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INWARD LETTER MAIL. SURFACE. PROMPTNESS IN DISEMBARKATION. Carefully organise and make necessary arrangements beforehand for disembarkation & distribution of mails from abroad. Keep a close touch with agents of concerned shipping companies. Obtain advance notices of incoming mails from them
PROMPTNESS IN DISEMBARKATION • Carefully organise and make necessary arrangements beforehand for disembarkation & distribution of mails from abroad. • Keep a close touch with agents of concerned shipping companies. • Obtain advance notices of incoming mails from them • Make provision of staff, motor vans & train accomodation on receipt of advance notices. • Give priority to letter mails over parcel mails if both are received by the same ship. • Ensure that official responsible for collection of mail from ship is present at the wharf in advance to check & ensure prompt landing of mails. • Obtain the delivery bill from the ship’s mail officer & despatch mails to concerned office of exchange without any delay. (Rule 50,51 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES AT THE PORT OF ENTRY • If any irregularities found, after complete checkup of mail, Verification Note should be prepared in duplicate. • The note should specify particulars of bag, cover, packet or item precisely as far as possible. • In case of loss/theft, the condition of the packing of the mail should be indicated. • Send to Office of origin / last intermediate office which transmitted the mail, by registered air. • The bag with the string, labels, seals and packing of any damaged items should be kept intact for a period of SIX WEEKS from the date of verification / sent to origin administration if requested. • A record book should be kept for all verification notes sent abroad. (Rule 62 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES AT THE PORT OF ENTRY • If the original VN is not received back within a month, a reminder must be sent alongwith duplicate copy of VN by air mail registered post. • If original/duplicate VN is not received back within a period of TWO MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF REMINDER, it must be, in the absence of proof of the contrary, be regarded as “ACCEPTED” BY THE OFFICE TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED. • Office copy of the VN issued must be filed with the concerned letter bill. (Rule 62 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES AT THE PORT OF ENTRY • The other irregularities which must be reported by means of V.N. are: • Letter bill not in the prescribed form • Letter bill not serially numbered • Letter bill bearing incorrect serial number • Letter bill not attached to the outside of the bag or packet of registered articles. • Registered or insured articles received but not advised on the letter bill. • Registered or insured articles received mixed with the ordinary correspondence. • Bag received out of course without address and re-forwarded after being opened. • Bag incorrectly addressed. (Rule 63 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES • REGISTERED ARTICLES RECEIVED IN EXCESS OF ADVICE: (a) Detailed Advise: Enter, at the foot of the list, the full registration particulars of the article. Report to the despatching office of exchangethrough Verification Note. (b) Collective advice: Amend the number on the registered list to show the number received. 2. REGISTERED LIST MISSING: • If the total no. of articles received agrees with the total number advised on the letter bill, a substitute list should be prepared in duplicate. - The list should be checked & initialled by the supervisor. (Rule 63 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES • One copy to be filed & other sent to the office of origin with a verification note. 3. REGISTERED ARTICLE RECEIVED WITHOUT A CLEAR INDICATION OF THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN & NUMBER: If the article cannot be identified, - register again in the receiving office of exchange . - Show the fresh particulars against the relative entry in the special list with the address of the article - Report to despatching office by VN. (Rule 74 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES 4. INCORRECT ENTRIES: When there is little doubt that the article received is that to which the entry refers, amend the list. Otherwise, the article should be treated as received unadvised. Report the irregularity to the despatching office by VN. • REGISTERED LETTER RECEIVED DAMAGED OR OPEN: - Repair & reseal in the presence of supervisory officer. - Report irregularity to the despatching office by VN. (Rule 74 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES • REGISTERED ARTICLE MISSING: - The contents of the registered bag or packet must be checked by a Supervising officer before any of the articles are distributed. - If articles are advised individually, mark “NOT RECEIVED” against the article entry & amend the total advised in the letter bill. - If articles are advised collectively, enter the actual number of articles received on the regd. List & amend the total advised in the letter bill. - Initial the correction & get initial of the supervisor. - Report the despatching office by VN alongwith outer bag, string, seal & label. Otherwise, reason for not sending should be explained in the VN. (Rule 74(6) FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES 7. TREATMENT OF UNINSURED ARTICLES THE CONTENTS OF WHICH REQUIRE TO BE INSURED UNDER INLAND REGULATIONS: