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H: ESCAPES. The total number of escapes and escapees for the years 2000 – 2001 are: Target 2000 Year 2000 60 65 Year 2001 43 48. H: ESCAPES. Where temporary members were negligent prison labour are withdrawn.
H: ESCAPES • The total number of escapes and escapees for the years 2000 – 2001 are: Target 2000 Year 2000 60 65 Year 2001 43 48
H: ESCAPES • Where temporary members were negligent prison labour are withdrawn. • Monitors who abscond do not get a second chance to be classified as a monitor. • Structural defects are rectified. • Stricter criteria were set to allocate prisoners to working teams and monitors.
H: ESCAPES • Members are sensitized on a regular basis on security awareness to prevent escapes. • Security measures are adopted to strengthen security and to prevent similar escapes.
G: SECURITY • Security equipment e.g. Fire-arms, bullet proof jackets, batons etc. are available. • Ten Emergency Support Teams were instituted to serve all prisons and additional teams are to be trained and establish at Pietermaritzburg and Empangeni. • Searching is conducted on a daily basis. • Effective liaison with SAPS and other emergency services are in place. • Steps to address problems: • Labour Relations issues are being addressed, • Structural problems are being addressed, within Budget contraints. • Needs based training sessions / programs are in place, • The PC Office has designed a program to train officials and management, • Duty sheets are being revised to ensure responsibility and accountability.
O: CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISION & PAROLE No of probationers & parolees: 8 008 No of probationers: 2 699 No of parolees: 5 309 No of absconders: 4 090 • The personnel controlling these people are 215 in total. The ratio between personnel and inmates is = 1:40
O: CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISION & PAROLE • Recidivism statistics of prisoners released currently on Correctional Supervision and parole are 400 in total. (Re-offended during parole or supervision period). • Some of the problems and shortages experienced are:Limited office accommodation, Vehicle shortages, Lack of communication equipment, Security equipment,Lack of training regarding personnel. Violence/intimidation against monitoring officials
Members who are working at Community Correction offices are receiving training on a regular basis. They receive training in the workshops which are held from time to time. Juvenile offenders and other probationers are placed on programs by the Social workers and they are sometimes referred to external institutions like FAMSA, AA, Rehab centres etc. Juvenile offender are engaged in constructive recreation e.g. football, cricket, table tennis etc. The establishment of tracing units at Community Correction offices has had a positive contribution in the reduction of absconders.
The role of the community at Community Corrections offices cannot be over-emphasized. Community involvement is done during Community Corrections forums which are conducted quarterly. The forum consists of members of the community, Amakhozi, Counselors, the members of the SAPS, officials of the Department of Justice etc. Such forums are important in sensitizing the communities about the role of Community Correction offices and the advantage thereof. Traditional leaders “Amakhozi” are very co-operative in promoting Correctional Supervision sentences.
Violence / intimidation against monitoring officials. There have been reports that monitoring officials are threatened with physical violence in other areas and others have been attacked (8 members). In violence torn areas the temporary monitoring officials are appointed on a temporary basis to monitor probationers / parolees residing in those areas. This has been proved to be effective in protecting the lives of the monitoring officials.
J: HEALTH ISSUES All prisoners who have been tested for Aids inside the prisons have consented to such testing and, on top of that have also been subjected to pre-test and post test counseling irrespective of the results. HIV tests are normally performed under the following reasons: • On request by a prisoner • When requested by the visiting medical doctor • When ordered by the court of law (currently there are no known cases under this category)
There has been a steady increase of HIV/Aids infected prisoners in the Province over the previous months: April 2001: 674 HIV+ 22 Aids patients May 2001: 683 HIV+ 24 Aids patients June 2001: 692 HIV+ 24 Aids patients July 2001: 721 HIV+ 24 Aids patients August 2001: 745 HIV+ 25 Aids patients NB the above figures are not 100% reflective of the number of HIV /Aids infected prisoners since they only represent prisoners who have consented to HIV / Aids testing whilst in the prison.
L: REHABILITATION & DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL WORK SERVICES There are 80 posts for Social Workers in the Province, with 4 posts being vacant at this point in time. Interviews for these posts were conducted during September 2001. Categories of work: 59 Social workers work with inmates in the various prisons in the Province, offering individual counseling, group programs and community work projects. The ratio of Social workers to sentenced prisoners is 1:330. Services are also offered to awaiting trial persons during a crisis situation. 21 Social workers are employed at the Community Corrections offices doing pre-sentence assessment for the sentence of Correctional Supervision and offering individual and group programs to probationers and parolees. The ratio of Social workers probationers is 1 : 125.
SOCIAL WORK SERVICES: The ratio of Social Workers to Sentenced prisoners is: 1 : 330 The ratio of Social Workers to Probationers is: 1:125 Rehabilitation programs: Offenders involved: Life skills 7 052 Family and Marriage Care 3 947 Alcohol 1 971 Drug 1 450 Orientation 8 841 Sexual Offenders 1 012 Aggressive Offenders 849 HIV & Aids 1 103 Pre-release 2 479
The programs were aimed at equipping offenders with skills to assist them in coping with everyday life situation upon release from prison, thereby becoming assets to families and communities and assisting with their re-integration into society. During the past year attention was given to empowering Social workers in the form of two workshops, one of which was facilitated by an external organization. Restorative Justice is an element of Victims Empowerment which is one of the pillars of the National Crime Prevention Strategy. Programs were also geared towards the needs of priority groups within the correctional system e.g. women, children and the youth. A research project was conducted with offenders with the view to consult about the nature of services required and the offenders experience of current programs being offered in keeping with the Batho Pele principles.
