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Community Transformation Grant: New York City Breastfeeding Hospital Collaborative. Informational Webinar April 30, 2012 2:00pm . Before we start… . All lines are muted Please use the chat feature on the lower right hand corner of your screen to ask a question
Community Transformation Grant:New York City Breastfeeding Hospital Collaborative Informational Webinar April 30, 2012 2:00pm
Before we start… • All lines are muted • Please use the chat feature on the lower right hand corner of your screen to ask a question • At the end of the PowerPoint, we will answer as many questions as time allows • Answers to all questions, including those which we did not have time for today, will be posted on the Fund for Public Health in New York’s website: http://www.fphny.org/whatsnew/rfps
Agenda • Community Transformation Grant Project Overview • Institute for Health Care (IHI) Breakthrough Series Collaborative model • New York City Breastfeeding Learning Collaborative (NYC BHC)
Project Overview Community Transformation Grant (CTG) • Federal grant through the CDC • Awarded to New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene • Managed by The Fund for Public Health in New York • Subcontractors: Joslyn Levy Associates (JLA) • October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2016 • Reapply for funding each year Supports community-level efforts to reduce chronic diseases by promoting healthy lifestyles, especially among population groups experiencing the greatest burden of disease.
Learning Collaborative Model • Institute for Health Care (IHI) Breakthrough Series Collaborative model. • A learning system that brings together a large number of health care teams seeking to improve practice and outcomes in a focused topic area. • Collaborativesfacilitate peer learning and provide access to topic experts with a goal of closing the gap between current and optimal performance. www.ihi.org
Goals The goal of the NYC Breastfeeding Hospital Collaborative is to help support hospitals in their journey toward Baby-Friendly designation. This includes tailoring the Learning Collaborative model to assist hospitals who are already on the 4-D pathway (Discovery, Development, Dissemination and Designation) in addition to supporting those hospitals which are just starting the journey
Approach • Conduct a rolling cohort Collaborative based on the NYS DOH model • Three cohorts of 8 - 12 hospitals each • Each cohort will run approximately two years • Each cohort will include: • 3 joint in-person Learning Sessions • 1.5 day meeting at DOHMH offices in Long Island City, Queens • Monthly conference calls • Customized coaching support • Access to a repository of tools and resources including training opportunities (CLC , TTT and online tokens) and $ for Baby-Friendly pathway fees • The first cohort will be selected in June 2012 and will have their first Learning Session in September 2012 • Hospitals selected to participate in cohorts 2 and 3 will roll into the larger Collaborative
Eligibility • Only hospitals in New York City with maternity services (births occurring in the hospital) can apply. • In accordance with CDC guidelines, preference will be given to hospitals serving minority and underserved populationsand those hospitals seeking Baby-Friendly designation.
Benefits of Participation Participants will obtain the following by joining the collaborative: • Support in completing self-assessments and refining a plan to address each of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding • Training in quality improvement techniques • Technical content and education about and related to BFHI • Customized coaching to support progress towards a BF designation • Being part of a diverse learning community where hospitals can share challenges, success and best practices with peers • Access to an Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Extranet, a secure web-based application that allows users to collaborate on projects and share information including uploading data and generating reports • Access to limited funding, available on a competitive basis, to cover the Baby-Friendly 4-D Pathway fees • Access to lactation education training opportunities including CLC, TTT and online tokens
Participation Requirements Participants will agree to: • Select a team to participate in the full collaborative • This includes a leadership designee from maternal-child care (Service Director or equivalent) and representatives from all aspects of mother-child care including a lactation consultant • Attend all learning events including learning sessions, conference calls and other BFHI meetings and events • Share challenges, success and best practices with peer hospitals participating in collaborative • Submit data monthly on key measures and track performance results
Questions? To post a question, please send it via the chat box located on the lower right hand corner of your screen. All answers, including ones we did not have time for today, will be posted on the Fund for Public Health in New York’s website: http://www.fphny.org/whatsnew/rfps