If an inward uninsured letter contains any items for which insurance is compulsory under our regulations, - it should be forwarded to the office of delivery as an insured article subject to payment of insurance fee + postage + registration fee by addressee - Article should be insured for a declared value or for the value assessed by the customs authorities, subject to maximum limit for inland insured post. - the article should be placed in a protecting cover/ bag addressed to Postmaster with a note and sealed. (Rule 75 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES 8. TREATMENT OF UNPAID OR INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID INSURED ARTICLES: - If the article is a redirected / returned to India, it has to be delivered on payment of charges raised on arrival. - In case of other articles, they can be delivered to addressees without charge. But, the irregularity to be reported by VN to the despatching office. (Rule 77 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES 9. POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED DURING OPENING & CHECKING OF INSURED PACKETS AND BAGS: - Check the bag/ packet for seal of despatching office & there is no trace of tampering. - If the insured articles are received in packets secured by means of gummed labels bearing a printed indication of origin administration, check for date stamp of despatching office on gummed label in such a way that it is partly on seal & partly on packing. - Each bag / packet must be opened separately, preserving the seals, wrapper of the packet / bag, labels, twin till the entire contents have been verified & found correct. (Rule 76 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES 9. POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED DURING OPENING & CHECKING OF INSURED PACKETS AND BAGS: - Each insured article should bear a label indicating the office of origin, no. of article & a red label bearing ‘VALEURS DECLAREES). (or) - each insured article should bear a single red label bearing the letter “V”, the name of office of origin & the no. of article. - If no red label, affix a label. - Check whether A.R. form is attached for article bearing “A.R.” or “AVIS DE RECEPTION” / bears A.R. against entry in the list. - If no A.R. form, enlose a blank copy of acknowledgement (C5) with the article. (Rule 76 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES 9. POINTS TO BE REMEMBERED DURING OPENING & CHECKING OF INSURED PACKETS AND BAGS: - Check each article for good condition - Check weight and record it in grammes in red ink on the article as well in the despatch list. Verify the same with the weight noted in the article. - Check the insured amount noted in the list with that in article - Impress Combined Date stamp on back of each article. (Rule 76 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES (1) IRREGULARITIES THAT MUST BE REPORTED TO THE DESPATCHING OFFICE BY V.N. AND THE ARTICLE SENT FORWARD: (i) Space not left round each postage stamp & postal label. (ii) Postage stamps or labels folded over the edge of the packet. (iii) Non postal label affixed to insured letters. • INSURED LETTERS HAVING FOLLOWING INFRINGEMENTS SHOULD BE RETURNED TO THE DESPATCHING OFFICE WITH A VN: (i) addressed to a country not included in the insurance system. (Rule 78 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES IN REGISTERED ARTICLES (ii) insured for an amount exceeding the maximum allowed (iii) addressed in pencil or bearing an address composed of initials (iv) enclosed in envelopes with black or coloured borders or transparent panels or in entirely transparent envelopes (v) containing articles which are prohibited from transmission (vi) Bearing erasures corrections in the address other than for redirection. • DISCREPANCY BETWEEN WEIGHT ENTERED IN THE ARTICLE & ACTUAL WEIGHT (Rule 78 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
EXAMINATION OF INWARD CORRESPONDENCE BY CUSTOMS • Customs department must be afforded all reasonable facilities for examination of articles known or suspected to contain dutiable articles. • Mails received must be carefully examined to detect & submit the following categories to customs: • All articles having green label marked ‘Dounce’ • All insured boxes • All articles suspected to contain dutiable goods. • The above items segregated for transfer under proper custody & acquittance to the Customs Examination Department. • At CED, Postal appraiser will examine & eliminate such items which do not contain dutiable goods. • They are impressed with rubber stamp “PASSED CUSTOMS” on the address side. • Date stamped & disposed off without further detention. • The rest are detained for customs examination.
EXAMINATION OF INWARD CORRESPONDENCE BY CUSTOMS • For each article detained for customs examination, an assessment memo (MS 9(a)) & green label (F.P.53) are prepared. • Also, a register of letter mail articles detained for Customs examination is prepared, in triplicate, by allotting a local number to each article & impressed with stamp of customs • The local numbers run half yearly series. • Article with customs declaration & above documents is submitted to Appraiser. • Appraiser will write content, value & duty after scruitinisation. • Appraiser will write suitable remarks for detention & leave the column “amount of duty” blank. • Customs retain one copy, duplicate is forwarded to DAA & the remaining is office copy. • Oblong month stamp is impressed on the assessment memos on the top right hand corner .
