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Leroy Elementary An IB World School

Leroy Elementary An IB World School. Parent Teacher Group 2013 Fall Meeting November 18, 2013 6:00PM-7:00PM. Welcome. Thank you for joining us this evening! Each of us brings different thoughts, viewpoints, and skills to our group. We all want the best education for our children.

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Leroy Elementary An IB World School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leroy ElementaryAn IB World School Parent Teacher Group 2013 Fall Meeting November 18, 2013 6:00PM-7:00PM Parent Teacher Group 2013

  2. Welcome Thank you for joining us this evening! • Each of us brings different thoughts, viewpoints, and skills to our group. • We all want the best education for our children. OUR MISSION: To pool our efforts and focus our passion for the betterment of our school, our community, and our children. Together there is no limit to what we can accomplish! Parent Teacher Group 2013

  3. Community ProjectsCans for caringChristmas gift programVolunteer Reading programSchool Recycling programTerracycling Parent Teacher Group 2013

  4. Cans for caring • Thanksgiving dinner baskets for 25 Leroy Elementary Families • Turkeys donated by Leroy Teachers and Staff • Donations coordinated by class grade • Kindergarten – Boxed Potatoes or Canned Sweet Potatoes • 1st Grade – Canned Cranberry Sauce • 2nd Grade – Canned Green Beans or Massa • 3rd Grade – Boxed Stuffing or Baked Pies (Pumpkin, Apple, etc.) • 4th Grade – Tin Turkey Roasters or Baked Pies (Pumpkin, Apple, etc.) • 5th Grade – Gravy Seasoning Packets • All Grades – Board Games and Puzzles • Collecting canned food until November 20th • Fresh pies needed on November 25th Parent Teacher Group 2013

  5. Volunteer Reading Program • The goal is to help improve the students ability to read and write • Volunteers needed for Reading Blocks in each classroom • Improve TCAP scores • Elevate current Priority Improvement rating • Sign Up Genius • Family members • Volunteer as you can • Once a week • Once a month • Specific days Parent Teacher Group 2013

  6. Recycling program • Once a week coordinate classroom recycling • New lead is needed Terracycling program • Cafeteria bins • What is Terracycling Parent Teacher Group 2013

  7. funding Projects shopping 4 studentsDistrict technology fundsprivate grantgoogle grantAdams 12 education foundation Parent Teacher Group 2013

  8. Shopping 4 students at the orchard • Just shop at The Orchard Town Center (perimeter stores excluded) between August 15, 2013 and May 7, 2014, and visit the Leroy office to drop off your receipts • Help our school win a share of $15,000 Parent Teacher Group 2013

  9. Technology improvement plan • Create a 2:1 ratio for devices for students • Have an optimal wireless capacity for speed and efficiency • Provide new laptops for each classroom teacher to improve instruction efficiency • Purchase educational software • Purchase locked storage cabinets for all the devices • Leroy funds have been used this year to purchase 30 I-pad keyboards. • This addition has allowed for Leroy to create a second lab station for testing Parent Teacher Group 2013

  10. District technology funds • School received $20,000 in technology improvement funds • Wireless routers to be placed in every classroom • Work to be scheduled to be completed by end of January Private family foundation • A $20,000 technology grant has been awarded • Funds will be available to the school by end of November • Small committee determining how best to incorporate these funds into the technology improvement plan Parent Teacher Group 2013

  11. Google grant • Submitting a Google Grant application for $63,000 • Decision expected by spring of 2014 Adams 12 education foundation • Meeting with foundation has been requested • Prepping for funds for the 2014/2015 school year Parent Teacher Group 2013

  12. After school enrichment programsMad sciencesticky fingerslego robotics Parent Teacher Group 2013

  13. Electronic communicationfacebookschool websitepto email addresssign-up geniusparent portal Parent Teacher Group 2013

  14. Coffee with the principalonce a monthsome issues recently raised:-Dropping off kids in street-crosswalk guards-smoke free campus-hot lunch choice availability Parent Teacher Group 2013

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