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Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood

Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood. Dr. Arra Chapter 9. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood. MIDDLE CHILDHOOD: 6-11 years-old PIAGET Concrete Operations Thinking is organized and logical Reversibility of thought Egocentrism is gone

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Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Dr. Arra Chapter 9

  2. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood MIDDLE CHILDHOOD: 6-11 years-old PIAGET • Concrete Operations • Thinking is organized and logical • Reversibility of thought • Egocentrism is gone • Flexibility in thinking • Can conserve

  3. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood • Can decenter • Thought is literal

  4. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood Intelligence • What is it? • How is it measured? • What are intelligence tests used for? • Stability of scores? • Effects of culture on test scores?

  5. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood MEMORY • Information processing • Sensation and perception • Learning and forgetting/decay curves • How one studies for a test cramming vs. studying over long periods

  6. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood MEMORY • Ways to improve memory: • Chunking • Rehearsal • Acronyms • mnemonics

  7. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT • Children apply: • Morphological skills • Syntactical skills • Semantic skills

  8. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood What is language? • A system of symbols that are used to communicate • What language originated because of what need?

  9. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood • Bilingual Education: teach immigrant children in native tongue and gradually introduce English; eventually switching to all English instruction • Immersion Programs • Disparity between what is spoken at home and what is spoken, written, and read at school

  10. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood EXCEPTIONALITIES • Speech and Language Impairments - receptive and expressive difficulties - EVT, PPVT • Language Learning Disabilities - Listening Comprehension - Oral Expression - Comorbid Reading and Writing

  11. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood PROMOTING EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE • Encourage talking, don’t force • Listen patiently • Provide instruction in any missing aspects of language (phonetic, syntactic, semantic) • Seek assistance from a specialist when children show chronic speech and language difficulties • Encourage elaboration of speech

  12. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood PROMOTING LISTENING SKILLS • Expect children to listen attentively for only a short period of time • Present small amounts of information at once • Encourage children to ask questions

  13. Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood • Mental Retardation • Learning Disabilities • ADHD • Gifted Children • Emotional Disabilities

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