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172,000 converted to scientific notation

172,000 converted to scientific notation. 1.95 x 10 -4 converted to regular notation. The number of centimeters in 12.8 km. The number of liters in 10.75 mL. The volume of a piece of lead with a density of 11.3 g/mL and a mass of 15.72 g (2 decimal places).

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172,000 converted to scientific notation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 172,000 converted to scientific notation

  2. 1.95 x 10-4 converted to regular notation

  3. The number of centimeters in 12.8 km

  4. The number of liters in 10.75 mL

  5. The volume of a piece of lead with a density of 11.3 g/mL and a mass of 15.72 g (2 decimal places)

  6. Scientist who did the gold foil experiment

  7. Scientist who proposed an “electron cloud”

  8. Definition of an isotope

  9. The name and symbol of the heaviest metal element in Period 5 of the Periodic Table

  10. Full electron configuration of the element molybdenum

  11. When an atom of aluminum ionizes, it becomes this charge

  12. Name the molecule: K2SO3

  13. Write the formula for calcium nitrite

  14. The VSEPR shape of sulfur dioxide

  15. Nitrogen trichloride: it’s intramolecular force, intermolecular force, and state of matter

  16. Name 2 additives that can increase the length of food storage

  17. Name 3 characteristics of fiber.

  18. 2 type of components in a triglyceride, and the functional group that links them

  19. 3 essential plant nutrients and their roles in plants

  20. 1 type each of biological and chemical pest control, and 1 pro and 1 con of each

  21. Define the following: humectant, exfoliant, emollient

  22. Name the chemicals involved in a perm and how it works

  23. Name a sunscreen and describe how it would work

  24. Name and explain 1 way your body can respond during UV exposure and 1 way after UV exposure

  25. Describe how soap works and give an example of a soap name

  26. Name a recreational drug and describe how it works

  27. Name a regulatory drug and describe how it works

  28. Name a curative drug and describe how it works

  29. Name an analgesic and describe how it works

  30. Name a drug for preventing the symptoms of mental illness and describe how it works

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