssssss. Despite lots of evidence, and hundreds of pilots. sssssssssssssss. We keep doing it the same way!.

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How Government can enable uptake of telehealth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Government can enable uptake of telehealth Dr Iain McNeil MBChB, MRCGP, FIMCRCS(Ed), AFCEM Medical Director, Pfizer Health Solutions 11089MK

  2. Telehealth is not new BUT................ sssssssssssssss

  3. Despite lots of evidence, and hundreds of pilots... sssssssssssssss

  4. We keep doing it the same way! WHY? sssssssssssssss

  5. The barriers • Money • Short term goals • Austerity measures • Procurement rules • Past failures • Fear of moving the money • Governance • We don’t believe the evidence • Excessive scrutiny • RCT ‘scourge’ • Risk aversion • Conflicting interests • Local v national • Primary v secondary v ambulance • Financial v operational • Educational v operational • Clinical v financial • Operational v clinical sssssssssssssss

  6. Leadership failure • Who is in charge? • Who makes the BIG decisions? • Who gives you permission to try - and to fail? • Who has the map? • Failure to recognise that no one sector can do it all sssssssssssssss

  7. TOO MUCH FOCUS ON THE TECHNOLOGY ....and not enough on the wrap-around services the technology should support

  8. What can Government do? • The rules Change them • The people Give them freedom • The system Change it • The people Involve them, talk to them • The talk Stop talking, start walking • The people Help them • The money Chase the rainbows • The people Educate them • “The leaders”Empower them sssssssssssssss

  9. Help leaders to: • Help people to accept the evidence – and trust the data • Invest in the long term for improved outcomes • Adopt, adapt and improve the technologies • Drive changes in care pathways and protocols • Focus on the service not the kit • Embed telehealth in services designed to help people look after themselves • Share decision-making and share the risks - but make a decision! • Achieve economy of scale • Make telehealth the front line - make it ‘normal care’ sssssssssssssss

  10. Be bold! sssssssssssssss

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