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL WORKERS During the past year Social workers were exposed to various training programs e.g. computer training, training in Restorative Justice, Life Skills Training, Investment in Excellence, Financial Management, Domestic Violence Act, Cross Roads concept, take a Lead in Life program etc.
PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES • There are 10 Psychological posts in the Province. • There are 3 Psychologists appointed and 7 vacant posts. • Two Psychologists in Durban Management area, one in Pietermaritzburg. The 3 psychologists render need-orientated services to the entire Province. • The ratio of psychologists to prisoners are: 1:5034 • Solutions to problems of shortages in psychologists in KZN • Expand bursaries • Upgrading of infrastructure • Revising of salary scales • Marketing
RELIGIOUS CARE Chaplains 4 Religious care clerks 45 Religious care workers 320 The religious care workers performed above the target Church services performed 535 Group sessions performed 320 Personal interviews 345
Religious workers are doing tremendous work in counselling the inmates. There was an urgent need amongst the members of the DCS because many members committed suicide. A committee comprised of chaplains, Social workers, Psychologists and Employee Assistant Practitioners was established to assist members with serious problems. Many members were counselled and the high rate of suicides was decreased.
M: EDUCATION & TRAINING • This province has 71 Educationists posts at present. • The member to student ratio for education are = 1:62 • The member to student ratio for training = 1:31
Prisoners participating in the Education and Training programs • ABET Wrote Passed • June 2000 701 462 • Nov 2000 852 494 • June 2001 912 556 • Matric exams • Nov 1999 162 97 • Nov 2000 231 140
N: PRISON WORK PROGRAMS • 56% of the sentenced prison population throughout the Province are presently in some form of work programs. • Prisoners are utilized in different areas as far as work programs are concerned e.g. Work spans, tea makers, cleaners, cooks and chefs, waiters, maintenance, work in clothing factory, laundry.
N: PRISON WORK PROGRAMS • Mess (Cooks), Workshops, Monitors, Terrain maintenance, Agriculture, Logistics, Butchery, Married Quarters, Single Quarters, General programs.
D: CHILDREN & YOUTHS Total number of children in prisons are 942, they are however not supposed to be kept in prisons but if they are admitted arrangements are made for them to be transferred to places of safety with the help of Social workers.
Durban Youth Center and Ekuseni Youth Center are the two youth correctional centers in KZN. Youths: 0-18y 18-21y Awaiting trial- 307 2478 Sentenced- 635 2230
D: BABIES & SMALL CHILDREN : SPECIAL NEEDS • The limited facilities and equipment for mothers and their babies consist of cots, toys, eating utensils, creche, flasks etc. • Soft toys, jungle gyms, tunnels and swings are in a shortage at most prisons. • There exists a great need for catering regarding mothers and babies.
Natal-Technikon students (Child care) conduct Therapautic programs • Stimulants to babies : visit to bird parks, beach parks and shopping centres. • Manage and sensitize mothers regarding child abuse. • Mothers acquire life skills training, laundry and work shops. Children are cared for by child minders. • Programs: Parental guidance & multidisciplinary programs
K: RECREATIONAL FACILITIES • The recreational facilities available for prisoners are : Snooker, Table tennis, Soccer, Zulu dancing, Volleyball, Choir, Boxing, Karate, Fingerboard, Chess, Video viewing, Musical instruments, Uno, Bingo, Playing cards, Back Gammon etc. • Budgets for the prisons combined regarding recreational facilities are: R392 000
K: RECREATIONAL FACILITIES • There is enough facilities at present, but space for development is very limited.
Recreation: • Sport, recreation, arts and culture committees were instituted. • 10 Floating trophies are awarded for all Provincial events: • Oct 2000 Prov Athletics Championships – Kingspark • Jan 2001 Prov Choir Competition • Feb 2001 Prov Netball and Volleyball clinic • April 2001 Prov Netball and Volleyball Championship Ncome • June 2001 Prov Zulu dance competition, Glencoe • July 2001 Prov Karate & Indoor games championship Ekuseni • Aug 2001 Prov Soccer championship: Empangeni
UNIT MANAGEMENT: Unit Management is a breaking down of a Correctional centre into defined manageable units it is also the case with KZN prisons. The implementation thereof is in place in the following Management areas / prisons: • Mtunzini • Waterval • Ekuseni Youth Development Centre However there are still some barriers which make it difficult for other Management areas to implement it but there are some measures in place towards the implementation e.g. Empangeni and Pietermaritzburg and the newly built Kokstad which are built according to the Unit Management structure.
Social worker from Empangeni renders service to prisoners at Mtunzini once per week in terms of the structured day program. Social workers at Ekuseni are allocated to different units (villages). Social workers at Pietermaritzburg and Qalakabusha work in the different units regarding services. All meals are served according to a structured day program in all prisons throughout KZN except Durban Youth Centre, Medium B, Medium C, Pietermaritzburg, Waterval and Ncome.