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Exploring Earth's Diverse Biomes: A Comprehensive Overview

Discover the intricate web of Earth's ecosystems from aquatic to terrestrial biomes. Learn how ecologists study and analyze organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems to better understand environmental interactions. Dive into the challenges posed by climate change and human impact on biomes worldwide.

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Exploring Earth's Diverse Biomes: A Comprehensive Overview

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  1. The biosphere: an introduction to Earth’s diverse environments • The biosphere • Aquatic biomes • Terrestrial biomes

  2. What do Ecologists Study? • Organismal level: • How physiology or behavior impacts a species

  3. What do Ecologists Study? • Population level: • How members of the same species interact

  4. What do Ecologists Study? • Community level: • How different populations interact

  5. What do Ecologists Study? • Ecosystem level: • Interactions of living and non-living (abiotic) factors (temp, energy, water, chemicals, etc.)

  6. The biosphere is the total of all of Earth’s ecosystems • Biosphere: global ecosystem • Includes atmosphere several km above earth, below ocean surface, etc. • Biosphere is patchy: • Deserts, forests, grasslands • Within a desert: • Saguaro cactus populations • Moist soil near saguaro • Top 1 cm of soil

  7. Environmental problems reveal the limits of the biosphere • In the 1950s, it was thought that humans could manipulate the environment to their liking with little/no permanent damage • DDT had long-lasting effects

  8. Physical and chemical factors influence lie in the biosphere • Solar energy: • Powers nearly all terrestrial and shallow-water systems • Water: • Essential to all life, water balance is constant challenge for organisms • Temperature: • Impacts metabolism (high or low can be bad) • Wind: • Impacts availability of other abiotic factors

  9. Organisms are adapted to abiotic and biotic factors by natural selection • Species may evolve in a location, or may disperse there • They will only remain there is they are adapted to the environment • Is there suitable food? • Is the temperature adequate? • Is there adequate water? • What kinds of predators are there?

  10. Regional climate influences the distribution of biological communities • Tropics: • From 23.5o north (Tropic of Cancer) to 23.5o south (Tropic of Capricorn) • Intense solar radiation • Temperature zone: • Between the tropics and the poles • Less intense solar radiation

  11. Regional climate influences the distribution of biological communities • Winds • Doldrums: at the equator, light winds due to evaporation of water • Trade winds: movement of air in the tropics • Prevailing winds: result from combined effect of earth’s rotation and trade winds • Ocean currents • Riverlike flow of water in the oceans • Water moderates temperature extremes

  12. Aquatic Biomes: Ocean • Covers about 75% of Earth’s surface • Intertidal zone: Exposed during low tide, pummeled during high tide, tide pools • Pelagic zone: open ocean • Benthic zone: sea floor • Photic zone: water and ocean bottom where light penetrates • Aphotic zone: no light penetration

  13. Aquatic Biomes: Ocean Edge • Coral reefs: ecosystems revolving around corals and their spiny skeletal remains

  14. Aquatic Biomes: Ocean Edge • Estuary: area where freshwater meets salt-water

  15. Aquatic Biomes: Ocean Edge • Wetland: transition between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

  16. Freshwater Biomes • Include lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and wetlands • Photic zone supports phytoplankton, plants, benthic communities diverse • Temperature of water plays a large role in shaping the freshwater communities • Moving bodies of water (rivers, streams) have different communities than lakes • Wetlands: swamps, marshes, bogs

  17. Terrestrial biomes reflect regional variations in climate • 8 major biomes • Each has characteristic types of vegetation, fungi, animals • Climate (temp and rainfall) is the major determiner of biome • Lots of variation within each biome • Human activity altering biomes at a fast pace

  18. Terrestrial Biome: Tropical Forests • 11-12 hour days all year long • Nutrient poor soil • Clearing the tropical forests have increased in recent decades

  19. Terrestrial Biome: Savannas • Rainfall: 30 – 50 cm per year; warm temps all year round • Frequent fires, herbivores prevent trees from establishing • Mostly grasses and forbs • Grazers, insects, burrowing animals, large predators

  20. Terrestrial Biome: Deserts • Low (< 30 cm), unpredictable rainfall • Atacama (Chile) has <0.1 mm rain annually • Some are very hot, some are cold • Occur at 30o north/south, mtn rain shadow

  21. Terrestrial Biome: Chaparral • Dense, spiny shrubs with evergreen lvs • Mild, rainy winters; hot, dry summers • Adapted to periodic fires • Browsers and seed eaters common

  22. Terrestrial Biome: Temperate Grasslands • Similar to savannas, but mostly treeless • Persist due to drought, fire, and grazers • Amount of rainfall influences height of grass • Tall grass prairie: wetter areas (Kansas) • Short grass prairie: dry areas (SoDakota)

  23. Terrestrial Biome: Temperate Forests • Mid-latitude regions with sufficient rainfall • Dominant species: oak, hickory, birch, beech, maple (deciduous trees) • Temps range: very cold in winter, very warm in summer • Precip comes all year • Rich soils- thick leaf litter

  24. Terrestrial Biome: Coniferous Forests • Largest terrestrial biome on earth • Also at high altitudes in mid latitudes • Long cold winters; short wet summers • Lots of snow is common • Big animals: moose, elk, bears

  25. Terrestrial Biome: Tundra • Northernmost limit of plant growth and high altitude • Dwarf shrubs, grasses, mosses, lichen • Winter: very cold, little light • Summer: mild, LOTS of light • Permafrost: continuously frozen sub-soil (surface soil defrosts, but not deep soil) • Very insulated animals, many migrate

  26. Polar Ice • In Northern Hemisphere, ice covers land north of tundra • In Southern Hemisphere, ice covers Antarctica • Some mosses, lichen • Nematodes, mites, springtails in soil

  27. Global Water Cycle • Water evaporated from ocean, lakes, and plants • Moved by wind patterns • Human activities altering global water cycle

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