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Polarization correlations in electron bremsstrahlung and radiative recombination – a novel polarimetry technique for relativistic electron and heavy ion beams. S. Tashenov a,b,c , T. Bäck b , R. Barday d , B. Cederwall b , J. Enders d , A. Khaplanov b ,
Polarization correlations in electron bremsstrahlung and radiative recombination – a novel polarimetry technique for relativistic electron and heavy ion beams S. Tashenova,b,c, T. Bäckb, R. Bardayd, B. Cederwallb, J. Endersd, A. Khaplanovb, R. Märtinc,e, Yu. Poltoratskad, K.-U. Schässburgerb, U. Spillmannc, Th. Stöhlkerc,e,f, A. Surzhykove, G. Weberc,e aStockholm University, Sweden bRoyal Institute of Technology, Sweden cGSI, Germany dTechnische Universität Darmstadt, Germany eUniversität Heidelberg, Germany fHelmholtz-Institut Jena, Germany
Radiative Recombination and Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung Radiative Recombination Ekinetic Ebinding Ion or Atom Ion
Radiative Recombination and Bremsstrahlung Bremsstrahlung SWL <or> RR into Rydberg series limit Bremsstrahlung Radiative Recombination Ekinetic Ebinding Ion or Atom Ion or Atom Ion
Bremsstrahlung: Sensitivity to electron spin • Photon observables: • angular distribution • linear polarization • degree • angle • circular polarization
Bremsstrahlung: Sensitivity to electron spin • Photon observables: • angular distribution • linear polarization • degree • angle • circular polarization Photon circular polarimeter photon Spin electron Spin H electron beam solid target bremsstrahlung photons gamma-ray detector magnetized target
Bremsstrahlung: Sensitivity to electron spin spin transfer: longitudinal spin –> circular polarization Compton (photon) circular polarimeter photon Spin electron Spin H electron beam solid target bremsstrahlung photons gamma-ray detector magnetized target
Experimental setup photon linear polarimeter • Photon observables: • angular distribution • linear polarization • degree • angle photon detector 1 Electron spin orientation: S photon detector 2
Left-right asymmetry of photon emissionfrom transveraly polarized electrons photon detector 1 intensity ratio is sensitive to: θ θ Electron spin orientation: S photon detector 2 W. Nakel, C.T. Whelan, Physics Reports 315 (1999) 409-471
Linear polarization photon linear polarimeter Degree of polarization is sensitive to: Ψ Electron spin orientation: S Angle of polarization is sensitive to: H.K. Tseng, R.H. Pratt, PRA 7 (1973) 1502-1515
Polarization correlations Polarization correlation coefficients Ckj k electron j photon 1 transversal 1 P2 (45o to reaction plane) 2 transversal 2 circular 3 longitudinal 3 P1 (reaction plane) photons Ψ Non-zero correlations: target C23 C11 electron beam S C31 C20 Polarization in terms of Stokes parameters P1, P2: H.K. Tseng, R.H. Pratt, PRA 7 (1973) 1502-1515
Polarization correlations Polarization correlation coefficients Ckj k electron j photon 1 transversal 1 P2 (45o to reaction plane) 2 transversal 2 circular 3 longitudinal 3 P1 (reaction plane) Previously experimentally not studied Non-zero correlations: C23 C11 S C31 C20 H.K. Tseng, R.H. Pratt, PRA 7 (1973) 1502-1515
Compton linear polarimetry Compton scattering technique Compton polarimetry with segmented germanium / silicon detectors Achievements in precision: Degree = 1%, Angle = 5 mrad S. Tashenov et al., NIM A 600 (2009) 599 A. Khaplanov et al., NIM A 593 (2008) 459
Polarized electron source SPIN @ TU Darmstadt • 100 keV Polarized electron beam • Wien filter ratates electron soin • Mott polarimeter measures transversal spin • One can reverse electron spin while keeping • other experimental conditions fixed C. Heßler et al., Proceedings of EPAC08, Genoa, Italy; R. Barday et al., Proceedings PST2009, Ferrara , Italy
Linear polarization: experimental setup 25-pixel HPGe detector Compton scattering as an analyzer of linear polarization of hard x-rays S. Tashenov et al., NIM A 600 (2009) 599; A. Khaplanov, S.Tashenov et al., NIM A 593 (2008) 459
Linear polarization: preliminary results Bremsstrahlung SWL
Left-right asymmetry of photon emissionfrom transveraly polarized electrons LaCl3 LaBr3 (preliminary) W. Nakel, C.T. Whelan, Physics Reports 315 (1999) 409-471
Electron beam polarimetry Ψ α preliminary
Electron beam polarimetry Large change in the modulation of Comtpon distribution – large change in the degree of photon polarization
Second experiment 2D 32x32 μ-strip Si(Li) detector Novel 2D position sensitive Si(Li) detector has been applied as an efficient Compton polarimeter. Each voxel of the detector serves a dual role: as a Compton scatterer or a photoabsorber. Kinematics of Compton scattering is determined by a coincident registration of the scattered photon and the recolied electron. (detector subset) Theory by A. Surzhykov Experimental results: R. Märtin, U. Spillman, Th. Stöhlker, G. Weber, GSI, Darmstadt
Bremsstrahlung and Radiative Recombination Similar polarization correlations for Radiative Recombination of polarized electrons into heavy ions <or> of upolarized electrons into polarized H-like ions RR onto Rydberg series limit Bremsstrahlung SWL = A. Surzhykov et al., PRL 94 (2005) 203202
Polarimetry of heavy ion beams GSI Storage Ring ESR Ψ gas target U92+ U91+ 500 MeV/u Polarization correlations in Radiative Recombination can be applied as a unique tool for polarimetry of relativistic heavy ion beams. S. Tashenov et al., PRL 97 (2006) 223202 A. Surzhykov et al., PRL 94 (2005) 203202
1019,7 nm = 1,2 eV A possible experiment: spin polarized ion beams and detection of beam polarization Laser Nd:YAG 532 nm doubled Gas target