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A ssessment I nformation M anagement

A ssessment I nformation M anagement. Assessment Plan 2008-2011. Collections Products & tools to analyze print & electronic collections Spaces Physical: Usage & user expectations flexible, collaborative, techy Virtual: User-centered enhancements, usability Services

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A ssessment I nformation M anagement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Assessment Information Management

  2. Assessment Plan 2008-2011 Collections • Products & tools to analyze print & electronic collections Spaces • Physical: Usage & user expectations • flexible, collaborative, techy • Virtual: User-centered enhancements, usability Services • Identify services & programs highly-valued by our users • Measure impact on student learning and info literacy

  3. AIM Forward Clearinghouse • Intranet - raw, sensitive data in-house • Internet - share & show-off • Data already collected - ARL, LibQual+, etc. Prioritize assessment tasks • What we don’t know (or can’t prove) Pilot projects • Experiment = experience • Connect, communicate, market

  4. ROI at UIUC 78.14% faculty w/ grants using citations X 50.79% grant award success rate using citations from library X $63,923 avg. grant income = $25,369 avg. grant income generated using citations from library X 6232 grants expended ÷ $36,102,613 library budget = $4.38 grant income for each $1.00 invested in library (ROI Value) Kaufman, P. The Library As Strategic Investment: The Illinois ROI Study From the Director’s Perspective. 2008. pg. 26; http://www.ideals.uiuc.edu/bitstream/2142/8770/7/LC08_ROI_ Presentation_LibraryDirectors_Tokyo.ppt.pdf

  5. Ticking & tracking • Usage stats • READ Scale • Multiple Service • Points

  6. Flip Charts • Why Do You Like to Come Here? • What’s Missing?

  7. Paper Doll Exercise • Floor plan shell • Furniture cutouts • Markers, sticky notes, glue, scissors • Space design & furnishings

  8. Survey Rockin’ Library Survey with a really cool name 1 . Tell us what you think ______________ 2. Tell us what you want ______________ 3. Tell us something else_______________ May we contact you? Thanks! Rockin’ Library Survey 1 . Tell us what you think _____________ 2. Tell us what you want _____________ 3. Tell us something else______________ May we contact you? Thanks! Drop me in the bucket.

  9. What’s Next? Timelines Project Proposals IRB Your wild & crazy ideas ********

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