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Had some breath problem, like asthma?

Had some breath problem, like asthma?. So, what is an “Asthma Flare-Up”?. When you feel the airways get swollen and narrower and it becomes a lot harder for air to get in and out of the lungs. It is similar to traffic jam~~. What Causes an Asthma Flare-Up?. ?. Triggers of asthma.

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Had some breath problem, like asthma?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Had some breath problem, like asthma?

  2. So, what is an “Asthma Flare-Up”? When you feel the airways get swollen and narrower and it becomes a lot harder for air to get in and out of the lungs. It is similar to traffic jam~~

  3. What Causes an Asthma Flare-Up? ? Triggers of asthma

  4. Allergens that include dust mites, mold and pollen Furry animals. Cats and dogs perfume, chalk dust, & cigarette smoke exercise-induced asthma

  5. How to treat asthma? • Go to see the doctor, he/she will think about your own condition, and decide on the best kind of treatment • Try to avoid the triggers

  6. How to take asthma medicine? Inhaler

  7. How will asthma impact my life? Don’t worry! A lot of kids find their asthma goes away as they get older. Plenty of Olympic athletes and other sports stars manage their asthma, but keep on playing!

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