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ATS Benefits: How ATS Improves Time, Cost and Quality of Hire

Xoomatic Application Tracking System is a candidate management system specifically designed to help track candidates more efficiently

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ATS Benefits: How ATS Improves Time, Cost and Quality of Hire

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  1. Applicant Tracking Systems(ATS)

  2. What is an ATS • Creating job requisition and routing for approval • Publishing the job • Tracking and Communicating with applicants through the hiring process

  3. Why Use An ATS • Ease recruiter workload with automation • Reduce administrative burden (integration) • Build talent pipeline • Compliance and reporting • Improve candidate experience

  4. Candidate Experience Personalize Your Emails Track Communication with Each Candidate Streamline the Application Process Streamline the onboarding process

  5. Features and benefits of ATSSo, what exactly can an ATS do for you?A modern and well-designed Applicant Tracking System can help you achieve recruiting goals and overcome challenges by offering following features:

  6. Powerful sourcing toolOne click job posting to multiple job boardsEasy interview schedulingReady to use HR templatesAutomated email responsesEasily searchable database of rich applicants’ profilesRecruiting analytics and reporting

  7. Using all these Applicant Tracking System features provides numerous benefits, including • Speeding up recruitment process • Lovering recruiting costs • Improving quality of hire • Building high-quality talent pools • Developing stronger relationships with candidates • Advancing decision making

  8. The use of Applicant Tracking System has been proved to advance the most important hiring metrics: time-to-hire, cost-per-hire and quality-of-hire. ATS benefit #1: Shorter time-to-hire One of the most important metrics for recruitment is time-to-hire. Time-to-hire is atotal time spent to fill an open job position. Time-to-hire calculation includes different activities like creating a job posting, job posting promotion, sourcing, interviewing and finally hiring candidates.

  9. How does an ATS improve time-to-hire? According to research, 86% of recruiting professionals say that using an ATS has helped them hire faster. With Applicant Tracking System, tasks that previously required many hours of work can now be executed very quickly and easily - or sometimes even done automatically. Some of these tasks include: resume parsing, disqualifications of non-qualified applicants, interview scheduling and email automation. Applicant Tracking System also saves time by building talent pools, which can be used to find perfect candidates for your future roles and job openings.

  10. ATS benefit #2: Lower cost-per-hireSecond most important recruitment metric is cost-per-hire. Cost-per-hire is a total amount of monetary investment needed to recruit new employees.Cost-per-hire is calculated based on different variables, including recruiter salaries, employee referral bonuses, job advertising costs, travel and relocation costs, etc.This recruitment metric shows the cost-effectiveness of the recruitment process and helps you allocating your hiring budget based on insights about most and least expensive job positions.

  11. ATS benefit #3: Better quality-of-hire What is quality-of-hire? Another crucial recruitment metric is the quality-of-hire. Quality-of-hire is a total value that new employees bring to a company with their performance. Cost-per-hire is calculated based on different variables, including performance reviews, ramp up time, turnover and retention rates, hiring manager satisfaction etc. This recruitment metric shows the effectiveness of the recruitment process and measures your assessment accuracy.

  12. Xoomaticis the first of its kind all inclusive product for recruiters, vendors and clients to manage their entire hiring process on one platform with increased transparency and accountability all under one platform.

  13. Contact us 1375 Remington Rd. Suite W, Schaumburg, IL 60173 Email info@xoomatic.com sales@xoomatic.com Call us Toll-Free Number :866-XOO-MATCUS | Canada : +1 847-907-1074SEA : +658-647-6694 IND : +91-99889-05901

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