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Are we talking about the wrong things?

From ”Human-Computer Interaction” to ”The Use and Design of Digital Artifacts” Lars Erik Holmquist Future Applications Lab Viktoria Institute. Are we talking about the wrong things?. Why are we so fixated on the computer? We don’t call a car a ”human-motor interface”!

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Are we talking about the wrong things?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From”Human-Computer Interaction” to”The Use and Design of Digital Artifacts”Lars Erik HolmquistFuture Applications LabViktoria Institute

  2. Are we talking about the wrong things? • Why are we so fixated on the computer? • We don’t call a car a ”human-motor interface”! • ”Re-thinking the way we interact with computers” to find tomorrow’s applications makes as much sense as ”re-thinking the car” to make a new shoe!

  3. What should we talk about? • Let’s try to lose: • Interfaces • Computers • Humans (as a separate entity) • Instead I propose: “The Use and Design of Digital Artifacts”

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