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More CSS. <link href =" filename " type="text/ css " rel =" stylesheet " />. HTML id attribute. <p>Coding Horror! Coding Horror!</p> <p id="mission">Our mission is to combine programming and <q>human</q> factors with geekiness !</p> HTML. A unique ID for an element on a page
More CSS <link href="filename" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> CS380
HTML id attribute <p>Coding Horror! Coding Horror!</p> <p id="mission">Our mission is to combine programming and <q>human</q> factors with geekiness!</p> HTML • Aunique ID for an element on a page • Each ID must be unique; can only be used once in the page Coding Horror! Coding Horror! Our mission is to combine programming and “human” factors with geekiness! output CS380
Linking to sections of a web page <p>Visit <a href= "http://www.textpad.com/download/index.html#downloads"> textpad.com</a> to get the TextPad editor.</p> <p><a href="#mission">View our Mission Statement</a></p> HTML • Link target can include an ID at the end, preceded by a # • Browser will load that page and scroll to element with given ID Visit textpad.com to get the TextPad editor. View our Mission Statement output CS380
CSS ID selectors #mission { font-style: italic; font-family: "Garamond", "Century Gothic", serif; } CSS • Applies style only to the paragraph that has the ID of mission Coding Horror! Coding Horror! Our mission is to combine programming and “human” factors with geekiness! output CS380
HTML class attribute <p class="shout">Coding Horror! Coding Horror!</p> <p class="special">See our special deal on Droids!</p> <p class="special">Today only!</p> HTML • Away to group some elements and give a style to only that group • Unlike an id, a class can be reused as much as you like on the page Coding Horror! Coding Horror! See our special deal on Droids! Today only! output CS380
CSS class selectors .special { background-color: yellow; font-weight: bold; } p.shout { color: red; font-family: cursive; } CSS Coding Horror! Coding Horror! output See our special deal on Droids! Today only! CS380
CSS class selectors <p class="shout">Coding Horror! Coding Horror!</p> <p class="special">See our special deal on Droids!</p> <p class="special shout">Today only!</p> HTML Coding Horror! Coding Horror! output See our special deal on Droids! Today only! CS380
CSS ID selectors a:link { color: #FF0000; } /* unvisited link */ a:visited { color: #00FF00; } /* visited link */ a:hover { color: #FF00FF; } /* mouse over link */ CSS Buy Early Buy Often! output CS380
CSS ID selectors CS380
Styling Page Sections CS380
Why do we need page sections? • Style individual elements, groups of elements, sections of text or of the page • Create complex page layouts CS380
Sections of a page <div> <div class="shout"> <h2>Coding Horror! Coding Horror!</h2> <p class="special">See our special deal on Droids!</p> <p>We'll beat any advertised price!</p> </div>HTML • Tag used to indicate a logical section or area of a page • Has no appearance by default, but you can apply styles to it Coding Horror! Coding Horror! We’ll beat any advertised price! output See our special deal on Droids! CS380
Inline Sections <span> <h2>Coding Horror! Coding Horror!</h2> <p>See our <span class="special“>spectacular</span> deal on Droids!</p> <p>We'll beat <span class="shout“> any advertised price</span>!</p> HTML • has no onscreen appearance, but you can apply a style or ID to it, which will be applied to the text inside the span Coding Horror! Coding Horror! See our spectacular deal on Droids! We’ll beat any advertised price! output CS380
CSS context selectors selector1 selector2 { properties } CSS • applies the given properties to selector2 only if it is inside a selector1 on the page selector1 > selector2 { properties } CSS • applies the given properties to selector2 only if it is directly inside a selector1 on the page CS380
Context selector example <p>Eat at <strong>Greasy's Burger</strong>...</p> <ul> <li>The <strong>greasiest</strong> burgers in town!</li> <li>Yummy and greasy at the same time!</li> </ul> HTML li strong { text-decoration: underline; } CSS • Eat at Greasy’s Burger… • The greasiest burgers in town! • Yummy and greasy at the same time! output CS380
More complex example <div id="ad"> <p>Eat at <strong>Greasy's Burger</strong>...</p> <ul> <li class="important">The <strong>greasiest</strong> burgers in town!</li> <li>Yummy and <strong>greasy at the same time </strong>!</li> </ul> </div> HTML #ad li.important strong { text-decoration: underline; } CSS • Eat at Greasy’s Burger… • The greasiest burgers in town! • Yummy and greasy at the same time! output CS380
The CSS Box Model • Every element composed of: • content • a border around the element • padding between the content and the border • a margin between the border and other content CS380
The CSS Box Model (cont.) • width = content width + L/R padding + L/R border + L/R margin • height = content height + T/B padding + T/B border + T/B margin • IE6 doesn't do this right CS380
CSS properties for borders h2 { border: 5px solid red; } CSS output This is a heading. • Thickness: px, pt, em, or thin, medium, thick • Style: none, hidden, dotted, dashed, double, groove, inset, outset, ridge, solid • color
Another border example h2 { border-left: thick dotted #CC0088; border-bottom-color: rgb(0, 128, 128); border-bottom-style: double; } CSS output This is a heading. • each side's border properties can be set individually • if you omit some properties, they receive default CS380
Padding example 1 p { padding: 20px; border: 3px solid black; } h2 { padding: 0px; background-color: yellow; } CSS This is a first paragraph. This is a second paragraph. output This is a heading CS380
Padding example 2 p { padding-left: 200px; padding-top: 30px; background-color: fuchsia; }CSS This is a first paragraph. output This is a first paragraph This is a second paragraph • each side's padding can be set individually • notice that padding shares the background color of the element
Margin example 1 p { margin: 50px; background-color: fuchsia; } CSS output This is a first paragraph This is a second paragraph • notice that margins are always transparent CS380
Margin example 2 p { margin-left: 8em; background-color: fuchsia; } CSS output This is a first paragraph This is a second paragraph • each side's margin can be set individually CS380
CSS properties for dimensions p { width: 350px; background-color: yellow; } h2 { width: 50%; background-color: aqua; } CSS output This paragraph uses the first style above An h2 heading
Centering a block element: auto margins p { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 750px; } CSS Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipisicingelit, sed do eiusmodtemporincididuntutlabore et doloremagna aliqua. output • works best if width is set (otherwise, may occupy entire width of page) • to center inline elements within a block element, use text-align: center; CS380