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London. The fourth day. The last day. Madam Tussauds‘s muzeum Battle cruise Belfast Bridge Tower Leaving home. How we enjoyed the famous people. We were standing shoulder to shoulder. And we were proud of it. We were a part of history. We tried the power of the mains.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. London The fourth day

  2. The last day Madam Tussauds‘s muzeum Battle cruise Belfast Bridge Tower Leaving home

  3. Howweenjoyedthefamouspeople

  4. Wewerestandingshoulder to shoulder

  5. And wewere proud ofit

  6. Wewere a part ofhistory

  7. Wetriedthepowerofthemains

  8. Wetried to understandthem

  9. Welistened to them

  10. Thenweriskedandnestledclose

  11. Wehugged – mainlyguys

  12. Weshookhandswiththem

  13. Thebraverwentthroughcellar-vaults Last wave before enter the crying corridor

  14. SherlockHolmes’s museum Guys opted for visiting an other museum

  15. And itis not the muzeum any more, guys

  16. Canyouremembertheway to Belfast?

  17. Somebodypaidforthewaterbar

  18. Battle-cruiser

  19. Howdidthey live on thecruise?

  20. Moderntechniqueof 40s

  21. Teethcouldbetreatedthere

  22. Music waslistened to

  23. And theycookedforeverybody

  24. Butitwas a battle-cruiser

  25. Let’s makethetopiclighter

  26. Followour London trip

  27. Beforedistributing last tickets...

  28. ....wewillenjoysights. HereitisCounciloffamous London.

  29. Wecrossthebridge...

  30. Thebridge

  31. And thenupward to Tower

  32. Theprison

  33. Theplaceofexecutions...

  34. ..today- a turistattraction...

  35. TheToweris a fortress,

  36. ...wherethecruelhistorywasbreathing..

  37. ...dirt, death, guns, cannons, executions..

  38. ..butalsopowerof monarchy, itshistoryandfixedtraditions

  39. Crownjewelsmadeavalableforadmirationof public Why are they seen in our country just ones every 50 years?

  40. ...therewerewillingbeefeaterstoo...

  41. Fabledravens

  42. And now we are getting a move on presence....

  43. ....towardsmodernarchitecture...

  44. All I canrememberisthatit has allpipes led outside...

  45. Itissensitivelyplacedamonggems

  46. Die Gurke

  47. And wehavegotithere…

  48. Thecupola - thesecondlargest in theworld

  49. And one more bridge

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