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Wireless Network Simulation on NS

Wireless Network Simulation on NS . By Edward Mulimba. Setup. 20 wireless nodes Base Station that hooked to two wired nodes Divided the network into two domains Wireless domain with the base station and 20 nodes

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Wireless Network Simulation on NS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wireless Network Simulation on NS By Edward Mulimba

  2. Setup • 20 wireless nodes • Base Station that hooked to two wired nodes • Divided the network into two domains • Wireless domain with the base station and 20 nodes • Wired domain also with two wired nodes and also base station to link the wireless nodes

  3. Procedure • Setup the wired nodes to transmit and receive ftp packets. • Created random motion for the 20 nodes by creating a scenario file using ./setdest commmand • Also set up a file that enabled the 20 nodes to generate date randomly using cbr command.

  4. Observation • I was able to observe the random movements of the wireless nodes. • Close examination of the trace file produced also showed data exchange between the wired nodes to the base station.

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