EXAMINATION OF INWARD CORRESPONDENCE BY CUSTOMS (16) Articles are repacked, sealed with distinctive seal & impressed with rubber stap “OPENED FOR CUSTOMS EXAMINATION”. (17) After filling in FP 53& tying the assessment memos, articles will be despatched to the office. (18) When the article is not assessed in the month of receipt, it is entered in Detained Statement in duplicate. (19) When the detained article is presented for assessment in subsequent month, it is presented with the copy of Register of letter mail articles. (20) After assessment, customs duty is copied in detained statement . (21) After certifying the correctness, one copy of detained statement is sent to the Audit office. (22) Register of letter mail, Detained statement & customs bill statement (showing the total amount of customs duty assessed on articles in a month) are submitted to the audit office.
EXAMINATION OF INWARD CORRESPONDENCE BY CUSTOMS (23) Physical verification of articles in stock are compared with the detained statement by a responsible official on the last day of each month is important as failure to do so involve loss to the Department. (RULE 81 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
DELIVERY AT THE OFFICE OF EXCHANGE Delivery of a inward foreign postal article may be effected to the addressee, attending the office of exchange to produce documents demanded by the customs authorities or other formalities, at the counter of the office of exchange if he/she provides acceptable proof of identity. (RULE 82 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
DISPOSAL OF UNREGD ARTICLES ASSESSED TO CUSTOMS DUTY - All articles suspected to contain dutiable goods & detained for customs examination are entered in the register of letter mail articles (FP 55) • Un regd articles detained will be affixed with a Green Label (FP 53) • After assessment & release, they will be provided with a registration number from Letter mail register & treated like registered articles. • Forwarded to the destination. • If such an article is returned to country of origin/redirected out of india, all indications of registration formalities in the article will be cancelled. (RULE 82 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
DISPOSAL OF UNREGD ARTICLES ASSESSED TO CUSTOMS DUTY • If the article is passed as “free” by the customs, all indications of registration formalities on the article should be cancelled & the article despatched as an UNREGISTERED ARTICLE. • However, Customs Assessment memo (FP 53) showing the duty as “NIL” should remain pasted on such articles. (RULE 82 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
CANCELLATION OF CUSTOMS CHARGES - The customs duty levied on the postal article of foreign mail will be cancelled if it is returned to the country of origin or redirected. • If your office is the office of exchange through which that article was assessed to customs duty, take steps to claim refund from customs department.** • If not, send intimation to the office of exchange through which that article was assessed for customs duty, stating the full particulars of the article & the amount of duty.** (RULE 84 FOREIGN POST MANUAL) (** As per communication No.5-4/84-CF dt 8/3/88 received from ADG(IM), Department of Posts, New Delhi the procedure is revised vide item 5.0 to 5.6 of the said letter for cancellation of custom duty.)
