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“Back in the Saddle” with 1 st Grade. Curriculum Night September 10, 2013. Grit To keep going towards the goal, even when it’s hard!.
“Back in the Saddle” with 1st Grade Curriculum Night September 10, 2013
Grit To keep going towards the goal, even when it’s hard!
Each grade-level has a significant unit of study that marks a milestoneon students’ journey through elementary school. Kindergarten Reading CafeFirst Grade Animal Kingdom Research Projects Milestone Experiences Second Grade Reader’s Theatre Showcase Third Grade Living Statue Museum Fourth Grade Poetry Slam Fifth Grade Wind Turbine project These Milestone Experiences are also opportunities for students to practice performance skills, presenting their learning in front of a live audience. Parents and the community will be invited.
Fundraising at Justin Elementary • Spring 2014 School Boosterthon for character development and pledges to support the activity fund. • Classroom magazines • Reading incentives • Field trips support • Special programs • Dog tags • Book Club books Fall 2013 PTA Traditional catalog sale with cookie dough, magazines, and gift wrap. The goal is to raise funds for…. • Red Ribbon assembly • Watch D.O.G. • “Fall Fest” to have free or reduced admission • Supper with Santa • Mr. Blue Shoes assembly • Inflatables for Field Day
Connect through Social Media JustinJags Justin Elementary Family
What does it mean to be a Title I School? • Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding (Title I dollars) to supplement the school’s existing programs. These dollars are used for… • Identifying students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help these student’s meet the State’s challenging content standards • Purchasing supplemental staff/programs/materials/supplies • Conducting parental Involvement meetings/trainings/activities • Recruiting/Hiring/Retaining Highly Qualified Teachers • Being a Title I school also includes parental involvement and recognizing parents’ rights.
Our goal is for students to be able to problem solve and articulate high levels of thinking in purposeful conversations and critical writing.
Morning Meetings The first 10 minutes of the day! Building a classroom culture of honesty, tolerance, and trust.
Reading • Independent and Partner Reading • Responding to literature • Reading strategies • Small group instruction • Expectations for students and parents • Nightlyreading with leveled books • Record on reading log
Writing • Generate stories • Different genres • Personal narratives • Informational • Letters • Spelling Stages • Expectations
Writing Samples Stage 4 Stage 3
Writing Samples Stage 6 Stage 5
Math • Number Sense • Addition & Subtraction • Graphing • Shapes
Science • Hands – On Science • Process & Inquiry • Physical Systems • Earth Systems • Space Systems • Life Systems
Social Studies • Integrated into LA • History • Geography • Culture • Economics • Government • Citizenship
FOR THE SAFETY OF YOUR CHILD IT IS IMPORTANT TO FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES: 1. Students will wear tennis shoes during P.E. (no flip-flop, backless, high platform or slip-one style shoes, boots or crocs will be allowed). 2. Shoes must be tied; tucking in loose laces may cause injury to your child or others. 3. Shorts must be worn under dresses and skirts. Students who do not comply with the dress code will be doing an alternate P.E. activity for that day. **Gym shoes may be stored in back packs or lockers for a quick change. If your child is injured or ill, he/she must have a note (from home) to be excused from P.E. activities. After five days, a doctor's note will be required specifying the length of time he/she will be excused. CITIZENSHIP GRADE EACH SIX WEEKS 0 -1 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE E 2 – 3 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE S - PARENT NOTIFIED 4 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE N – PARENT NOTIFIED 5 TIMES SIGNING DISCIPLINE BOOK GRADE U - PARENT NOTIFIED TEACHER – MS. DANA AIDE – Coach Kalyn PHYSICAL EDUCATION 817-215-0802
Your child spends 7 hours a day at school. Recent research shows a flat or negative effect size on traditional homework for elementary-age students. Homework The new suggestions will be….. Reading 15-30 minutes of reading per night, depending upon age Math Fact fluency games , computer practice, etc. * Differentiated homework will be given as needed to fill gaps and reinforce skills.
Reading at Home Reading promotes comprehension, vocabulary, conventional spelling, a sense of grammar, writing competency, and a positive attitude toward the written word.~Routman 2000, 44Reading at home is the most important thing you can do to help your child be successful in school.Children who read at least 20 minutes per day encounter more than 1,000,000 words per year!
Reading Round-Up Kindergarten through 2nd grade: Read 100 minutes per week for a total of 600 minutes per 6-weeks. Third Grade through 5th grade:Read 25 “Just Right” Books by the End of YearCheck-points will be announced and a school-wide celebration at the mid-way point and at the end of the year for students who have reached their goals. Watch your child’s Tuesday folder for more information coming soon.
Field Trip Traditions Kindergarten apple orchard, walking tour of Justin, Ft. Worth Zoo First Grade Casa Manana Children’s Theatre & Elm Fork Nature Center Second Grade Ft. Worth Museum of Science and History & Will Rogers TheatreThird Grade Elm Fork Nature Center & The Nutcracker at Bass Hall Fourth Grade Texas play in Ft. Worth National Cowgirl Museum & OLC Fifth Grade OLC (3 times) Best Christmas Pageant Ever (play) Ross Perot Museum (extended day)Most venues only allow 1 or 2 parents. We will draw names if there are multiple parents wanting to attend. The cost for admission & bus range from $7-10.
Volunteers • ALWAYS welcome at Justin Elementary • Volunteer services, time or supplies • At school or from home • Watch D.O.G.S.-Dads, Uncles, Grandpas • Mentoring Moms • Background check-Can be completed online through the NISD website
Other Routines & Procedures • Tuesday Folders • Signed and returned • Important school news • Go Green • Email • Conserve Paper • Transportation Changes • Written note to the teacher • Phone call to the office • Book Orders • Sent home in Tuesday Folders • Online