CANCELLATION OF CUSTOMS CHARGES • When an article assessed to duty is redirected or can not be delivered, the customs clearance fee must be cancelled. • If loss/damage/abstraction of contents of an article assessed to duty occurred when the article was in the custody of a post office, customs department should NOT be asked to cancel the customs duty. (RULE 84 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
CLOSED SURFACE MAILS IN TRANSIT • The transit mail must be sent by the next immediate ship, either from same port or from another port, which is being utilised for the despatch of surface mails from India to the countries concerned. • When a despatch of closed transit mails consists of several bags, all the bags must be forwarded by the same despatch, as far as possible. (RULE 84 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
INWARD AIR MAIL • Generally, the regulations and conditions related to inward surface mail apply to inward air mail also. (RULE 113 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
CHECKING ON RECEIPT • A delivery bill (borderau de liveraison) (CN-38) should accompany the mail received through each aircraft • The receipt of mail should be given on one copy which will be retained by the air company. • If there is discrepancy, it should be noted in both copies & signature of air company representative should be taken in the copy of office of exchange. (RULE 115 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
CHECKING ON RECEIPT • When no CN-38 is received with mail, • matter should be taken with air carrier concerned • the fact should be reported by VN to office that loaded the mail along with the request for duplicate copy of CN-38 . • A list of mails received without CN-38 to be prepared in duplicate duly attested by signature of air carrier representative. • Delivery bills should be filed in separate monthly bundles according to air services. (RULE 115 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
COLLECTIVE BAGS (SACS COLLECTEURS) • On receipt of mails, open the received sacs collecteurs immediately. • Check whether air mails enclosed are individually advised in CN-38 with an indication that they are included in a sac collecteur. (RULE 116 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
CUSTOMS EXAMINATION • Customs examination of inward air mails must be done on the same lines as in the case of surface mails. • They should be given HIGHEST PRIORITY and any delay on the part of the customs officials in expeditious clearance should be promptly to the notice of the Head of the Circle. (RULE 119 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
TREATMENT OF MIS-SENT MAIL • All categories of air mail correspondence received mis-sent should be impressed with the date stamp & sorted seperately according to the destinations to which they are to be forwarded. • A verification note along with the statement showing weight of each category (L.C. or A.O.) are to be sent to the office which closed the bag. • A copy of VN along with the copy of the statement must be sent to the Air Mail Accounting section of the Directorate. (RULE 120 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IMPORTANT ITEMS RELATED TO TREATMENT OF DECOUVERT MAIL • Accounting for charges for air conveyance of decourvert air mails is effected on the basis of statistical return. • All destinations have been classified into 13 zones by india for purposes of settlement of accounts of air conveyance charges for decouvert air mail. • Statistics are taken annually & alternatively during the period • From 2nd to 15th MAY • From 15th to 28th OCTOBER (coincide with triennial statistics on surace mail in transit) (RULE 121 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IMPORTANT ITEMS RELATED TO TREATMENT OF DECOUVERT MAIL • Transit Decouvert air mail will be received according to group of countries of destination, sorted in to categories in bundles with CN-25 labels. • During the statistical periods, decouvert air mails must be received from the foreign administrations along with CN-65 statements. • CN-65 statements are numbered during each period in consecutive series (one for registered items & the other for unregistered items) • The number of CN-65 bill should be entered in the letter bill. • If no CN-65 statement is received during these periods, receiving office of exchange will prepare CN-65 in triplicate. One copy sent to office of origin with VN. (RULE 121 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IMPORTANT ITEMS RELATED TO TREATMENT OF DECOUVERT MAIL • 2nd copy with a copy of VN to Airmail Accounts Section of the directorate. • CN-65 statements & labels on bundles will be overprinted with “S” • The letter bill should be endorsed “BORDEREAU CN-65” (Statement CN65) • Weight of the bundle/bundles in a particular group should be indicated in the CN65 statement. (RULE 121 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IMPORTANT ITEMS RELATED TO TREATMENT OF DECOUVERT MAIL • If the weight of any group differ by more than 20 gms from that recorded in CN-65 • correct the entry in CN-65 • Notify the error by VN to office of exchange. - Since only one copy of CN-65 will be received with a decouvert mails, it should be sent along with CN-67 to Airmail Accounting Section. • If any of the office of exchange fails to observe the grouping prescribed by India during the statistical period & if any irregularity persists in spite of repeated requests, the matter should be brought to the notice of Directorate. (RULE 121 & 123 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IRREGULARITIES • If an air company delivers air mails which are - not intended to be handled by the particular office of exchange - not accompanied by a delivery bill originally prepared by the office of exchange of origin the fact should be intimated through a VN to office of origin, mentioning the name of air company which delivered the mail & the name of air company by which the mail in question has been reforwarded to the destination. (RULE 121 & 123 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)
IMPORTANT POINTS ONCLOSED AIR MAILS IN TRANSIT • Prepare delivery bills for transit air mails separately and on no account they should be advised in the same delivery bill of the mails originating in India. • Closed air mails received out of course, through the mistake of air service or due to the inability in the service to land in the country of destination or any other reasons beyond control, should be taken over by the office of exchange along with the delivery bill. • Reforward to destination by air in the same manner as closed transit mails, informing the country of origin through a verification note. • A copy of the note is sent to the Air Mail Accounting section. (RULE 129 FOREIGN POST MANUAL) (RULE 121 & 123 FOREIGN POST MANUAL)